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super (or not) roommate : your experience/Fuck dumb fucking roommates that don't do..


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Oh my, where to begin.

One of my current three roommates is just.. Just awful. No sense of fashion whatsoever, wears the stupidest scene kid shit from back in the day that he can muster. His walls are covered in posters the like of Seventeen Magazine, ranging from the Jonas Brothers to the Twilight gang; He listens to the worst music, watches the most annoying anime and is just generally a drag to be around. He wears cat ears to school every day, and is majoring in animation to draw anime one day. I don't think he realizes how generic he is.

The other day me and one of my other roommates went to Bookman's, and we were laughing about the prospect of someone going to the store and buying used porn. Right after we got done talking about it, he revealed that he had just gotten back from buying some drawn (USED) pornography with a quick and happy "Boy on boy manga is the best!"

Oh, and I keep finding his long fucking disgusting hairs all over the kitchen.

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My roommates last year in the dorms were pretty decent roommates, and we all got along fairly well, but there were a few shitty situations.

The first deals with my gay roommate and his affinity for straight dudes (with girlfriends). He would always have them over and basically let them do whatever they wanted to do followed them around, etc etc shit like that. So this one day I was really fucking high in K-Mart and saw some blue raspberry jolly rancher soda so no doubt I copped that shit and was very excited about it. Drank some of it on the way home and it was heavenly and I put the rest in my refrigerator. When I walked into our suite I saw one of my roomie's straight crushes chilling on his (my roommate's) laptop and "sups" were exchanged as I have no problem with the dude. This was like, a wednesday night or something and I had an early class so I ended up doing my homework, got baked and fell asleep. The Next morning I woke up feeling like I had never drank anything in my life and remembered I had that jolly rancher soda so I walked to the fridge, opened it and proceeded to chug it, and realized that it was filled with alcohol (turned out to be bacardi coconut or some shit, it was fucking awful). I yelled my roommate's name, and confronted him and he was real (insincerely) apologetic and was all "omg man i'm so sorry, 'my straight crush' asked if he could have some and i told him it was fine, i'll buy you another one" and holy shit guess what?!?!?! He never got me another one, but whatever.

The only other thing I can think of that really pissed me off is that I had two pint glasses I stole from pubs in Scotland when I went with my best friends and they had some sentimental value to me. I wasn't really that cool with my roommates using them but I didn't want to be a dick so I just let them use them whatever right? So I noticed one week that I hadn't seen one of my glasses in awhile and asked my roommates and one of them brought it out of his room and cleaned it and put it away so shit's all good. Wrong. Literally the day I asked him about it it disappeared again, this time forever. I confronted all of my roommates many times pretty fucking calmly in the vein of "Hey man, I noticed one of my glasses hasn't been in the cabinets for a pretty long time have you seen it?" and they'd all say "Nah man I haven't seen it, I'll keep my eyes out though". Never saw that glass again, I am 98% positive this one roommate broke it and didn't have the balls to tell me, but I'll never know because they're all pussies. My girlfriend ended up buying me an identical glass so that's awesome, but I'll never get that pint-glass with memories back.

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Gotta be honest, my current program is a hellish pressure-cooker. Massive exams every two weeks, and everybody tweaking about their grades all over the place, gunners in every class...

Thankfully I've got some cash stowed away and picked up a 1 bedroom near school. But judging from some of the stories I've been hearing, roommates not use deodorant and horrible communicable diseases...I am so glad I'm not living with anyone. It's always good to come home to an empty place to relax and not deal with any bullshit.

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My roommates last year in the dorms were pretty decent roommates, and we all got along fairly well, but there were a few shitty situations.

The first deals with my gay roommate and his affinity for straight dudes (with girlfriends). He would always have them over and basically let them do whatever they wanted to do followed them around, etc etc shit like that. So this one day I was really fucking high in K-Mart and saw some blue raspberry jolly rancher soda so no doubt I copped that shit and was very excited about it. Drank some of it on the way home and it was heavenly and I put the rest in my refrigerator. When I walked into our suite I saw one of my roomie's straight crushes chilling on his (my roommate's) laptop and "sups" were exchanged as I have no problem with the dude. This was like, a wednesday night or something and I had an early class so I ended up doing my homework, got baked and fell asleep. The Next morning I woke up feeling like I had never drank anything in my life and remembered I had that jolly rancher soda so I walked to the fridge, opened it and proceeded to chug it, and realized that it was filled with alcohol (turned out to be bacardi coconut or some shit, it was fucking awful). I yelled my roommate's name, and confronted him and he was real (insincerely) apologetic and was all "omg man i'm so sorry, 'my straight crush' asked if he could have some and i told him it was fine, i'll buy you another one" and holy shit guess what?!?!?! He never got me another one, but whatever.

The only other thing I can think of that really pissed me off is that I had two pint glasses I stole from pubs in Scotland when I went with my best friends and they had some sentimental value to me. I wasn't really that cool with my roommates using them but I didn't want to be a dick so I just let them use them whatever right? So I noticed one week that I hadn't seen one of my glasses in awhile and asked my roommates and one of them brought it out of his room and cleaned it and put it away so shit's all good. Wrong. Literally the day I asked him about it it disappeared again, this time forever. I confronted all of my roommates many times pretty fucking calmly in the vein of "Hey man, I noticed one of my glasses hasn't been in the cabinets for a pretty long time have you seen it?" and they'd all say "Nah man I haven't seen it, I'll keep my eyes out though". Never saw that glass again, I am 98% positive this one roommate broke it and didn't have the balls to tell me, but I'll never know because they're all pussies. My girlfriend ended up buying me an identical glass so that's awesome, but I'll never get that pint-glass with memories back.

lol be thankful, those are NOTHING compared to actual roomate problems. i don't think i ever wrote up my experiences living in several flop houses, but i really should. some fun stuff in there.

until your roomates have almost killed you in a house fire multiple times because they were too immersed in the world of warcraft to deal with shit that they had started cooking you have gotten off easy

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oh haha i missed that. i literally only read the meaty chunks of big posts, never the preface.

at the first flop house I lived in, with the two WoW heads, we threw a new years party which turned out really well, but was almost a flop because the two WoW heads and their friends started playing magic cards in the living room, right next to the front door. i almost put up a curtain so that the girls arriving wouldn't have to see the house's shame

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Last two semesters i had a really interesting housing situation with some friends of mine ive known for a while:

- druggy hippy chick

- alcoholic marine meat head pilot

- busy nerd engineer (me)

It was a beautiful system for 3/4 of the year. We kept it clean, out of each others biz and even managed to enjoy our company every once in a while.

THEN the druggie hippy chick got a vibrator and started making party connections in town instead of driving 45m back to her home town every weekend. Man i saw that goddamn vibrator everywhere, she was never discrete about it & always left it out in the open. At first it was funny and I even felt cool living with this (pretty hot) chick who was all 'open' and that shit. Then it quickly turned embarrassing and gross. (especially when friends or study partners came over) Last month of school she started having these bizarre drug parties too.. i'd come home to these nasty people rolling and smoking cigs till 6am naked in our bathtub. wtf?? Oh yeah, once she forgot to pick up my marine roomy from the airport in SLC (1.5 hr drive each way). I get a call at midnight on sunday: "hey man...ally's not answering... can you come get me...." lucky i drank so much damn coffee.

My alcoholic marine meat head wasn't very notable for the most part. Lots of binge drinking about every weekend. This guy was an aspiring marine pilot.. except he was color blind and had been able to hide it his whole life. During one last test he had to take in florida, he failed just one of the infallible color blindness tests and was kicked out of the marines. Dude was crushed and went on a two week bender. It was pitiful.

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One of my suitemates plays call of duty for 8+ hours a day, and SCREAMS at the tv the whole time. No, he isn't yelling on the headset, he doesn't even fucking have one! He's just talking/yelling to himself. If he isn't playing COD he's blasting the latest top 40 rap hit whether he's in his room, or in the shower. He goes through the trouble of plugging in his Ipod+speakers in the bathroom just to listen to music while he showers. Me and my roommate are on our last straw with this guy, some major confrontation is bound to happen soon. We can't even study/concentrate and it'd be great to come home from a hard day of work and not sound like I stepped into an Iraqi warzone. He isn't even playing games in his own room, it's in our SHARED living room. He must have some mental problems.. always leaves a huge mess there as well..

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^ my roommate last year would do that too. playing video games and yelling at the tv. blasted a couple songs over and over (top 40 stuff, including justin beiber, and no my roommate was not a girl.) In the end when my other roommates or I got annoyed we just told him to stfu.

it was so fucking annoying to arrive home with justin beiber blasting on his speakers.

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So back to the hippy chick...

Third week of school and we have a little house warming party. 10 people max. Gets drunk off tequila shots. Slowly shes making her way to everyone in the party and making out with them (i rejected)

So we're playing horse shoes in the front yard, and shes really going to town on the porch with this foreign exchange african dude thats over. Party moves inside and next we know, we look outside and they are having sex. Keep in mind, we're in the heart of mormon contry. This aint 'business as usual.' after 10-15 me and a bud throw water on them like dogs.

ffwd to next morning...

"Did i have sex last night?".. uh yeah, with that african guy. she runs in the shower crying. So she freaks and drives home that day. Next thing i know, her dad is calling me, telling me they are pressing rape charges and describing her vaginal tearing and bruised vagina walls and shit..awkward. The most horrible part (or best, i can chuckle about it now i guess) is that she was terrified she straight up caught AIDS from this guy. She was so pumped when her test came back neg.

If you're wondering what happened, she pretty much realized she is a fucking retard and it all blew over in a matter of days.

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^^ for real. race was the element which turned it from hookup to 'rape.' believe me, drunken porch sex and over reactions are straight out of this girl's play book.

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that is fucking wild. porch secksssss

i've been living with my roommate for a month or two now. i was super pissed in the beginning because he's so damn uncomfortable to be around. he felt he had something to prove in the beginning and acted like such an ass to prove his...point? anyway, he claims to be a juggalo.first of all, ffuck that. and second, now i see he's a fraud. just a soggy momma's boy who calls his grandma every night to say goodnight.

at this point i thought i had the worst roommate ever, but i gave it a little longer before i made some changes.

now- he asks for advice about parties and "hottie chix" and i realize this kid has probably never had a friend before. i feel like i'm doing a good deed being nice and genuine to this guy. when he isn't pretending to like deathxmetalxrap, he's just another video gamer. which leads me to a solid theory:

video games suck. i agree, they're dope to play and get into sometimes but it seems like a roommate is complete wasteotime if they game constantly. it's almost like their addicts. i know they have those type of kids in asia, but shit, i hope not here too.

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Christ Kemosabe, your entire post was and A+, but got bumped down to a B- for the ignorant statement at the very end.

Do you think that South Park episode about WoW addicts was targeted towards kids in Korea? Yes, there are "those type of kids" in America as well...

and to get even more off topic, kids seem to look to games for substitutions for socializing, lose the little social skills they had to begin with, and slowly become wholly dependent on them.

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Gotta be honest, my current program is a hellish pressure-cooker. Massive exams every two weeks, and everybody tweaking about their grades all over the place, gunners in every class...

Thankfully I've got some cash stowed away and picked up a 1 bedroom near school. But judging from some of the stories I've been hearing, roommates not use deodorant and horrible communicable diseases...I am so glad I'm not living with anyone. It's always good to come home to an empty place to relax and not deal with any bullshit.

This is basically my situation. I actually haven't had a "roommate" for like 7 years aside from my ex-girlfriend who I lived with for like 3 years. Reading all these stories makes me appreciate that more than ever.

I think my worst roommate was my sophomore year of high school (boarding school). Dude was a varsity basketball and baseball player and instead of changing in the locker rooms, he would skip showering and wear his gross ass uniforms back to the dorm and just leave them at the front of our room to be worn to practice the next day. He would then "shower", but his concept of showering didn't involve soap or shampoo.. he just let the water run over him. My room smelled fucking disgusting that whole year.

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every time my one roommate (girl) jokingly askes the other roommate whether he is gay or not he gets super evasive and starts mumbling. basically he's this awquard shut in and won't do anything on weekends but sleep in and watch tv series and whatnot.

i feel sorry for him, but i just can't deal with his awquardness :(

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Kemosabe, you need to stop with the Videogame bashing son. shit no good. Game for life! Honestly if you want him to stop gaming, he gots to get on that Neogaf. People on that forum don't game, just talk about gaming.

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Kemosabe, you need to stop with the Videogame bashing son. shit no good. Game for life! Honestly if you want him to stop gaming, he gots to get on that Neogaf. People on that forum don't game, just talk about gaming.

I dont think its ignorant to say asian cultures have a far larger problem on their hand when it comes to video game addiction as compared to the US. They are the ones who make the news every so often when a kid dies because he went on a 72 hour gaming marathon, or another kid loses his mind and commits suicide in some kind of gaming addiction rehab camp..

Besides, South korea has those huge starcraft television and professional gaming networks and China has all the massive gold farming operations.

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i'm getting mad requests for more on this chick, I've got one last good one.

This story takes place while I wasn't home, so its second hand but classic her.

Its a typical friday night, I was at some other party cuz i don't really like her crowd. Bout 6 or 7 people over, mixed age group. Doing pretty tame stuff, like beer pong and listening to lady gaga on full blast. A guy there, a friend of hers (basically the guy version of her),took a bunch of E before he came over and was drinking heavy throughout the night. At one point after a smoke break he walked through the door and lost balance and fell flat on his face.. no biggie, just bounced back up.

ffwd to them playing horse shoes on the front lawn. Now its really hitting this guy. Dude is in an out of consciousness, heart racing, tripping everyone out. He started to get really scared and asked to get an ambulance on the line.

Now my drunk roomy pipes up authoritatively: "Everyone inside. Now."

Its just him and her on the lawn, and she proceeds to do some drunken mr miyagi-sacred voodoo-avatar-hippy shit on him. I think it went something like this:

"Listen. I want you to take deep breaths. I am bonding you to the earth and every breath you take will withdraw the poison from your body and deposit it with mother nature. Concentrate. Breathe."

Crisis averted. Dude saved.

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thanks TTM.

ke1- maybe my statement was a little shitty. no, i dont watch South Park but, i have seen a video on korean kids playing way too many video games and end up in those rehab camps. not hatin on video games, just hatin on the dweebs who abuse them.

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