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ROY X CONE contest, 1.1.11 - 2.1.12

Paul T

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Can't wait to read the book!

Just checked Amazon which lists a July release date, Stateside. Hope that's wrong.

True, not entirely sure why. But on the plus side, the US version has more lewd stories, the UK legal read was insane (apparently, the longest in the history of Little, Brown).

Great post PaulT! Congrats again...

You didn't answer my question though....'spose I will have to read it to find out:D

oops, sorry, what was Q?

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WAYRDT - Big City Edition

I picked my daughter up from school at 3pm, which officially marked the start of Spring Break. As we got in the car, we decided to start celebrating with a last minute short trip to Salt Lake City.


First stop, of course, is the leather shop :)


I had heard about a new brewery just a few blocks away, so I just had to make a stop. We must really be progressing in Utah when a microbrewery can sell full strength beer straight from the brewery.


I also wanted to stop and snap a few photos of this building for one of my classes. To make a long geologic story short, it was built from a particular type of limestone that formed from oolites- essentially tiny pearls that are forming in Great Salt Lake today. It's also one of the finest examples of Neoclassical architecture in the city. It was the original Salt Lake City Public Library, then it housed a planetarium for many years. It underwent a 25 million dollar renovation and is now the flagship store for the jeweler that made the medals for the 2002 winter Olympics. Such a beautiful building.


While waiting at the stoplight, I snapped this peculiar juxtaposition- a Ford Model A(?), under the Eagle Gate archway that was originally Brigham Young's front gate, with the state capitol in the background.


Here's the old Union Pacific train station that is now part of an outdoor shopping mall.


We stopped by the children's museum for a bit. There's a little wheel on the railing that turns this entire contraption via gears and belts.


This thing is fascinating to watch. It's one of those series of tracks and mechanisms with balls running along and bouncing through various contraptions.


Last order of business was to pick up some slices from my favorite pizza shop in SLC. It's the closest thing to actual NY style pizza that I can get. So good.


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My purchases for the day- two very nice single bends of 8/9oz leather from one of the oldest tanneries in Europe, and eight 22oz bottles of local beer.


All in all, a short but sweet trip with my little girl.

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while our Paul is busy finding the best financial investments for the millions overflowing his bankaccount soon,it was me doing more grassroot work in true Al Bundy style.


after work i always find a little time to earn some extra money,selling unspeakable stuff to those who are in the need.


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