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About a year plus old but i guess there is about 6 months of actual wear?

Gonna give it another 30 days of real wear in it and then start with my diors.

Actual looks alot darker i think the flash made it too light.

zero washes, two soaks.

nice, they look like they've still got about half a year more of life left in them. i know how it feels to be excited about starting on a new pair.

on a side note, retiring my NC today. been 22 months and they're really starting to fall apart.


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Okay, I decided I'm gonna pull the trigger on some PS, 29, same size as my 19cm black raw Diors. Looks like APC.fr is the only place to get them right now; any last words before I do it (haha, it's as if I'm going to kill someone)?

try tobi.com. they're in california, if you're stateside that is.

About a year plus old but i guess there is about 6 months of actual wear?

Gonna give it another 30 days of real wear in it and then start with my diors.

Actual looks alot darker i think the flash made it too light.

zero washes, two soaks.



those would look great after a wash, try that. bet you won't be able to put them away after doing so

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nice, they look like they've still got about half a year more of life left in them. i know how it feels to be excited about starting on a new pair.

on a side note, retiring my NC today. been 22 months and they're really starting to fall apart.


wow ok after looking at yours i think i should give it more wear and just start off my new pair slowly

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don't do it!1

is that what you wanted

Hm...yes and no. i really want another pair of Diors, but I literally only have one pair, and needs to have the crotch patched up (who knows how long that will take). I figured APC's were the best raw way to go from the lower price standpoint (although some naked&famous raws sound tempting) and rad fits I've seen on here. and a new project would be great as well haha. But I haven't bought any yet.

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i turned mine inside out and ran them in the washer on warm without soap. You might do well to hem also. but you could always roll with a cuff


I didn't put much wear into them at all. That's 1 year with the 1 initial wash and 2 other washes at 6 and 12 but I love them to death and wear them all the time. It's hard to switch over to new japanese denim just because they look so good and are so comfortable

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