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Left Field Jeans


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I wouldn't worry about a tee but wouldn't wear a nice white button down with any raw jeans. After you wear them for awhile it should be fine as long as you aren't extremely anal but there might be a slight transfer after the break in period. Sulphur isn't as bad with transfer dying as indigo though. C

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  On 12/3/2013 at 12:04 AM, Left Field said:

They are inspired from a workwear fit but updated for the modern man's body type. Not really into the repro mentality it can get too costumey and stagnant. C

I think it's your most iconic garment. An instant classic.


Glad to know it's an original. 

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  On 11/6/2013 at 5:03 PM, satchelbmoore said:



go with the 35. they run a little small compared to most  denim brands. they will stretch but it take a little bit. pep and christian can probably answer this one better.



  On 11/8/2013 at 4:53 PM, pepper davies said:

If you think the 34 is too small then probably go with the 35, but that said I'd recommend going for the smallest size you can get buttoned up.  If you can button them from the start they'll stretch to a comfortable place.


The combo of satchel & pepper's sizing advice along with the black friday sale helped me commit to being more than just curious about the black maria greasers. Snagged the last pair of 35s on leftfieldnyc.com early early early on Friday morning. Fedex tells me they'll be here this Friday. Can't wait. I'll be sure to report on my impressions once I get in them for a week or two.



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  On 9/6/2013 at 8:44 PM, pepper davies said:

Your wish is my command...












As Christian and I generally wear the seconds whenever we can, it just goes to show that large runs can end up looking pretty f-in good.  That said, nothing in the seconds will ever be even close to this noticeable.


Edit:  Colors came out a little weird before so here are some worn pictures.











Hi guys, 


I looking to buy the Black Maria, can you help me to find out which fit are these? The Greaser or the Chelsea?


Thanks in advanced, sorry for my bad english.

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mine came today! been wearing them since, thinking about wearing them to sleep as well to speed up this break in process. i've got to be honest, it's pretty painful. i've read that, as long as i can fasten the top button i'm good, and i can, but i hope it opens up soon. or my body conforms to it's grip :)


i usually do a 29 in stretchy denim but now im thinking i should have sized up

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You should be good to go.  I have a true measured waist of 37 and my Kuroki Greaser 36's (measured 35.4) fit me perfectly pretty quickly.  And from what I understand, the Kurokis typically are "less stretchy" than others.  Been wearing them for almost 3 months now. 


Just picked up my third pair of Left Field pants - the cone indigo ducks in the tailored/Keroauc fit.  They're amazing. 

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  On 12/5/2013 at 7:37 AM, culturevulture said:

mine came today! been wearing them since, thinking about wearing them to sleep as well to speed up this break in process. i've got to be honest, it's pretty painful. i've read that, as long as i can fasten the top button i'm good, and i can, but i hope it opens up soon. or my body conforms to it's grip :)


i usually do a 29 in stretchy denim but now im thinking i should have sized up


Post pictures once they've settled! :)

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Just read most of the AMA. Christian you are the man. All that your brand has been through, its inspiring. And to come out of all that with a quality product and a business with real potential is amazing. Cheers. Love all my LF garments even more now.

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  On 12/6/2013 at 8:47 PM, SuperJackle said:

Just read most of the AMA. Christian you are the man. All that your brand has been through, its inspiring. And to come out of all that with a quality product and a business with real potential is amazing. Cheers. Love all my LF garments even more now.


This is one of the biggest differences I see between american denim and japanese denim. It seems like the japanese brands don't reach out to their fans and customers as much. Brands like Left Field seem so much more personal and friendly.

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  On 12/7/2013 at 7:08 PM, Shorty Long said:

i think LF's approach is pretty unique regardless of country


i'm VERY intrigued by the tubular T's mentioned...any idea of release date? i'm guessing late winter/early spring.


any chance of a pocket t-shirt option with the new release?


Tubular tees will be available in early 2014.  Christian and I have discussed the pocket and should definitely be possible to do both.  Colors will be olive drab, navy, black, natural, and vintage grey (10% black).

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Seconded (or thirded) on Left Field being pretty special amidst the sea of recent "Made in America" brands.  The service was pretty awesome with just Christian running things.  Andrew coming on board has solidified their position as my #1 brand.


Obviously great service can only go so far if the clothing ain't up to snuff.  But Christian really has an eye for utilizing classic, timeless looks and modernizing them just enough to be super sharp but not repro-y.


Don't mean to cheese out here but I had a sizing issue with a recent order and Andrew was beyond helpful despite this surely being a crazy busy time for those guys...so I'm extra smitten with 'em.

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Might have to get rid of two pairs of size 34 greasers--15 oz and 13 oz Cone. (The waist appears to have very little give and the rear rise might be a bit low for the amount of bending and lifting I do for my job.)


Let me know if you're interested with a pm. 

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i think those might be from a left field/pro-keds collaboration from a few years ago



  On 12/10/2013 at 4:57 AM, ALB said:

Out of the blue but is Left Field starting its own line of shoes in the near future? Talking about the ones from the latest (old) news. These seriously look great.



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  On 12/12/2013 at 6:00 PM, lance said:

Pepper - I purchased an indigo t-shirt, went to checkout and see an extra 10 bucks for chainstitched hem - what's the story? thanks


Hey Lance - thanks for your purchase.  We're trying to sort this out.  We'll refund you the $10 right now.  With the new website we've had to figure out how to get the chain stitch option on only the appropriate pages, and it's still a little buggy.

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