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Anyone have any recommendations for cleaning and retreating a DS-HD2? Errolson told me he uses a Nikwax wash in. Was wondering if I could use the last bit of my Granger's 2 in 1.



does anyone have experience with the Nikwax with several materials that Acronym is using?





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the Nikwax with several materials that Acronym is using?


There's many different Nikwax products for different types of applications; you'll need to be more specific as to what you're asking about.


As far as the Granger's, I'd stick with a SS specific wash-in product - and for shells (Look on at their application guide on their site, pretty sure that 2-in-1 is NOT for SS) I always do cleaning and DWR re-treatment separate.

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There's many different Nikwax products for different types of applications; you'll need to be more specific as to what you're asking about.


As far as the Granger's, I'd stick with a SS specific wash-in product - and for shells (Look on at their application guide on their site, pretty sure that 2-in-1 is NOT for SS) I always do cleaning and DWR re-treatment separate.


For example with a GT-J28 or a SS-J25 or a P9-E


The Tech Wash should be the product for the washing and for each of theses items there is a different product for the waterproofing. But is it really doing its job?

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For Epic cotton I don't think there is any treatment, but I'm prepared to be proven wrong. My green pair of P9-Es are starting to look a bit worse for wear after being washed a lot (black pair is holding up well, oddly). TBH Epic is not my favorite fabric; fades, not really that water resistant, a bit fragile.

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^ Really interested in hearing your impressions concerning the J34-GTPL.


Once I started wearing it, I couldn't imagine wearing anything else. Ultimately, though, the way it clings to dust and small debris gave it a rather cheap look that I couldn't live with given how much I paid. (If I get a raise in the not too distant future, though,  I'll do my best to track one down, again, just because its functionality and feel is that awesome.)

Edited by TresUnCool
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Try this;


Fold in half


Tuck sleeves in


Tuck hood in


Fold the zipper edge and hem so they line up with the pocket


Fold so it's the same with as the pocket


Fold everything else underneath, try to maintain an even distribution of material


Fold inside out, and you're done!



Of course, this only work if you've got a flat surface. If you don't, you can try just stuffing it in bit by bit. I like doing it this way because it keeps the hard stuff (zippers, toggles) away from the stress points. Hopefully it will prevent me from accidentally piercing or damaging the material.


Thanks again. It works great! (;

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Glad I could help.


In other news, I bought a fidlock buckle unit to use with my 3A-WK2, so I can attach other objects to the same docking point. Unfortunately, it seems that the polarity of the magnet in my new fidlock is the opposite of the polarity in the acrnm one, so they won't connect to each other (you can force them together, but it's very difficult). 


Does anyone know anything about this? Did fidlock reverse their polarity at some point, or is it just random for each unit? 

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Tried capturing the subtle colour differences between the dust color from FW1213 and the raf green colour from FW1314. The bright sunlight really brings out the contrast, but in the shadows both colours seem to blend together and are tricky to wear well.




@SuE I've been wearing the P10-S almost everyday. The etaproof is very usable in warm weather. Feels just like any pair of cotton pants.

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Glad I could help.


In other news, I bought a fidlock buckle unit to use with my 3A-WK2, so I can attach other objects to the same docking point. Unfortunately, it seems that the polarity of the magnet in my new fidlock is the opposite of the polarity in the acrnm one, so they won't connect to each other (you can force them together, but it's very difficult). 


Does anyone know anything about this? Did fidlock reverse their polarity at some point, or is it just random for each unit? 



i believe fidlock did reverse polarity sometime between mid 2011 and early 2012. i had a 3a-wk2 from 2011 that i discovered wasn't compatible with the complementary pieces from a 2012 3a-wk2. my working hypothesis is that the newer ("reversed" polarity) fidlocks are blank/unbranded, while the older fidlocks had the "Fidlock" patented logo on them.


is your 3a-wk2 an older one? if so, you could look to trade with people that use them solely as keychains or just buy a new one. i traded my old 3a-wk2 for vampyrvargfesten's new 3a-wk2 so that he could use the keyring end with the suspensor harness in the s-j14, which also uses the old fidlock magnets. all of the 3a-wk2s i've seen since 2012 (probably ~3/4) have shared the same polarity pairing, so i'm thinking this has only changed once in the past few years. of course this could be just by chance, so if anyone has more info or if i'm wrong, feel free to correct.


hope that helps.

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Anyone knows where can I get Acronym stuff in Tokyo besides the listed retailer on the website? Looking for older stuffs, and bags, don't mind second hand stuff.



Like most places, getting acronym stuff in Tokyo is not particularly easy. I think it boils down to very small production on ACR's part, which makes previous season stuff difficult to come across. Komehyo in Shinjuku occasionally has some ACR on the top floor. Otherwise, it is up to the luck of the draw at the various second hand shops around town. I have seen a stray piece pop up here and there, but it is not especially common.

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Out of interest, anyone know what is happening with the Subnet ?


There was no ss14 subnet announced so does that mean only the one general release each year now in Spring for the year ahead and then sporadic releases throughout thye rest of the year or can we exepect another Subnet for SS14?....has this happened in years prior to now, seems that the loadout has been cut back somewhat.


Not complaining by any stretch, just trying to understand as things have been a little quiet since early 2013.

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