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What are your jeans doing today?


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Had a day off, so decided to go to the National Motor Museum.

The day started off pretty well with a delivery of goods.


They had a collection of promotional vehicles at the entrance



Vintage cars



My SEXSC02s (still painfully tight!) and I trying to figure out how to 'borrow' the GT40




Vintage bikes



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just a few i took yesterday, blah blah. tomorrow. pics of JEANS BOXING SHIT UP FOR THE BIG MOVE.



peaces sufu-ers

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Cell phone photo dump of what I've been up to for the last couple months. Photos taken yesterday. Opening day May 7.

Where my greenhouse retail business is at 2 weeks away from opening...


Greenhouse #1


Vegetable seedings and Calibrachoa hangers.



Mainly Geraniums and rooted cuttings that have yet to be transplanted.



Herb, herbs, herbs and more callie hangers up top.



4.5" pot assort. annuals and new guinea Impatiens hangers

#8 and #9



Assorted Annual six packs and hangers.



Perennials and more hangers.

Covered this greenhouse yesterday and moved the pansies into it to harden them off while it was still cold.


Half way through moving them we got a freak snow/hail storm.


Snow and Jins.

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last night they went tagging with me. awful idea

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It's taken a while to sift & edit my way through 400+ photos, but here's what my jeans did on Wednesday, when I accompanied my little girl (along with 80 other sugar-high kids!) on their grade's field trip.

We went to Crawford Lake, which is one of Canada's premier archeological sites. The remenants of an entire Iroquois settlement was discovered at the bottom of the lake, and - over time - portions of the settlement were re-created on the property, and artifacts were salvaged & put on display.

Part 1

Weather was sunny but cool & windy, so we had to layer up. What I wore that day:


Daytons, LVC, MFSC, Patagonia, TNF

The buses were waiting when we got to school


I guess one hour is a long time for little kids to be on a bus, because they were stir crazy when we got to Crawford Lake. Pandemonium reigns!


We had a walk around the main area, looking at how the Iroquois longhouses were built



Then our hosts (smart people) got the kids to burn off some of all that excess energy


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Part 2

Having dissipated some of that destructive force, we went into the longhouse to see - as my little girl put it - what life was like in the "olden days"! We learned about Iroquois legends, and how they believed the world came into being.

The kids also saw how they lived & ate.

Corn was a staple of the Iroquois diet:


We all got the chance to grind maize:


Lots of interesting artifacts on display here.... Among other things, a baby carrier





Kids were a bit put off by the duck. But they developed an appreciation for how much the Iroquois & First Nations respected nature & lived in harmony with it.

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Part 3:

After the longhouse tour, we hiked around Crawford Lake.


A boardwalk had been built around the lake: the water is very cold & deep - this made for a safe experience!


Beauty everywhere...




This was called "nature's flowerpot". It is a 1000 year old cedar, inside which 11 different types of flora were blooming:


No one knows what happened here, but this cedar tree was twisted in spirals, right from its roots, to the tips of its branches:


Once off the boardwalk, it was back on the dirt roads, heading to the buses



All in all, a real fun day!

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Went to an art gallery and fell in love with Ed Bateman's Automaton works, although I didn't get a pic of it because I was on a date, so I stole this pic off the webbernet.


And then I took my date to a punk rock concert I was playing in


Not pictured are hot dogs at costco, pizza at a famous place called the pie, and hot cocoa at a place that has it's own TV show, affectionately known as Little Chocolatiers.

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last night I went to visit a friend who lives in another town. He's the singer of my new band, we play Ramones covers only.


we ate their local foods



you fill them with the stuff you like and you eat plenty




good, you can do the same with these ones as well, gnocco fritto


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Pomata, what's with the hair? Not looking very Ramonsey.

From Yesterday. Randomly ran into Beatle, Dick Danger and some other Sufuers whose screen names I don't know at Union-Made, but sadly didn't have my camera. Also met Youngpunch, B-dawg and a a lot of other folks at the Selfedge party, but again, no camera.

In between, I went to SF Open Studios and saw a lot of really great local artists. Sorry, my urban landscape pics aren't nearly so nice as -Z-s.


View in Hunter's Point.




Eric Joyner (sorry for glare).




Yong Han.




Jim Winters.

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im seeing Sharon and her Dap Kings this summer at rock the garden in minneapolis. i've already seen her once at Lollapalooza in Chicago and she was awesome. i'm sure even better in a theater setting.

great posts everybody. and roy, those pics are sick.

(edit) roy, are those live / work spaces or just warehouses where the artists have their studios? if so, it sounds a lot like the flat that I'm moving into this friday, its an old converted warehouse designed as an artist collective. really great apartments / workspaces for not alot of money. last weekend we had a city wide art crawl and all of the residents in my new place open their doors so the public can view their works / works in progress. really cool stuff!

and I can start shooting film again. there's a darkroom in the basement of my apartment building!!!!!!!!!!

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My jeans spent part of the day up on the roof yesterday. I was just checking the state of it and replacing the chimney cap that blew off in a huge windstorm that we had.


I spent two long summers replacing the cedar roof on this house, It's pretty damn steep, so I hooked into my harness.

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Decided to carry my camera around with me a bit on Friday.

Day started with a very productive meeting with a partner organization (no pics).

Came back to the office and continued working out logistics for the launch of the baseline survey for my project (in 4 districts in pretty much all corners of the country... coming in the next couple weeks! Augh!).

Stressed and grumpy, decided to go for a walk in the local market - the same one where I found the NATO uniform shirt


I saw some intriguing stuff this time - a couple Gap linen shirts, a cool-looking mac coat (reminded me of the recent W+H mac coat) and some leopard-print Spring Courts, but nothing that fit.

I did, however, buy a UCLA shirt to give to my buddy who's starting an MFA at UCLA next year! The irony... it traveled all the way from UCLA to East Africa, and now I'm bringing it right back. He'll probably be the only dude at the school to have a Ugandan UCLA shirt!

Grabbed a snack on the walk back- grilled gonja (underripe banana) - surprisingly tasty!


Walking back to the office


the UCLA shirt an my desk


More peckish, walked to my little local kiosk and grabbed a couple hard-boiled eggs and a roll. Lunch of champions (complete with chili sauce...)


Did some more work, then headed to an art gallery down the street to pick up a painting I'd bought.

A self-portrait on the way out of the office:


These "CHOGM holes" are all over the city. CHOGM is the biannual (?) Commonwealth Heads Of Government Meeting, held in a different British Commonwealth country each time. In 2007, Uganda had the misfortune of hosting CHOGM. By all means it certainly COULD have been an excellent opportunity for Uganda to bank on some serious international attention and make some serious infrastructural progress (read: fill potholes), but instead corruption (and its close friend, idiocy) reared its ugly head and excellent methods were invented for pissing away phenomenal sums of money. One of these involved the decision to erect street lights - only, of course, on those streets which the CHOGM-folks would be traversing. Buuuuut they just never made it as far as installing the streetlight. Instead, they just managed to dig a huge number of hugely deep hugely un-marked holes. Now lovingly known as "CHOGM-holes" (physical representations of the holes that money was uselessly thrown into over the whole CHOGM fiasco?)


Picked up the painting, wrapped to keep it safe on the boda-boda ride home


I wound up at the office until about 7:30 (super-grumpy) because some of my research team told me they'd be bringing their surveys in at 2 and didn't show up until closer to 5. Pissed me off. Sooo I wound up heading straight from the office to dinner with some friends at Tuhende: 4 course meal consisting of a small appetizer, soup, BOMB steak + veggies and potatoes, and dessert of sweet yogurt and fruit for 15,000 shillings (~$7)! Stoked.

The night ended up at the local Mayfair Casino where I burned a solid $55 playing blackjack with a grip of buddies. Had a hell of a time and a bunch of free drinks and snacks, though, so I'd call it even!

Finally brought the painting home after a meeting on Sunday (ugh...) and unwrapped it:


by Ismael Kateregga. I'm so fucking stoked! I've been eyeing this painting since about November and finally pulled the trigger last week. I love the painterly/impressionistic style and the fact that it doesn't overplay stereotypes of African aesthetics as I've seen in a lot of art here. It's also the most perfect representation I've seen of my impression/perception of Kampala - dingy colors, masses of people doing things that I don't quite understand and from which I'm removed. I don't mean this to sound remotely emo-y. I'm an outsider here in every way possible, and this painting beautifully reflects the way that outsiderness paints the way I sense this city... in broad quick strokes of shape and color out of which I interpret meanings.

I grew up in a home full of art, and it's always been a pretty central part of my life. Somehow, this is the first significant piece of art I've bought (though I've definitely capitalized on free/cheap art from some phenomenally artistically talented friends!). The biggest fear that's held me back from buying art previously is the massive floodgates that I'm afraid I'm opening by allowing myself to buy this first piece... but it's just too perfect for me to allow myself to pass up!

Some more of Kateregga's work (for way more than what I paid!)

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