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What Are You Wearing Today (Denim Version)


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Looks to be a Gitman Vintage to me. If not I have one from them that is pretty much exactly the same, which I like a lot.

Yea defo looks to be Gitman with the V stitch pocket.

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Farmer, oxford info?

like most said, Gitman overdye. Unfortunately not the one the did for inventory with the little red details :rolleyes:

farmer, info on the jacket as well.


damn farm... those pbjs are lookin' hot. need more physical activity in my life...

Who you kidding your jeans look great. Better view of the pbjs here.

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^I could've sworn you had two little kidlinks. I can't wait for winter, have a few pieces lined up for mine.

I really should spread rep. A lot of cats I can't re-rep, who deserve summadat...


Tryin to teach my kid how to kick like me. Don't mind the lack of pivot, for those technical folk.



Love these fuckin Vans.

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i respect you lowrider for wearing boots in this awful weather.

i have no ass, but atleast i have a big wallet. (new art project is me making a spoof of born in the usa album cover)



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