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what non-denim things do you collect?

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How about this - ever think up something new you could start collecting - ie for the sake of it? Recently pondered collecting Joker's from packs of cards! (and have realised I also collect casino chips - lowest chip - when I visit one!).

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Embarrassingly, I collected Magic Cards as well, along with Pokemon, Baseball, and Basketball Cards.

Right now though, I collect Bonsai stuff, like I have 50+ different tree species in pot culture, hundreds of bonsai books and magazines, pots, tools, etc.

I also have several hundred DVDs that I never watch.

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anyone want a BOX of never opened ani-mayhem ?

Yo yo collection - ended with the cold fusion and SB2 -

i HAD the entire set of original tamagotchi beanies, but i gave one away to a crush and bitch took everything from me - everything being the best stufffed tamagotchi thus far

i also have a shoebox with the receipts sorted out on every single nice clothing purchase i have made - spare buttons, tags, whole works

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I started collecting souls last week. I am up to five so far.

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  • 2 years later...

I love collecting. In fact it is bordering on hoarding at this point. I have not yet read through the thread but will momentarily. Was just excited to find a semi-active collecting, collection, collector thread.

Anyways, here are a few thing off of the top of my head that I collect:

Shoes: Sneakers and Boots (Nike, Jordan, Adidas, Vans, Red Wing, etc...)

Magazines: Music, Art, Fashion, and Sneaker (The Fader, Juxtapoz, Swindle, Beat, Wax Poetics, Sneaker Freaker, Sole Collector, Free & Easy, etc...)

Music: Vinyl, Cd's, Cassettes (De La Soul, Jimi Hendrix, Prince, The Meters, Roy Ayers, Miles Davis, Dennis Brown, etc...)

Vintage Jerseys: Baseball (San-Knit, Wilson, MacGregor, Rawlings, etc...)

That's to start. I know there is more but I am not at my apt where most of these things dwell. Pictures to follow some day soon!

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I collect antique italian violins and french bows... I dont own any stradivaris... but i have a few italians (just in case anyone here is in the know)

Very nice... I used to sell those a few years ago. Any from Cremona?

I don't exactly collect guitars, but I have a few. The one I'll never sell is a 1963 Jazzmaster repaint, but the most collectable one is in this case.


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Obviously, I'm waiting for someone to ask....

1952 is the year, so it goes nicely with any of my favourite LVC. I've had to sell a lot of gear over the last 12 months, but as long as I can keep this, I don't feel I' on my uppers yet.


Mmmmmm. Yummy.

As a dork I collect batman comic books... lightly. I try not to get too much into it. I go nuts.

I also collect blues LPs. I don't care what grade they are in although listenable is a must. I like a little crackling in my blues. I love the look of the old covers.

I think I have posted on this thread before, but am too lazy to check.

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Cinema on DVD and BRD, mostly classic Hollywood and international stuff but some recent films and quality TV as well.

Love The Criterion Collection/Eclipse, Eureka: Masters of Cinema, Second Run, Artificial Eye for boutique labels and classic Warner, Universal, Fox and Sony box sets... Haven't been able to keep up with releases as much as I'd like to since I got the denim bug and not making as much money as I used to...

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Obviously, I'm waiting for someone to ask....

1952 is the year, so it goes nicely with any of my favourite LVC. I've had to sell a lot of gear over the last 12 months, but as long as I can keep this, I don't feel I' on my uppers yet.


holy crap. thats quite a treasure. nice amp too.

edit : I collect cameras and the artwork of friends (as an art major I had all sorts of friends making cool art and we'd trade stuff). I love intaglio prints (and photographs of course).

I used to collect a lot of jamaican music, but I don't have much money to devote to buying records and cds anymore. theres only so far you can go into that until you have what you really love already.

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