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mary elizabeth winstead. i'm friends with her because i roomed with her boyfriend for a year. she's in the movies. very down to earth cuz she's not from l.a. like most :cool:

i guess thats why i recognized her. great picture nonetheless.

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^all in the same location?

also, prolly answered already, but whatchu shooting with there?

yeah, all in the same location. for an upcoming series i am shooting..'the riverway'

ill have a statement once the final body of work is finished.

all are and will be shot with hasselblad 500 series medium format camera.

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great shots. do you have any tips on concert photography?

1. Try to get as close to the stage as possible. Usually helps if you can get a press pass, if not try to weasel your way into the photographer's pit.

2. If possible, try and built a rapport with the band. The musicians want to be photographed as much as you want to photograph them, so if they like you they'll tend to gravitate towards your camera. Helps especially if they're showy.

3. Know the songs. I find better shots usually come from the highlights of each song, cos that's when the bands really get into it. If you're familiar with the songs you'll be better prepared to get those shots.

Glad you liked the shots, good luck.

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