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so all that snow you saw has degenerated into gross slush, which i braved to wander around bushwick to take photos... found a ton of street art, which i'll share. I'll also educate you a bit so people don't think every piece of street art is done by banksy

if you want to see more / details of all of this, they're all here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/joelzimmer/archives/date-taken/2011/01/29/

found this alley run by a place called factory fresh, that opened up an entire block to street artists:


The guy wearing the yankees cap is done by a guy named chris stain

some details:


the big horse one is by a guy named imminent disaster, the teardrops are done by ellis g who does cool silhouettes of shadows as well


The piece on the left is done by gaia, i'm not sure who the gorilla is by, and the 'staff' door is done by skewville


those squirrels are done by Roa, who i randomly met in brooklyn one day


Just Poopin.


Lex Sten (who painted the *entire* front of a building) is reconstructing scenes from albany, which is losing buildings on other buildings


Giant Robot UK built a skateboard griffin that hangs over the edge of a building


and that's one more piece by gaia.

hope you all enjoyed

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cross-post from RoyXCone thread

I often start my Sunday jaunts with the words 'up early'… not today. Party last night, staggered out just before 11 with the nipper to meet someone… and missed them, 10 minutes too late, no sign of em..

But we were up in Blackheath, a high, open field in South East London, traditionally used as a gathering place for armies about to storm the city - in particular, the Danes, Wat Tyler's peasant revolt in 1381, and a Kentish revolt in 1450. It straddles "Watling Street", the old Roman road from Londonium to Dover… in the 1600s and 1700s it was a well-known hangout for footpads and highwaymen.

According to one historian, "In past times it was planted with gibbets, on which the bleaching bones of men who had dared to ask for some extension of liberty, or who doubted the infallibility of kings, were left year after year to dangle in the wind."

Now it's an open space, surrounded by Georgian Mansions, and 1970s 'Span Houses.' There are old caves under the heath, various graves, probably Roman remains and also unknown, undocumented masses of rubble. After a huge part of SE London was flattened in the blitz, they simply dumped all the rubble here, to fill in undulations and pits that have been here for centuries. Another layer of history.

Oh, and did I mention that this road apparently lies on a crucial ley-line, a site of ancient, occult power? I've heard that Himmler was obsessed with it,. This area was traditionally titled Omphalos: the centre of the psychic power of the British Empire. Indiana Jones, or what?


I get the feeling the carrion crows have been here for centuries, probably picking at the bones of those gibbeted highwaymen, and other roadkill.



The nipper told me the strangest story of one time he'd walked here, with a friend, they'd spotted a little tarpaulin shelter in a small thicket, and crept inside, thinking it would make a good den.

In the den, a junkie lay snoring, surrounded by plastic bottles full of piss. His arms were outstretched, a syringe in one hand - and a tatty teddy bear in the other. They ran out, screaming. The memory still gives him the chills even now… I guess it's a typical Blackheath kind of story, specially on a cold, steely-gray morning like this.

Blackheath is flat - but pretty high. And the clouds seem very low.


TOday was a Belstaff day - I love this jacket, my birthday present, although i probably waste several hours a day going through all the pockets to find my keys, money, blah blah blah.


Belstaff Sammy Miller, tootle, ROyxCone, William Lennon

From there we walked back into Greenwich. We were hoping to see The Clerk, but he's obviously at home, tucked up in the warm in Brighton.

I always like this guy's stall…


He\s got a great eye for old tweed and brogues. This blue 3-piece suit isn't me, but it's still cool.


Back through the park.

I've come to a recent agreement with the nipper, who's stated he's uncomfortable about having his photo looked at by denim nerds (who could blame him). But of course, the moment I try to photograph this beautiful, functional, Hawksmoor building in the middle of the park (it's the entrance to a network of conduits and mysterious tunnels)… I get someone trying to jump up into the photo, however high I hold the camera.

So, Hawksmoor and hair…


As we walk back home, we pass this lovely summer house.

The architect is Robert Hooke - he discovered Hooke's law for elasticity, was a rival to Newton, mapped out most of London after the Great Fire of 1666, and was also responsible for many of the post-Fire churches often credited to Christpher Wren. THis is a little gem, probably built around 1670. Sadly the house it belongs to is now owned by some hedge-fund wanker (they've all moved into my area in the last decade), who doesn't use the place - unbelievably, he uses this architectural gem to store furniture. Tosser.


What a waste. What better location is there for Sunday afternoon in the summer, getting loaded on chilled white wine or fizz, and watching people and wildlife scurry around the park, late into the night, then watching the stars come out, as Hooke might well have done, 350 years ago...

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only iphone pics, but went last night to yo la tengo:


planning on returning feb. 15



the first half of the show was determined by the spin of a wheel: we got "the freewheelin' yo la tengo" which meant people could shout out questions to be answered by the band, who would then perform a song that related somehow to the question


and in the second half they just rocked out

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Paul T, morse, Max Power, Joelz -thumbs up

About to give you some more of the recently posted birds, seaside, ice and water...

Sunday, sunny. Took the bus and then a walk. The final destination was a playground but the walk there was the best part. Eating hot dog on a bench, admiring the Öresund bridge (connecting Sweden and Denmark), watching a guy take bath, feeding sea birds.


(a dirty snow dumping site)






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aaaand not from today, but a trek through manhattan on new years day:




the prerequisite


slightly disappointed by this


bill cunningham! he didn't take a picture of me. only slightly offended.

not sure what the deal with my pictures is. they're supposedly 480 pixels wide...

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Seems to be the music festival season here in NZ, headed down to Aotea Square in Auckland on an overcast day to check out some of the best inde bands from around the globe - all 'n all the crowd was pretty chilled and it was a cruisy but fun day.


2/ ARIEL PINK'S HAUNTED GRAFFITI (not my cup of tea really)



5/ DEERHUNTER (my pick of the day, great stuff!)




9/ ANDE WHALLS & Nike dunks

(also saw Blonde Redhead - not pictured)



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They're supposedly coming to Uganda one day soon (courtesy of the organization that tops my NGOs-in-Uganda shit list)... how were they?

I saw them in Brooklyn over a year ago... one of the better shows I've seen. Tho that was before their latest album came out..

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Yeah, I must admit that Yeasayer had the most energy and had the best stage presence, and their music has that real feel-good quality to it so they converted the mellow crowd into a party atmosphere. They actually had to be reshuffled to a later slot (which worked out better) because of flight issues so I'm pretty sure they had only just arrived in the country before they jumped on stage and still managed to nailed it. (chk chk chk got stuck in Singapore so we missed out on them).

aak - I'm sure you'll love it, such a great lineup - av a good one! (and fingers x'd they make it to Uganda too!)

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found this alley run by a place called factory fresh, that opened up an entire block to street artists:

very cool, must spread.

I keep meaning to go to 'Bailey Yard' in North Platte,NE. It is one of Union Pacific's largest yards, We live about 90 miles east of it, but apparently 60,000 train cars are processed every day. A lot that i've seen in town have been crap, but occasionally we'll get whole cars and supposedly there is a train going through our town every seven and a half minutes.

I need to get out and snap some pics, thanks for the inspiration.

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thanks robbie - get out there and shoot!

yesterday morning:


yesterday night


There was work, capoeira, and a shift at my coop grocery store that I can't really take pictures during, so you get artsy photos with a single point of focus.

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On 1/25/11 my college inaugurated a new president. It was a really big deal... Even though I'm not religious, I ended up at a Catholic university to study double bass. These types of ceremonies are always kind of interesting, I guess. Anyway, here's a shot of me playing in the ceremony.


I'm on the left. I make strange faces.


And here's a YouTube video of the ceremony if you have 3 hours to kill...

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My RxC jeans and I made some 'emu wax' blocks today...

Ingredients consist of beeswax, emu oil, eucalyptus oil and a few other additives.

Some really interesting textures too:





It has many uses: it can coat your mammalian leathers, seal your reptilian leathers, reproof your oil-skin (waxed cotton) clothing, water-proof your boots, foreplay, S&M, whatever :)

I have a couple of spare blocks, let me know if you want some!

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so I got in to Frankfurt from Toronto yesterday

we're supposed to operate a flight to Cairo and bring Canadians out of the chaos but somehow the flight could not be finalized... so I ended up walking around the hotel in Mainz

first time in Germany, a very nice country... gotta love the cheap beer and the high meat content meals...

I bought so much stuff I ended up taking a cab back to the Hotel.. 0.33Euro beer is much better than my expecations..








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