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Shoes that look better with age...


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I just got these Eastland Hemlocks a few days ago. At $89 they seemed like a pretty decent redwing knockoff, although I don't know much about boots. Mostly, I was just desperate for anything that would keep my feet warm now that it's getting snowy out. They started off with a buckle strap going across the arch, but it looked stupid in my opinion, so I took them off. I don't really care about the obvious stitching holes.





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After a hard day of work in the garden


Looking awesome. I think the Bounty Hunter is going to be my next boot order. Now that I have my Semi-Dress and have seen the quality I think need a second pair of White's. Maybe one with a rubber sole for inclement weather days when the double leather on my Semi-Dress may not be appropriate.

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tahonng, those boots are gorgeous. but i gotta agree the price is a bit out of control.

wish i had known about these before they sold out:


very nice boots, IMO. though again, not sure i like the price - would rather upgrade to some aldens or something...

EDIT: these said sold out earlier. now i'll have to take them into more serious consideration.

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Off topic, but how did demonito drop in rep points? zero?

Also, FACE, don't worry about these snobs, those shoes are nice and you can't beat that price... free.

I like your "style on a budget" approach. I dig it and don't get forced into being addicted to expensive stuff.

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^ I'm not so sure that is a problem. can you see any threads in there or anything?

BTW I got my 405s back from the Alden factory last friday. They fixed the tongue really quickly. I was really surprised with how quickly they got it done. It only took about a week to get them back to me. they also fixed them up with some new laces.

I polished them up for their second time when the got back, I'll post pictures tomorrow when the sun is out.

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There's a few threads visible between the upper and the welt, but they're not loose at all. I guess I'm worried that water is going to get in the space and cause problems over time.

On a different note, does anyone know how much Alden would charge to resole standard Indys with a Leather Soul style half-commando sole?

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Erbs. Call Alden tomorrow. Tell them what's up. They will probably fix it for free. And find out about the half soles. I saw a pair of regular 405s on eBay that had been resoled that way and I'm interested.

I'm interested in knowing as well

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nope its normal for welted shoes purely cosmetic
I don't think the gap in the welt on the Indy is really an issue, I've seen similar before. There is no way the fit there is designed to be water tight so I wouldn't worry about it.

this may all be true, but I'd still contact Alden for their opinion.

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Erbs. Call Alden tomorrow. Tell them what's up. They will probably fix it for free. And find out about the half soles. I saw a pair of regular 405s on eBay that had been resoled that way and I'm interested.

This sounds like a good plan. I'll give them a call within the next few days.

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