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You know you're addicted...


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...when you get married and your entire addiction is laid out in full for 30 minutes by yer best man in front of 120 friends and family, many of whom have wondered for years about my strange fetishes, and were thrilled to have all the stories confirmed.

It was pretty hilarious... all about "tr***ka-world", in which everything is perfect, all vintage jeans and fine leather accessories - the best bit (with, I maintain, poetic licence) was how our perfect house was equipped with a designer sofa, which you can look at but not touch blah blah blah... then fast-forward eight years with our son growing up fast, and the designer sofa is trashed, vintage Gibsons with broken headstocks littering the place, etc etc.

Of course, the morning after when we met for coffees, I noticed that not only does he now wear selvage jeans (for which he of course blames me), his wife had a nice pair of what looked like skinny Uniqlo selvage. I didn't ask the brand, for fear of living up (down?) to my image.

(I wore Trickers and Paul Smith, by the way, going the all-denim route I would never have made it down the aisle)

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When you're out for a meal with your wife to celebrate the wedding anniversay and a guy sitting nearby is wearing some great jeans that you can't quite make out who they're made by, and you spend the whole time staring at him as your wifes gets steadily angrier.

Result= a night on the sofa.


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  • 4 weeks later...

When you always talk to strangers with real heavy used but never washed raw denim stuff, that they shall never throw them away after burning them down but to sent them to the jeansmuseum - The craziest and safest place for your favorite retired denim rags.

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You strongly consider buying a pair of 300$ jeans for your friendly neighborhood hobo to wear for a year.


Well not a pair of $300.00 Sammies, but I did give my building's maintenance man a pair of Gap Morrison selvedge jeans because I knew that he would destroy them. He works construction, and does a lot of outdoor work. He also has a pair of generic Chaps jeans that have amazing wear. He's got some pretty cool jean jackets as well. Not a lot of contrast, but a ton of wear and tear.

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