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What are your jeans doing today?


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You guys need to pay an occasional visit to the beer thread in Superculture. Needs some life these days!

Sorry for the n00b question but, is it a faux pas on sufu to post the same photos in different sections? (guess what i'm thinking...)

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Johnny Comelately wants to join the drinkers!

finally found the matching headgear for the warmer days:


Davida 1995 Classic Jet,got it from a guy at work today,all i have to do is some welding for him!

lookin a little besoffen eh?

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sams just hanging out yukyuks

I'll also see your alcoholism and raise you all a huge nugg of sour diesel. Cheers! btw, who just posted that all American beer is crap? So wrong..

anyone who says american beer is crap obviously doesn't know anything about american beer, and more specifically the american micro breweries.

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These bushes had to go, we're planting new ones soon.


Started going at them with the sawBushes1.JPG

Then the clippers


Then the Axe



Bundled the branches and shit up for Garbage Collection


Got a little dusty and sweating my ass off for some reason


Ate a Curiously small banana and got changed real quick


Had to run to the Pork store before it closed (10 minutes) to pick up burger meat.


Bumped Sabbath on the way over.


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This Neighborhood has a lot of nice little Brownstones.


This store isn't really 'Swiss' (it's German) but when it was founded, there was a lot of anti-German sentiment in this predominantly Jewish town. Name just stuck I guess


Sat here and waited for 2 lbs. of Burger Meat to be ground (1/2 Beef 1/2 Pork) and luckily enough, left my phone fucking sitting there when I walked out *sigh*. I'll get it tomorrow I guess.


Got home and Grilled up some Burgers with Swiss, a small salad and Sriracha (and a Harpoon IPA)


Was going to do more until I realized my phone was gone.

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I bunked off down the English coast again yesterday - so far east my phone was picking up texts via France.

Didn't want to spam with many more photos as I think I've posted similar ones before. Also, shockingly, I only drank ginger beer. But the sunset on the way back was beautiful - must be all that volcanic ash from Iceland.


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