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Denim you despise?


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True Religions are absolutely hideous...probably the worst jeans I've ever seen on a man. They can look hot when painted on the right girl though.

I have no problem with some Diesel jeans. They have a pair of Zathans in a washed Japanese denim that I really want to get my hands on and change into a straight leg, and I like a few low-rise pairs in my collection, but they have so many flares and silly washes...and it is very, very eurotrashy, which IMO is the worst style ever.

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  Konfucius said:
why so much hate on anything that's not raw and/or dry? Although AE/hollister is infact garbage.

While I despise hollister because they paint stupid surf montages on the jeans and they're just don't appeal to me (also every pair I've handled has been crazy lightweight denim), back before I got into denim (that is to say, anytime before 2006) I've had a couple of pairs of AE jeans that I've worn for years before they died. My favorite pair of jeans were a pair of AE bootcuts that had a singular blowout on the front of the lower leg that I got on sale for 20$ when I was a sophmore in highschool and proceeded to wear almost everysingle day for the next 3 and a half years until the end of my first semester at college when they pretty much disintegrated. After that I got another pair of AE bootcut jeans (this time they had a zip fly though :mad: ) and proceeded to wear those straight from when I bought them up until the summer of 2006 when I got my justin jeans (also I barely ever washed them... can't say how stoked I was when I found out about the whole dry denim/ no wash thing). They've faded on the front a ton and I had to repair the ass but since I repaired it they've been fine, while they're not as thick of denim as my first pair and didn't hold up well they still held up pretty decent. All that said though, I'd probably buy a pair of one wash 501's if I was going to pick up some denim from my mall now though.

For good measure I'd say I don't so much hate a brand of denim as much as I hate the whole "I-just-paid-an-assload-of-money-for-jeans-that-aren't-even-wholely-there-and-have-rips-in-inexplicable-places" fad and I hope it dies soon.

Wow, that ended up alot longer then I had intended...

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  blank said:
...I have no problem with some Diesel jeans. They have a pair of Zathans in a washed Japanese denim that I really want to get my hands on and change into a straight leg, and I like a few low-rise pairs in my collection, but they have so many flares and silly washes...and it is very, very eurotrashy, which IMO is the worst style ever.

Actually, pretty much every company that does not *only* do straight up repros has a flare or a bootcut in the collections, and some of these are terrific. From the shrine of Japanese denim, Studio D'Artisan has the amazing SD-D1002, which is a very subtle bootcut (less than 1" difference between the circumference of the hem and that at the knee), JohnBull makes the SC005's, which are sort of a straightleg with a bit of boot cut at the end, and the much revered Pure Blue Japan makes the PBJ-004s, which are true flares in the disco style. And American companies with a "heritage" bent, like 5EP, make bootcuts as well. The 5EP low down bootcut is sort of like the SD-D1002, but less fitted through the but and thighs, and slightly higher rise (Actually, both the SDA-D1002 and 5EP bootcut look like true straightlegs at first inspection). And the list goes on.

I don't know. I lived through the eighties (when anything "bellbottom" (i.e. that could be pulled past the calf was reviled) and the late nineties-2004 or so, when anything tapered was deemed by most people (and I imagine most people posting here) to suck. Now, in the 80's and early 90's, I was in high school, so I guess that I could be excused for stupidity, but now I think that it's silly to say that any particular type of cut is better or worse than another.

That said, the detailing and washes on some Diesel jeans are awfully Eurotrashy. Wear with really tight tee, big buckle belt, loafers, and aviator shades. Oh, and Black sportsjacket (maybe leather?) when going out for the night,

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  Dick Danger said:
dude, informed posts are soooooooo last year

Yeah, maybe, but I'm getting old. Oh, forgot to mention that the much revered PBJ-005 is actually a bootcut as well (about the hem/knee ratio as the 5EP bootcut, and a slightly less than that SD-D1002). Anyone who now hates their PBJ-005s in either a size 30 or 31 can PM me to arrange for proper disposal.

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7FAM, True Religion, Antik, R&R, COH, etc. and other overpriced celebrity hyped denim. loud, gaudy, poor quality pieces of shit, made for clubsluts and the guys who aim for them. (except for Evisu)

though TR's on the right girl makes me want to hit that shit even more...

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  m1lk said:
7FAM, True Religion, Antik, R&R, COH, etc. and other overpriced celebrity hyped denim. loud, gaudy, poor quality pieces of shit, made for clubsluts and the guys who aim for them. (except for Evisu)

though TR's on the right girl makes me want to hit that shit even more...

so true..............

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  LA Guy said:
Yeah, maybe, but I'm getting old. Oh, forgot to mention that the much revered PBJ-005 is actually a bootcut as well (about the hem/knee ratio as the 5EP bootcut, and a slightly less than that SD-D1002). Anyone who now hates their PBJ-005s in either a size 30 or 31 can PM me to arrange for proper disposal.

Mother fucker!

Where do i send em to?

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To be honest I really don't give a damn what girls jeans wear (Well, most of the time. If it's really bad on a girl then it's got to be fucking bad) but the thing a lot of people forget on here is that the context of fashion for girls and guys is much diferrent, a very few persons aside, of course.

The other thing is that while I think girls in slim-straight-leg jeans is way more attractice than the painted on look, I'm in the minority, so you have to keep in mind that brands like Seven or TR are one of the relatively few ways that most girls know of to get extremely dark-blue tight-elastic jeans to get said painted on look. I think the bootcut is the unnatractive part myself, but I guess that's just me.

What I can't stand is TR or Seven on guys. It literally turns them into women. Remarkably unfashionable women at best.

Sure, I could tell my close female friends all about japanese denim they should get instead for similiar prices, but frankly, it's impractical.

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  m1lk said:
7FAM, True Religion, Antik, R&R, COH, etc. and other overpriced celebrity hyped denim. loud, gaudy, poor quality pieces of shit, made for clubsluts and the guys who aim for them. (except for Evisu)

though TR's on the right girl makes me want to hit that shit even more...

so true..............

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heres my unpopular opinion of the day: subtle bootcuts are the greatest thing on god's green earth. I have plenty of raw straight leg jap denim and I like that just fine, but the one in a million pair of bootcut jeans that are done correctly... blows 'em out of the water.

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  • 1 year later...


mad people are obsessed with 7's and true religon and im sitting there like how can you justify putting those pieces of shit on your body. 7's I can understand for females for no other reason than it gives the perfect curve for their ass. Iono about Diesel i think some of their shit ok but anyone who wears R+R is outta their damn mind

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I'm slightly off-topic here, but yesterday I had time to kill while waiting for my train at back bay stn, so I walked across the street to Nieman Marcus to take a look at their denim section. Diesel, 7, R&R, etc.

There wasn't a single pair there that excited me in any way. The trend in color seemed to me towards deliberately muddied indigo that removes all the really nice subtle highlights. The distressing mostly like they turned loose a gang of 6 year olds.

And the fabric was mostly thin and soft, like a paper towel or something.

Of course I'm exaggerating, but as far as I'm concerned, there are only a certain number of ways you can innovate and personalize with something as basic as jeans. First and foremost: fabric. But instead of going premium and making somethat that actually exudes quality (cause that would cost money), most of the pairs I saw had denim whose only improvement over the crap levis sells now was that it had been washed and processed until of course it was soft. It seemed to me that the bulk of the "innovation" had gone into over the top pocket embellishment.

People can rag on PRPS all they want, but they've done some nice things to distinguish their jeans that don't take away from the general quality they build in (I'm referring here to their non-distressed models).

Finally, I like Gap jeans as well. For the price, they can't be beat, and I would take my Morrison resin wash rigid pair that I got for $40 over any of those > $250 monstrosities from Nieman Marcus.

-- THing

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  LA Guy said:
Yeah, maybe, but I'm getting old. Oh, forgot to mention that the much revered PBJ-005 is actually a bootcut as well (about the hem/knee ratio as the 5EP bootcut, and a slightly less than that SD-D1002). Anyone who now hates their PBJ-005s in either a size 30 or 31 can PM me to arrange for proper disposal.

The pbj005 isn't a bootcut. There's less than half an inch knee bulge compensation between the knee and the leg opening when raw. I wouldn't call this a bootcut, would you?


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I really cant stand nudies. Only thing they have going for them is that they have some decent cuts. Quality compared to price, branding, fading, six months or your jeans will suck bullshit, 99% of kids to wear them, all suck.

I'm not saying that they are bad compared to stuff like true religion, but I hate to see someone drop $250 on nudies when they could have gotten something so much better, like a lot of japanese brands, for $50 less.

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  LA Guy said:
  Double D said:

That's anecdotal evidence. By the same token, I know people who have lived in GAP jeans for years, and never complained about the quality (earlier pieces from the 1969 line seem to have been very good value for the money) and people who have blown out their CM jeans on the second or third wear.

Durability does not necessarily equate with quality in case. Rogan jeans are the most obvious example. They are reasonably well constructed, made of decent denim, and have a very distinctive look, but fall apart easily because of the treatment processes used combined with the inherently lightweight denim.

Anyway, my main beef with CM is the juvenile imagery and symbolism they use, not their crap quality, although that does compound my hate



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  poopslush said:
I really cant stand nudies. Only thing they have going for them is that they have some decent cuts. Quality compared to price, branding, fading, six months or your jeans will suck bullshit, 99% of kids to wear them, all suck.

I'm not saying that they are bad compared to stuff like true religion, but I hate to see someone drop $250 on nudies when they could have gotten something so much better, like a lot of japanese brands, for $50 less.

??? Do Nudies cost that much in the US? I didn't realize. From my Euro point of view I'd have said they are decent enough given that they cost about half of comparable japanes jeans (plus I can try them on in most jeans shops in town).

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I dislike Julian Red jeans. Out of all the brands I see on here, I've not seen a single pair that rewarded the time spent wearing them...fragile-looking fabric that fades to a sludge colour and then breaks...unflattering cuts regardless of body type...they just look cheap and nasty to me.

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  mondo said:
I dislike Julian Red jeans. Out of all the brands I see on here, I've not seen a single pair that rewarded the time spent wearing them...fragile-looking fabric that fades to a sludge colour and then breaks...unflattering cuts regardless of body type...they just look cheap and nasty to me.

have you ever tried on a pair? my julian red cali's are one of my favorites. the denim is definately not cheap. it's very durable and the cut is one of the best out there imo. not sure what you mean by "fading to a sludge color?"

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