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I was , but I also shoot for money on a magazine and so I got cold feet because I might need another lens. I was shooting film heavily but the price of film plus developing was so damn expensive. I compared the x100 and the focusing wasn't bad after reading reviews dogging on it I was actually impressed , then I looked at the xe1 and the lenses are limited and expensive. The kit lens is nice but damn it was huge and heavy, so why not just get a dslr, then I tried the nex 6 which isn't too bad looking , has phase/contrast autofocus , smaller than my omd and handles better, and the lenses are a little cheaper and more of them ( if you count the alpha mounts too) and it was 400 cheaper than the xe1 an about the same as the x100.

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Well congrats on the purchase. I probably would have just got a DSLR in your case but I guess the Sony NEX gives you the ability to change lenses in a relatively small size. I havent seen any images from the Sony NEX that impressed me until the ones you just posted.

I need to buy a dslr soon. Still deciding on the d600 or 700. I still have a bunch of Nikon gear.

Edited by koven
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D600 images I've seen have been awesome. During Christmas I saw the kits for a little under 2k but its shot back up, I'm not sure why. The d700 isn't getting any cheaper here on CL for some reason. People are still trying to get close to new prices for them!

Thanks, I could have gotten a d7000 but the issue of travel and carrying it with me . It hinders my ability to move without having shit dangling at my side like a little dumbbell haha then I leave it at home and it doesn't get used. The sensor in the nex 6 is supposed to be a d7000 sensor but they've updated it , they make the d7000 sensor so that makes sense.

What is your decision on adding a dslr to your photo bag?

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life by MrEllis, on Flickr


Untitled by MrEllis, on Flickr


carl by MrEllis, on Flickr

^^the guy in the pic is an amazing photographer. Honestly mindblowing....one of the best out there doing it.

Check out a couple pages of his flickr. He uploads everything he takes but if you sift through the randoms youll see some amazing stuff


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