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What are your jeans doing today?


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Beats, awesome pics. Mine are def not as nice but it is worth sharing.

Since it is still new years for Chinese, the fam and I went to Disneyland HK for an afternoon tea/buffet









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After church this morning we decided to drive around in the country along highway 30 and do our best to get lost. Highway 30 was a part of the old Lincoln Highway which was one of the first paved highways in the US I believe.

poladroid app, i'm too broke for actual film







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Great reno, beats! Robbie - wonderful shots!! Atzec - you're taking the slot for best food pics! :) Oboy_oboy - little du is steezy!

No fancy cooking for me right now. My wife and daughter left yesterday for a school skiing trip, so I was minding things with the pups.

Lazy Sunday - dog walk, breakfast, etc, etc

What I was wearing


The floor reminds me I need to clean up before they return!

Hooked up with a friend and tried this:


Pretty good stuff…

Had an awesome hot sausage from my favourite vendor in front of MEC.


Then came home and did a lot of, er, work….


I had been wanting to try this for a while - a little something for the Roy x Cone group!


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AH! so many .gif's sick shit tho cheap

tonight my jeans went to Sakura, local Japanese place for a little Valentine's day dinner. since my wife and I agree that V-day is a made up holiday, we skipped the busy-ness and did it a night early this year.

the restaurant


dungeness crab


Kick ass beef wrapped around steamed asparagus




typically i don't get sushi, i love the stuff but i like other traditional Japanese food better, and there's so much more variety, but tonight I was craving sushi so yea.



got a new chair today, needed something much more comfortable and more cohesive with our other decor for our office.


had a random IPA


and my first run of books are in.



cheers guys and gals. have a great week.

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oh, and the bikes were lame, but arcade fire killed it pretty damn well for the Grammy's...

and oh fuck they won???!! huh. not that a grammy matters but damn.

and played an encore that got cut off...

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that beast of thing behind me?

That's the brooklyn griffin, i posted it a couple weeks ago


Got to spend some face time with it




Checked out one of the other pieces on the wall:


a detail of it


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Tonight my ROYxCones stocked up on dried foods and water, and put together a go-bag. For the next week or so, the pocket of my ROYxCones will always contain my passport and a lot of cash in four currencies.

Friday marks Yoweri Museveni's attempt to extend his "presidency " for another five years, making 30 years total.

Here's to seeing if the anti-dictator fervor spreads south of the Sahara...


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Last weekend my organization had a staff retreat in Kiyunga - about an hour outside of Kampala. Given that when I arrived a year and a half ago, we were 3 full-time staff and now we're 18, this was long overdue.

It was a remarkably effective few days, but you all don't want to see pictures of my ROYxCone-clad ass sitting in a meeting room.

BUT, ROYxCones did get to interact with some local fauna!




That's right, in Africa you can totally just kick it with giraffes, elephants and lions. We're homies.

Upon returning on Saturday, Homegirl and I popped in to Nakawa market.


Markets here are like gigantic thrift stores - sometimes the clothes even still have the tags on them from American thrift stores! That means that this place is like a gigantic gold mine... I know somewhere in these piles are a pair of beautiful vintage denims waiting to be found... gah!


Some dudes making footlockers for boarding school students


Homegirl strikes a bargain



My only pick-up from the day. Hah!


Rules are important in Uganda


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Seeing a lot of these types of images in anticipation of Friday's presidential election: swarms of cops being very demonstrably moved around the city.


Monday... you all know what day that was

A delicious bottle of red Homegirl brought back from her visit to Cape Town


Went great with some bread, spicy-sweet relish spread and camembert


And the main course: bacon, spinach and blue cheese stuffed chicken breasts. BOMB.


What I wore yesterday


American Optical

random market pick-up shirt



Mount's Bay



American Optical

Serious facial hair to make sure I'm taken seriously

shirt in a non politically-affiliated color


market pick-up army boot sneakers

go-bag, containing 2 changes of clothing, US Military surplus goretex shell and over-pants, backup bank cards, cash and peanut butter (essential), which will not be more than a few steps away from me for the next several days

And, first time taking one of these shots: EDC. These items will not leave my pockets for the next several days


passport in cover

cash in 4 currencies (Ugandan Shillings, Kenyan Shillings, Euros, US Dollars)

keys, with Cone White Oak denim keychain

love this type of pen

Tanner Goods wallet, acting as belt camera case

Leatherman Skeletool

local phone

iphone for mobile internet connectivity

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My jeans (5ep SDZ) and I had an unusual day. I went to work (I work at a warehouse that refurbishes Polaroid tvs and handles warranty and replacement services for Polaroid tvs and cameras) and did a bit of inventory. We have a TON of shit in our warehouse.

We have 4 rows just like this (these are all pallets full of tvs waiting to be repaired. I sorted them myself, and it took an ungodly amount of time):


And here's me and my jeans, surrounded by cameras and tvs:


We also have a bunch of other Polaroid stuff, but you get the idea.

When I went back to my computer to enter the inventory, I checked my email and my dad had sent me a picture of a school bus on fire AT A GAS STATION that he drove by on the way to work today:


I left work early today because my dad got free front row (not on the court, but the seats directly behind the players, whatever that's called) tickets to the Timberwolves/Clippers game, so I threw on my new Sugarcane shirt and hat that I just bought from a fellow forum user:


We ate at Hard Rock because it was across the street from Target Center. I've never been there before. Not a lot of vegetarian options. Go figure.


Then we went to the game. I didn't get any game shots because I was too busy watching the game. This picture is not zoomed or cropped, btw:


And my buddy saw me on tv and snapped a picture w/ his phone, heh...


Everyone in my section got a pass to meet Kevin Love after the game and get an autographed jersey, so we went back there once the game ended:



I didn't get a photo with him, nor an autographed jersey, but it was still fun.

Today was a strange, but pretty good day.

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