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Miscellaneous Musings (Limited Edition)

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Sup, it's been a minute.

Been off the Internet and shit for a while. I went to the Middle East but came home cause I got a job offer. I thought it was a joke but it wasn't. I start next week. I guess 'networking' while drunk isn't such a bad idea after all? Pretty weird to get an email out of the blue from a dude you haven't spoken to in six months telling you they've got an opening and that you'd be a great fit. At first I wasn't gonna take it but I decided to be responsible and financially smart.

I drove by my old place on my first day back and it has been empty since I left. So I leased it. Ha. All I need is a crazy girlfriend and it will be like I never left. Feels pretty surreal.

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gonna buy a rug for the living room. it's a rather small room so all the sofas are rather close together and my coffee table is actually too big - so should the rug run under the sofas (my gf's oppinion) or should it not (my oppinion)

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I'm currently working on uploading the products to a new online adult store (I work for a marketing business who was commisioned to create the site). Apparently this thing, called the Fabulous Lover, is an anal product:


Can anyone explain to me how you're supposed to use that?

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I'm currently working on uploading the products to a new online adult store (I work for a marketing business who was commisioned to create the site). Apparently this thing, called the Fabulous Lover, is an anal product:


Can anyone explain to me how you're supposed to use that?

you stick it in the vagina and put that weird thing on the butthole using your thumb to massage

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I'm currently working on uploading the products to a new online adult store (I work for a marketing business who was commisioned to create the site). Apparently this thing, called the Fabulous Lover, is an anal product:


Can anyone explain to me how you're supposed to use that?

trial and error.

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I wanted to complain about my (summer) job in the kitchen washing/cutting stupid vegetables and then doing the dishes but then I read this:

I can tell you right now, I've seen the worst job. It's so obscure that many people in the industry don't know how it works or even that it exists, but it is a necessary component of any car's creation. It's so remote, I challenge you to find a good website that explains it. I looked, can't find one.

A while ago I took a tour of some of the manufacturing facilities and some of the OEM supplier facilities and had a stop in a little nondescript building in the woods outside of a major mid-western city (protecting some identities here). Here is where they texture parts. You know when you put your arm on a piece of plastic on the door and it has a simulated leather or dot pattern on it? That is the result of the most horrible job in the car industry.

First, the supplier gets the steel die from the die supplier. A steel die is valued in the hundreds of thousands even for smaller interior parts. Then the texture slave takes sheets of mylar, about 10x17 inches that have a rub-down pattern describing the texture on them. Just like when you were a kid and you had those little transfer pages you burnish on one side and lift up. Easy on paper, but we're talking about convoluted rounded surfaces. These grain textures can't have any seams showing, so as you transfer the rub-downs, sheet by sheet (one sheet won't cover an entire die, not possible- try gift wrapping a basketball with business cars and you get a good feel for this) you have to line up the edges perfectly. Now consider that the texture Mylar sheets are Mylar- stiff plastic that doesn't like to bend any more than a cheap Chinese restaurant menu.

Once the surface is covered with the rub down grain texture, it gets dipped in the acid bath that eats away where the texture is not applied, cutting into the steel at a micron level.

Did I mention that this is all being done in a windowless room with all sorts of manufacturing debris littered around, buzzing fluorescent lights and toxic acid baths nearby? Oh yeah, they have a roll up photograph of some mountains or trees that they can change for a bit of serenity for you.

OK, if you've covered the surface with the leather texture, time to do it a few more times exactly the same! Because the texture has depth that can't be accomplished with one pass. Each subsequent layer has a slightly thicker grain pattern to give it dimension. If the sheets don't all line up, the grain gets soft, blurred, or looks double.

And if you screw it up, the die is ruined. The OEM is pissed and someone has to eat the costs of making a new die and you're probably fired.

Look at some of the grains in the molded parts on a car interior, look how small and deep some of the quality leather grains are.

And you live in rural Ohio and get paid peanuts.

What's not to love?


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you stick it in the vagina and put that weird thing on the butthole using your thumb to massage

damn, i hope that's not true because although i'm not a woman, i know the vagina isn't shaped like that and trying to stuff those angles into the birth canal is like trying to stuff a crowbar into a tuba. I think the long part goes in the anus because those curvatures sorta match the curves of the sigmoid colon. Lord knows what the brush is supposed to do though. I can't imagine that feeling good on a clit.

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Going to lunch with a friend tomorrow to discus the beginnings of a brand for his store. I might be taking a creative director role in it. Brand will be tees, then hopefully some cut and sew. I will mostly focus on developing good quality C&S. The brand will probably have strong Americana and Militaria themes. Once I get some preliminary designs goin, I might show em to you guys to get feedback.

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