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  On 10/24/2012 at 1:50 AM, xewo said:

My package was sent probably 2-3 weeks ago? I didn't include a list but evilcrayon should be receiving(forgot to include note and take a picture):

James Heeley perfume samples -- about 8 of them. I really like.

Nomad T-shirt - from my shop SOLD OUT!

Paul Rose 17oz made in Canada Jeans 'cause I saw he enjoyed the denimz. It's a heavy pair and I hope they fit.

Super cool bear-head shoehorn I found in a random, local shop. Apparently Canadian made pewter or something

Surface to Air Apex + Nadir necklace that I received as a sample.

APC bandana.

Assorted sour gummy things.

Assorted Japanese snacks. One in particular is this noodle shit I lived on during uni. Basically, you just boil up some pasta and empty the packets into it -- it's really good but you can't eat too much of it. I think I sent the spicy fish roe flavour.

There might be more that I forgot but those were the ones I remembered..

Sorry to give it away and I hope he doesn't read this first but it's from me. I also realized I didn't put my username anywhere so at least you know where it's from!

I got your package! Been busy with midterms but here's some photos:



I used to be big on scents so +++++ on the samples even though exteeng is allergic. I'm gonna wear it anyway. The jeans are the perfect size but people have been calling me gay. oh well. The bandana was from acne and the necklaces were dope. I always wanted a feather necklace but the ones I've seen are $$$$ so all in all, PERFECT PACKAGE. sour candy is always a plus.


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since i have yet to receive my package fine alcohol would be appreciated. feel free to include the hard kind so i can enjoy while im goin through the package and beer so i can have in the fridge ready to go by the time im done checkin it out! thanks!

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  On 9/30/2012 at 10:39 AM, freecat said:

So I got my superswap superheavy package from funkdoobie. thanks again, really enjoy it.



- Maple Sirup and cookies

- Two lumberjack shirts, a cap, a Nixon watch

- A knot-tying book with everything to get started plus some finished product

- Vintage playboy and FHM

- Stuff White People like, the book

- Magic cards, trick cards

- Macchiaveli book (was just recently thinking about getting it, genius !) and a Canadian rap cd

friend of mine already borrowed the watch and the maple sirup will be used for pancakes tomorrow morning (can't wait).

sorry to requote, but you got magic cards???

that alone is fucking awesome

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I don't think this technically counts as part of the official Superswap, but my du halomunkey hooked it up with a unexpected little superswap-esque care package when I bought his ervell shirt off of him.

Thought I'd give my bru some credit!


Patrik Ervell '08 A/W Shirt. (Purchased this off of him)

Strawberry Kit-Kats. (I haven't had these in soo long)

'Qlo Ankle Socks.

Mastermind Japan pouch.

Complete burg meal eraser set.

Elusive burg sticker.

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got a killer package from OkayOkay on monday. didn't have the cord on monday, then my gf took the camera out of town right when i found the thing.. anyways






-note with cool handwriting

-coal scarf

-lifetime tee

-4 pack muscle milk (chocolate)

-muscular development magazine

-mad cow beef jerky

-beams+ handkerchief

-jesus candle (the best jesus candle)

-blairs jalapeno death sauce

-'deluxe' by dana thomas

- animal crackers

-feather ring (omg)

-red wing (?) keychain

-rabbit foot

amazing package. every thing in it is great, i'm especially happy with the jawn content as i've always wanted a feather ring and a crazy handkerchief, and i've needed a replacement key-chain ever since i broke my snow white key-chain. right after taking these pics i dunked the animal crackers in muscle milk.

10/10 package

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Received it from Valdizno!


Dark Knight poster

Dry Dirt textured coaster (awesooome)

Macadamia nut chocolate (very good)

Kit kats

Very nice notepad


Tanning sunglasses. Mmmmmm

Military hat

Knuckle mug (might knockout a bitch or two with this haha. Love it)

Ramen noodles with a weird oil paste. Actually very good!

Thanks a bunch!

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  • 2 weeks later...

unfortunately it's that time of swap again - we've had flakers and now we're going to send out care packages to the couple of guys that missed out. the swapmods are all helping out but we're asking for two-four volunteers to throw in a couple bits and pieces to pad out the packages.

you don't have to have participated in the swap to help out, (not expecting anyone who already sent a package having to go further than that) and to be clear we're not asking for a complete package from you. if you've got a bunch of stuff that's suitable, then that's great, but two or three cool things from each person is really all we need. at this stage we're anticipating cool things will be sent to one location (almost certainly in the CONUS) to be put together and then sent on from there. the timeframe on this is pretty short so you should only volunteer if you can definitely get something out before december.

whodown? #superchristmascarepackages

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As my partner (ifellasleep) didn't post pictures, I figured I should.


so this is all stuff I got from Asia this summer, unfortunately I couldn't find so many interesting items, but I tried my best:

- Vietnamese coffee that was supposedly digested by weasels first

- The coffee pot they use in Vietnam, not the most convenient, but it works

- Jaegermeister from Germany where I live

- "Alain Delon" cigarettes from Cambodia, found the name hilarous

- Cambodian newspaper, where they have a cool writting

- Postcard from Angkor Wat

- A belt with a "Toyota" buckle. I saw it once at a market and didn't buy it, regret it, and it took me a week to track down another one. It was sold to me as "real leather", yeah of course

- Hand made cotton scarf from Cambodia. Very very nice scarf which I really wanted to keep it for myself but I decided against.

And maybe I added something else when I packed it, can't remember. It's nothing supremly big or amazing like some, but it was quite personal. I hope my partner enjoyed it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

reminder to self: always take photo of package before sending it out in case the recipient dun have a camera or falls off the face of the earth. also i haven't put up photos of my package yet. gonna do that today

thanks minelee !! lots of awesome stuff

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I5n4jl.jpg *

Battle Royale Tee!!!

Pokemon Card (dat Psyduck)

NOFUN sticker

Evangelion OST x2 and mix CD

Yo Yo

Big preserved bug

Fob mobile keychain x 3 (have eva one on phone now, v useful)



World Stressball

gold nail ring

v rare custom guitar picks w/ eggplant logo made by doublefudge

v rare fitpic polaroid and some rick owens* (* polaroid only)

Not shown but expertly mspaintshopped into photo:- hi chew x2 and some spicy seafood cup noodle

please rep doublefudge above for sending me excellent package with ro:)

thank you doublefudge!!

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  On 12/16/2012 at 11:27 PM, exteeng said:

alexsade post my package P L S

i gave u my softest raph tee the least u can do is show it off to everyone

I ve received it and enjoyed it but come back to Paris without it, I m waiting for a friend in London to mail me a picture!

Such a perfect package btw

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