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hey lenn nice link. who is Kurt?

and the guy in the pis with christophe is the owner of a shop in berlin. i wonder if they are going to have some mr freedome stuff. maybe turntabloid knows about that.

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hey lenn nice link. who is Kurt?

and the guy in the pis with christophe is the owner of a shop in berlin. i wonder if they are going to have some mr freedome stuff. maybe turntabloid knows about that.

Hi: I'm Kurt as you talk about :)

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hey lenn nice link. who is Kurt?

and the guy in the pis with christophe is the owner of a shop in berlin. i wonder if they are going to have some mr freedome stuff. maybe turntabloid knows about that.

the guy in the pic with christophe is shane, who runs and owns burg & schild together with kay. they carry mf, but only selected pieces. as the next season will be based on vintage bike wear, they will probably buy a few more pices than usual. part of their shop theme is also based on vintage bike wear.

check out:


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Guest Selvage Seb.

Update after a machine wash, the shirt is getting more and more structure and character, there is so much detail it's almost indescribable



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guys im looking for a size 34 mister freedom utility pants the brown colored one.. with inner thigh reinforcement and pockets on the heel... let me know pls thanks


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Shirt looks great, seb! I just noticed some stitching on mine coming undone, so time for a repair. I can't wait to see what these utility shirts and CPOs start looking like in a year or so...

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that depends, are you more into mutual masturbation or fisting?

one of the better posts I've read here in months

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Good question, therelativity. You bike all over don't you? That could explain it. I haven't washed mine yet, and it just has a little bit of dirt on the underside of the cuffs. Cheers for the rep :)

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