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What do you do right now fallen angels? What are you switching to? I always wanted to quit my job and leave in a dramatic way. I love the idea of being a legend in an office building. Still probably won't work as well as just running up to a 7 year old eating an ice cream cone, smashing it into their face, and screaming YOU REMEMBER ME

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When I was a kindergarten teacher of a class of 13, there was one kid who was about 40% overweight for his age, and he always had to be the first to answer questions.

When we had P.E., I dumped out this box full of mini-soccer balls all over the gym floor, and let the kids go at it, free for all dodgeball. When a ball would roll over to me, I would pick it, pump back and spot my chubby target, and bean him from about 75 foot out. His reaction was usually the same; there would the clunk of the ball hitting his face, a one or two second delay, and then the loudest, most heinous scream I've ever heard. The accompanying physical reaction looked like I had thrown acid on his face, standing firm, arms bent and fists out in front channeling energy, 'why oh why' expression. I did this for about three weeks straight.

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There was this dweeb in elementary school, probably in grade six, who was just a math nerd that no one liked, but we still went to his house because he had every video game system as soon as it came out. I would throw him in the mud, literally into puddles of mud, and then we'd all stand there kicking dirt at him and laughing and making him cry. Then when I got home I'd go to his house and play video games on his systems. The next day at school, sometimes he'd still have mud on him from the day before, so we'd make fun of him about that too, and maybe push him in the mud again. Heh.

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There was this dweeb in elementary school, probably in grade six, who was just a math nerd that no one liked, but we still went to his house because he had every video game system as soon as it came out. I would throw him in the mud, literally into puddles of mud, and then we'd all stand there kicking dirt at him and laughing and making him cry. Then when I got home I'd go to his house and play video games on his systems. The next day at school, sometimes he'd still have mud on him from the day before, so we'd make fun of him about that too, and maybe push him in the mud again. Heh.

Clopek, you are NOT the mayne. :(

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i sometimes think that im such a selfish prick... a girl that i have been having a crush on for years just broke up, heart broken... somehow deep inside i be glad that it happen, and have this jingle bells tune in my head...

am i a BAD person?

should i make my move now and advance forward now that asshole is gone?

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i sometimes think that im such a selfish prick... a girl that i have been having a crush on for years just broke up, heart broken... somehow deep inside i be glad that it happen, and have this jingle bells tune in my head...

am i a BAD person?

should i make my move now and advance forward now that asshole is gone?

yes you should get on top of it. you may be a rebound at first, but maybe she'll think you're a nice guy and everything and will end up liking you more and more. would hurt to try right?

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yes you should get on top of it. you may be a rebound at first, but maybe she'll think you're a nice guy and everything and will end up liking you more and more. would hurt to try right?

rebound?? are u kidding me???

i would eat her crap if it makes her happy!!!!!! (this is superconfessional, please don judge me mang...)

i be confused now :(:(:(

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So this chick I wanted to see this weekend is apparently going to Canada tonight so I can't see her. And tomorrow I'm going to Canada. And Sunday, meh, I don't know, I don't want to wait til then.

I was considering coming home early to see her during the day today but then realized that this bitch is NEEDY and I will not be one of those guys. Fuck that.

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Honestly you come across as quite needy yourself aswell.

Not hatin', just statin'...

I am 100% needy. I'd love to have some girl around me all the time, but that's not realistic and definitely will not help in the future.

We like mirrors and tend to interact and get attached with those that are alike..

It's like she wants the attention, but won't really give me it?

Granted, what we have is very casual and we're not exclusive, and there's no reason why she should feel that she should see me instead of Canada w/ her friends, and there is no reason I should get upset over it.

It would make my day if she told me that the Canada trip fell through, though.

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I'm tired of looking at my, very recently, ex-girlfriend's Facebook activity. I'm not really sensitive about the subject, I just don't care what photos she was tagged in today...

Fuckin' Mark Zuckerberg. You'd think he'd have throw some code in or a nifty little feature that lets you hear LESS about your past significant others, not MORE, once you've split.

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