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i'd do sarah palin

that being said its a gamble. on one hand she is probably going to get every cunt that voted for hillary based on her being a woman rather than any actual political issues

but on the other hand she

- has less experience than obama

- supports creationism

- disagrees with mccain on many key issues

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i'd do sarah palin

that being said its a gamble. on one hand she is probably going to get every cunt that voted for hillary based on her being a woman rather than any actual political issues

but on the other hand she

- has less experience than obama

- supports creationism

- disagrees with mccain on many key issues

She has more executive experience but that's all she got

Her life story can be weaved into a grand narrative of female empowerement mixed with family values.

She's got the down to earth, USA is a big country and backwater people bring something to the table too, vibe.

Basically her intangibles are far stronger than her political clout would suggest.

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Confession: I was drunk as fuck posting last night.

BUT. That doesn't change that I'm being honest to you Jeep. There are so many shitty DJ's out there you'd prolly be in demand like Casey fucking Casem. My friends are decent (not really the best) but in relation to what else is out there...

no worries. basic mixing that isn't skitzo and stays with a song for more than 30 seconds is all i ask for at a club/bar

laundry is so therapeutic. my back is so sore from last night.

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im fully aware that palin will appeal to many voters and i think that she was the wisest pick mccain could make if he wants to get elected

that being said i cant wait until the dems release a series of ads that show mccain and palin contradicting each other. with biden on the train, i expect them to get very aggressive.

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im fully aware that palin will appeal to many voters and i think that she was the wisest pick mccain could make if he wants to get elected

that being said i cant wait until the dems release a series of ads that show mccain and palin contradicting each other. with biden on the train, i expect them to get very aggressive.

all the more fuel for the bonfire that is Indecision 2k8

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did anyone see her interviewed on glen beck a while back? i thought she did a fabulous job, and even though she & mccain will most definitely contradict one another, it might end up leading to compromise on some issues? especially since she seems to be quite a humanitarian.

that being said, god damn it i'm tired of hearing about this election 24/7!! it's even all over the TV here in south africa.

my confession: i have this tendency to get mad at people who i'm close with by thinking about past arguments we've had or things they've said...even if we haven't had a disagreement in months, i'll suddenly recall something or re-read an email and get pissed off all over again. i hate it, but i can't help but feel that way when it's something that's truly bothered me or made me feel bad :/ it's irritating

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mccain choosing palin is very much akin to obama choosing biden as his VP.

McCain is a seemingly old boring white male, doesnt really connect to the audience that he needs to connect to. Palin was brought in to basically even out the ticket. Obama is a(n almost) black man, so he needed the jewiest white guy he could find to increase his appeal.

After sorting out those issues, i am even more confused to as to who's gonna take the election. My train of thought is that if Hillary couldnt win the democratic nominee given all her experience with the white house, then what substantiates Palin? Although, the same could be said about Obama, i feel that people generally just like Obama more than McCain.

My prediction: McCain/ Palin 08 :(

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hm. a few things to confess:

i now see that, since school ended, i am pretty much what i most despised: a high school grad that isn't doing anything with his life besides working and throwing his money away. due to my circumstances, i am unable to change this before christmas.

i hate my job.

i have extreme laborer tan from my job.

i'm doing some hand screen printing of some various designs and it's cool but i don't think it's going anywhere.

for labor day weekend, i'm going to sleep, read, play GTA IV online and contemplate what to do with myself.

how is everyone?:)

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I dig the governor vs. senator pick. I figure its probably helpful to actually have some executive experience in government.

I actually appreciated what Biden said during the primaries when he was against Obama. The bit about how experience counts and the position not being suited for "on the job training".

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i think i have a shirt tan. a bad shirt tan.

what do i spend 400 dollars on? why arent astro kicks cheaper and less shiny? more wearable. why cant i just win 132 million dollars from mega millions? somebody pass me a bottle of drank. or xanax. or ritalin? or all.

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my confession: i have this tendency to get mad at people who i'm close with by thinking about past arguments we've had or things they've said...even if we haven't had a disagreement in months, i'll suddenly recall something or re-read an email and get pissed off all over again. i hate it, but i can't help but feel that way when it's something that's truly bothered me or made me feel bad :/ it's irritating

Settle down, you're a woman. Guys don't have much figured out but we got this one on lock. At least you didn't say you bring this past stuff up irrelevantly (word?) during actual arguments.

Confession: I have the song "Faded" by Soul Decision stuck in my head.

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Call her out, obviously. Full-blown confrontations that turn into high-stakes games of public humiliation is where it's at.

i actually decided to play it cool cause i need her for a big job related thing. if i blow it up she could seriously fuck me over :mad:

i will let her slide one last time.

her last chance tho

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my confession: i have this tendency to get mad at people who i'm close with by thinking about past arguments we've had or things they've said...even if we haven't had a disagreement in months, i'll suddenly recall something or re-read an email and get pissed off all over again. i hate it, but i can't help but feel that way when it's something that's truly bothered me or made me feel bad :/ it's irritating

I do this too. I forgive way to easily but then never forget, which doesn't work out too well for anyone because then 4138762 months later I'm like "wait, wtf, that was really shitty of you".

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