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My take, not that anyone cares: It's a bit like when the Pixies got back together. Sure they hate each other. However, a million bands made a billion bucks off of their sound. So, why shouldn't they get some of the cabbage, too?

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My experience is that when you start fuckin with mass marketing, shit goes to hell... fast. Not to say that is what will happen with MF. It is good for my pocket book that I like little of what MF comes out with. Nevertheless, it looks to be original and well crafted.

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Just out of curiosity, I called J Crew about the shirt and they said it was made in the US. So, it's essentially a J Crew copy of the original line that was made by Sugar Cane, which is what I suspected. That said, I don't think 'partnered with' was entirely off base...

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J crew doesn't know what the shit they are talking about. It is the sugarcane shirt and it is made in japan.

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Just out of curiosity, I called J Crew about the shirt and they said it was made in the US. So, it's essentially a J Crew copy of the original line that was made by Sugar Cane, which is what I suspected. That said, I don't think 'partnered with' was entirely off base...

No.. they're wrong. They have no idea what they're talking about.

For the record, some of the MFSC line IS actually made in America. I'd say it's split about 50/50 between JP and USA made.

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Just out of curiosity, I called J Crew about the shirt and they said it was made in the US. So, it's essentially a J Crew copy of the original line that was made by Sugar Cane, which is what I suspected. That said, I don't think 'partnered with' was entirely off base...

this is plain ridiculous - stop buying from them/@christophe stop selling to them

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I am glad christophe can sell to jcrew and hope he continues to. It would be nice if they didn't spread misinformation, but I am happy to have them subsidizing christophe and toyo's venture to make awesome clothing that I enjoy.

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For the record, some of the MFSC line IS actually made in America. I'd say it's split about 50/50 between JP and USA made.

Ah, I didn't realize that at all. Frankly, I'd only ever buy MF from you, kiya, because I know exactly where it is coming from. It's impossible to get straight answers from J Crew on any of the MF stuff and their prices are the same if not higher. Then, things like the t shirts wind up simply being Christophe's stencils on a J Crew shirt for the same price as the deadstock tees you sell.

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Just out of curiosity, I called J Crew about the shirt and they said it was made in the US. So, it's essentially a J Crew copy of the original line that was made by Sugar Cane, which is what I suspected. That said, I don't think 'partnered with' was entirely off base...

I might've cause this "J.Crew copying MF" confusion by using "copy" in my initial post about this, what I meant was copy, as in written content.

To get this clear again, J.Crew is (apart from the tees which I can't say much about) not collaborating with/partnering with/working together with/whatever with Mister Freedom!

They are selling selected Mister Freedom and Mister Freedom Sugar Cane pieces, not different in any way shape or form than the pieces that Self Edge or MF himself sells.

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Soooo the machanics sweatshirt is available in three colors,... Heather grey, navy, and the previously shown brown. It will also have the option of a MF motorcycle patch for an additional ten bucks. All three are dyed in a way designed to fade and show wear

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i was finally able to get my hands on the light blue chambray in my size (full restock at mister freedom store for any others interested) this past weekend. i don't need to remind anyone here that quality is out of this world...

to those who already have these: i'm thinking of doing a 30 min hot soak and line drying. sound about right? also thinking about ironing and wondering if anyone else has?

speaking of ironing, anyone happen to know if naval officers ironed their chambray shirts? i'm guessing they had to, but i'm not positive about work uniform care...

couple pics in low light:



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由MISTER FREEDOM 設計 SUGAR CANE生產製造的2009秋冬新款式騎士皮衣







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i was finally able to get my hands on the light blue chambray in my size (full restock at mister freedom store for any others interested) this past weekend. i don't need to remind anyone here that quality is out of this world...

to those who already have these: i'm thinking of doing a 30 min hot soak and line drying. sound about right? also thinking about ironing and wondering if anyone else has?

speaking of ironing, anyone happen to know if naval officers ironed their chambray shirts? i'm guessing they had to, but i'm not positive about work uniform care...

my second light blue just arrived a few days ago, you will not regret this!

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That chambray shirt that TallyHo got is pretty nice, but damn that leather jacket is so loud and obnoxious. That is borderline Ed Hardy.

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Though I don't know if I'm enough of a badass to pull it off, I'm going to say that anyone who hasn't actually seen the jacket in person should hold their tongue. I thought the stars were over the top too until I saw the jacket in person, now I don't think I would buy the jacket without them. Also, I get it if it's just to busy looking for you, but Ed Hardy? Really? Stars are a pretty normal thing on jackets of this style.

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doesn't that jacket have the entire back with a Mister Freedom logo thing?

If it's clean then no, it's not Ed Hardy.. if it does, then yes....

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i cringe every time i see that jacket. you might as well rock an evel knievel jumpsuit around town if you think that thing is wearable.


i've been trying to think of scenarios where that jacket would be acceptable, and they are few. if there's a club patch on the back (which i don't see happening...ever) i'm not saying shit. if you're jumping Snake River Canyon, i'll tip my hat. if there's a vintage Indian, Triumph, Norton, or Harley between your legs, i'll give a pass. otherwise, i'm throwing my cheeseburger out my window at you. the grease will give it a nice patina though...

i'm pretty sure they've been selling those jackets for years on hollywood blvd. right next to the leather chaps. no better now with a mister freedom label and hefty price tag.

coming off last seasons AMAZING deck jacket, i'm just confused.

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the trouble with designing clothes in Hollywood is, all your friends are in Hollywood and say, "Gee Stars on a jacket look awesome!" And you'll sell them to people in Hollywood for huge sums of money. But nobody outside of Hollywood will want them. I see so many "rock-star-wannabes" walking around this town it looks comical. If they were walking around any place else people would actually stare and laugh or as Tally says... wait for the rocket to go across the river.

It's a fine line a hollywood designer must walk. Unfortunately I think this rockstar jacket fell well past.

If you want people to ask you when the show starts then this is the jacket to wear.

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the trouble with designing clothes in Hollywood is, all your friends are in Hollywood and say, "Gee Stars on a jacket look awesome!" And you'll sell them to people in Hollywood for huge sums of money. But nobody outside of Hollywood will want them.

That's probably why it is also being offered without the stars and (I think) patches on the back.

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i really don't think mr. loiron is susceptible to the opinions of hollywood rock posers. i'll admit that motorcycle history is not one of my areas of expertise, so i wonder if there's an interesting inspiration for this jacket.

it's heinous either way, but if there's a background i'd love to hear it. that other coat with the belt is super legit (still not for me), though that really only makes this leather number more confusing.

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