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I just dreamt that I was part of a covert operation to take down some elite mob force in Mexico by relying on a heavy arms supplier and surveillance center disguised as a blue and yellow taco truck.

Damn you, superfuture..

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i often make plans to hang out with girls, and then sit at home and don't respond to texts/calls because i'm really lazy and don't feel like driving

AHAAHAHAHAHAH sound like me lol

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another weird one.

my style forum and Sufu post counts are almost exactly equal


join date: Jun 2007

location: Interstella 5555

posts: 503


Join Date: May 2007

Location: Interstella 5555

Posts: 502

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i go with this indian vegetarian to mexican joints, and watch him order nachos or bean and cheese burritos, while we eat all-meat burritos dripping with grease on the bottom. i want to see him cave in too.

not gonna happen

ive thought about breaking veg but i dont want to feel sick after eating meat

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fuck I am leaving for college in 4 days fuck I am sad but also realizing I never really had friends here and that no one is really interested in me and I want to lash out at everyone due to separation anxiety and I am so sick of all of this and I feel no want of leaving and my fucking wisdom teeth hurt (need to come out) and I'm so sick of talking to my ex because I don't talk to anyone else even though I've buried my emotions towards her fuck fuck fuck fuck

I wanna fucking punch someone in the face right now.

Pineapple Express was really funny. I expected more blood/guts, but the car chase was so good.


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I used to be prone to random nose bleeds, like really bad ones, at inopportune times.

once in high school I was talking to a girl and a pint of blood fell out of my nose anime style. The sound of it splattering on the floor was ridiculously unsettling.

As I walked down the hall to the nurse, the disciplinarian asked who punched me and I said no snitching as I carried the blood in my hand that I held to my face for added drama.

later i said I was just kidding and i was prone to random nosebleeds. It doesn't happen that much anymore, if at all, and I've never found a trigger for it, but this is the one of the few times in recent memory that will go down as an incident. Waking up coughing up blood does that.

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I had a nose bleed the other day at a fancy restaurant... apparently it can be casued due to calcium(?) irratation on the weak cells on the inside of the nose? can be fixed easily by doctor, or try eating lots a vit c to strengthen blood cell things

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