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25 fun factz


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i see these on fb a lot and they're the only thing i ever read on there anymore

i like reading other pplz, so post 25 fun facts aboot yourself

or maybe just 23

because i like that number more

give me something to do while my leg recovers and i can bball again :(

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1. I is classical guitar major

2. I also am being biology double major

3. I don't want to be a musician or biologist for a living

4. I graduate this semester

5. When I graduate I want to make small batch artisanal cheeses and meats or brew beer for a living

6. I have seven things in the mail coming to me right now

7. But I have no debt on my credit card

8. I have two beautiful kittehs: Leonidas and Lucy

9. I probably spend as much copping beer as copping jawnz

10. My room mate is boning in the room next to me.

11. I was born on a US Naval base in Rota, Spain

12. I kinda have a mullet right now

13. I live in a beautiful craftsman home in a college town in hella north California (5 hours north of The Bay)

14. But my home base is in The Bay Area

15. I've been playing classical guitar for 3.5 years but am already totally awesome at it and unabashedly proud

16. I am a foodie

17. I feel that hamburgers are a gift from the heavenz

18. I am a cat person, but I don't dislike dogs unless they are the small yappy kind or mean kind

19. I used to live in Arizona

20. I enjoy crossword puzzles

21. I also enjoy most video games through history that have involved Mario

22. I frequently go home to the Bay just for the epic beer and jawnz

23. I don't really want an iPhone

24. But I'm sure that'll change

25. I have gross long fingernails on one hand and I keep them well manicured (this is for playing classical guitar), and I will have them my whole life.

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ill repost mine from facebook:

1- i stay up really late at night

2- im an only girl with 3 brothers

3- i think i love my cat a lot more than i love most humans

4- i have "two" tongues

5- im deeply in love with mickey

6- im excited to move to columbus

7- i dont show it much, but i really do love my brothers a lot

8- i love the way mickey laughs

9- i can be very hard headed

10- i dont call ppl back sometimes

11- i dont listen to my voicemails until a week later

12- i can pop my hip in and out

13- i was in love with the backstreet boys for a good 11 years

14- im obsessed with designer jeans

15- im craving sushi

16- im very sensitive but act a lot harder than i am

17- music is my life

18- i got expelled from high school my freshman year (99, fuckers)

19- 2008 was one of the best years of my life

20- the two years i went to ombudsman were also some of the best years ever

21- i dont really know what my fav food is

22- im a member of at least 6 forums

23- i love my mom and dad

24- i love god

25- i always get what i want

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I love big booties

I've gotten into legal trouble with marijuana twice in two states

I live in the south

I'm taking a two year break from college (read: supended)

I looooove big booties

I like white big booties more so than black, and for that I feel eternally guilty

I'm a perv. bbw.

I don't know what the fuck to do with my life, but I feel like I'm meant for great things...

Work aint much but it pays the bills

I feel like I'm so behind peers my age

I'm 23 going on 24

I don't know what I'm gonna do with my bs plysci degree, probably nothing

I'm going into welding

I'm really not attracted to superhot girls

If I was to go right now, I wouldn't care

I cant think of anything else...

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I got like four of five.

1. I am never comfortable ever

2. Because I am never comfortable, it makes me incredibly negative and an asshole

3. I make up for this by being funny

4. Jewish comedian

5. ???

6. Profit

7. I once had a Lego creation I built from scratch featured in Lego Magazine back in March of 1996. Probably one of the proudest moments of my life.

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i wish we were related

haha, just throw a rock and no one will question you.

you have two tongues?

its my epiglottis. it just sticks out further than it should and so if you look into my mouth, youll see a "second" tongue. cause thats what it looks like.

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1. Give me 17 legos of any shape and any color and I can make you the sickest alien battleship you have ever seen.

2. When I was in elementary school, a doctor gave a presentation on hygiene and told us to always count out the ABCs when washing your hands after going to the bathroom. To this day I honor that rule.

3. I probably own over 40 striped neckties, but only ever wear like 6 of them. Especially the blue ones.

4. Pulp in orange juice is my mortal enemy.

5. A silver hip flask that I found in an attic is my most prized possession.

6. If you let me borrow a lighter, 90% of the time I will try and steal it from you.

25. I can tree climb like a graceful orangutan, and when I'm drunk you might as well call it modern dance.

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1) wish i was mexican

2) wish i had sleazier firends

3) i like everyone i meet just about

4) need to get tested for autism i think


6) im really bad at making conversation

7) no one ever texts me besides this one guy who texts me way too much!!

8) IQ tests are bullshit!!

9) i had my 10th birthday in a graveyard!!

10) my grandmas really proud of me- i think her house is about to get condemned tho!!!!!

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1) wish i was mexican

This reminds me of this women I listened to for like four hours on the flight from Providence to California regaling this poor hispanic man about how "fantastic" she thought Mexican families were / Mexicao from a vacation she had taken there. He explained repeatedly that he lives in California and had hardly ever been to Mexico but this woman did not give a fuck. She needed this man to understand how moved she was by Mexico.

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• I don't like to eat those Chinese new year style chicken (ones you see hanging at the butcher shop in chinatowns) cos when I was four I saw my grandma chop a live chicken's head off..it ran around in circles for a bit before it died and later my grandma served it for dinner.

• I was born in hong kong, grew up in sf but have moved around 8 times now in the same city--different districts

• I tend to be a perfectionist when I'm passionate about something but absolute mess/lazy/plain with everything else.

• I like playing football, basketball, tennis, baseball etc but hate watching because I rather be the one playing and move then sit

• I can't stay still for more then a few minutes, even if it's just to cross my legs or sit up straight

• sometimes when I'm lazy to do laundry I go out and shop

• I still watch Saturday morning cartoons every now and then when I remember to

• I eat breaded chicken breast patties by itself

• fried food is the best type of food

• worked four jobs at the same time and still went to school full time, not cos I needed the money but cos I didn't know how to say no

• Aladdin was my favorite movie as a kid. always envied jasmine and wanted a pet tiger myself.

• love cats and dogs but always preferred cats cos they don't need as much work what with the walking and catching frisbee, etc

• got picked up by my parents at the police station once in 7th grade after a fight..never again after the beating I got once we got home..

• when I was 12 years old my dad kicked me out briefly..my mom got me back in..bless her she was always the one that stood up for me

• I am a pro at Chinese jump rope

• i've never broken a bone, dislocated a joint or sprained myself

• I can write perfectly with my left and right hand

• am secretly a book worm..

• I can move my kneecap side to side :s

• I can wear the same ring for all my fingers except for the pinky which thankfully isn't the same width o.o

• one of my eyes if I look to the side the pupil almost completely disappears :/

• my birthdate is the exact day that Bruce lee died..totally random but I saw footage of his grave in a random movie and yah

• bloody movies are cool but supernatural shit like ghosts that haunt you scare the shit out of me..probably cos what I can see I can fight but I'm also superstitious

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1. i know three languages and I also can speak a bit of modenese and paduan dialect

2. I believe in UFOs and I've even seen a few when I was living in mexico

3. I'm a very mystic person

4. I had 4 piercings and pink hair when I was a teen

5. I am a clean freak only when it comes to bathrooms

6. I stole a necklace from H&M once

7. I have gone to the hospital for an IV for being too drunk

8. besides that, I've never been hospitalized for anything

9. I am fascinated by morbid and grotesque things

10. I once said I was 5 years older than I was but was found out that same night

11. I am an expert tree-climber

12. I would give anything to and go play hide and seek in a big park with a group of friends

13. I wear hockey skates when I go ice skating

14. I love being home alone, even though my roomates are cool I cringe every time the key turns in the door.

15. I use a spoon to curl my eyelashes

16. I have always wanted to be able to raise one eyebrow but I've never been able to. I can, however, flare my nostrils.

17. in middle school I used to wear blue-colored contacts

18. my favorite cigarettes are romeo&julieta

19. I chew on the skin around my fingernails, it's so gross and I'm trying to stop.

20. I almost always wear mismatching socks because I'm too lazy to organize my sock drawer.

21. I have always been a die-hard nintendo fan and I bet I can still remember a bunch of cheats for mario and sonic games

22. me and my brother fucked up some n64 controllers because we played mario kart battle with our feet

22. when I was little I used to wear my brother's dinosaur t-shirts, which he didn't like. he got even by giving my barbies buzz-cuts.

23. I used to have a crush on inspector gadget

24. I don't have a favorite color

25. my favorite weather is cold, slightly windy, but sunny

26. I used to be a hardcore sailor moon fan, I had all the comics in japanese and all the taped episodes in VHS O_O

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  1. I sat unmoving for 2 minutes before typing this <
  2. I love the cold.
  3. I do not love cold toilet seats.
  4. It's 2:26 AM.
  5. I landed on obese on the BMI chart 9 months ago.
  6. I'm now in the "Ideal" box bordering the "Underweight" box.
  7. I have stretch marks. Looks like I emerged victorious against a tiger though. All gooood.
  8. I love food.
  9. It's 2:30 AM.
  10. I was caught watching porn on my laptop in the library.
  11. I wasn't really, I just didn't know what I was clicking on.
  12. I'm not into POV ones anyway.
  13. I am now craving St. Nick's Mint from Golden Spoon, damn seasonal flavors!
  14. It is now 2:34 AM.
  15. I hate those moments where you hate yourself, your life, your future, and your past all at the same time.
  16. I don't understand much of what gets + rep around here.
  17. I'm taking the time to though.
  18. I think too much.
  19. I need funner factz.
  20. I just finished watching the australian open final. Serena should be ATP.
  21. I want to know what goes on during gamestop interviews. Specifically the moment the interviewer is convinced he/she has found a winner.
  22. I chew on the left side.
  23. I have 3 scars from running into windows both opened and closed.
  24. I took almost half an hour proofing this, really? Really now?
  25. I want a double double with grilled onions and fried pickles.

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1. I am 27.

2. I look older.

3. I act like I'm about 19

4. I drink and smoke like a seasoned 45 year old alcoholic dad.

5 Once I finish my 25 fun facts I am going to go back across town and have sex with my Japanese bikini idol girlfriend

6. When I have sex with her I know I'm moving on someday, to lesser chested women (in multiple), and that is okay too.

7. I have had citizenship in three countries

8. I am mediocre at one language, and when I drink I can speak two more additional languages in a comedic manner, possibly three or four

9. My wallet currently has three currencies in it, and the total equals about USD $31, about $7 of which I can actually use in this country, plus a bus card with about $7 on it. On a good day my wallet can be 2 inches thick, with about $1000 in it, and today is one of the bad days, but tomorrow is looking good.

10. I am a dick to a lot of people, but I also think I am one of the most thoughtful, generous, and considerate people I know.

11. I hate the country I live in, but I live here partially because I can walk down the street styling on people and think I am the most beautiful man alive here. The girls who part the path for me literally bend sideways at the knees, from my perspective, and I mow them down like grass.

12. My favorite food is pho, but only from one place on earth. Coming up a close second would be an alternation of hamburgers, pizza, and tacos.

13. I have only really worked for about 2 years of my life, and I think I've made something like $100,000 under my own power, total. I've also spent about $100,000 on jawnz lifetime, and $300,000 on drugs, liquor, and cigarettes.

14. Between the ages of 2-12, and 18-present, I've moved internationally almost every year. I dislike real travelling unless I make a goal and theme for a trip in my head, or I'm going to see a bitch.

15. One year I lived on an Indian reservation, and they stole my bike from my front porch during winter break, which is the last bike I ever owned, because of it.

16. I've been a kindergarten teacher before, but quit after 6 months because it was interfering with my drinking.

17. I only shave about once a week, if that. I cut my hair every few months, and now it is past my chin.

18. I can cook better than anyone I know, and even though I dislike eating my own food, I know it's better than most of the things one can buy in this country. I make my mother airmail me foodstuffs from home to complete my grail status recipes, even though the shipping for 5 cans of Chipotle en Adobo was like $80.

19. I lost my virginity when I was 17, in a forest green 2nd generation Dodge Caravan, to a 37 year old woman, in a cul de sac in Bloomington, Indiana, which was about 800 miles from home. I myself have pretty much only ever driven German luxury sedans so I think this is funny and digusting at the same time.

20. I almost died about 5 times my senior year of high school, in various car accidents, but only have a high insurance premium and a 2" scar on my scalp to prove it.

21. I am about 80% deaf. I can't hear shit. This makes talking to me something of a chore. I usually forget this little factoid myself until someone tries talking to me.

22. I almost choked to death last night on a piece of popcorn in front of 3 people, and my throat still hurts right now.

23. I am deciding on what concept to wear out right now, I think it shall be maison martin margeezy. My girlfriend lives across the street from a baseball batting cage arcade, and I always drop by there and hit about $5 worth of balls before going inside, so I need easy to take off concepts. I hate sports, by the way.

24. I've drank a half bottle of wine while writing this, which is like mouthwash to me.

25. I'd better leave soon, because my roommate's boyfriend is coming over anytime now, and my actual roommate is gone. It's not that I don't like the guy, but we our communication resembles that of cavemen for the fact that we've both slept with the same woman on separate occasions.

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Things I've learned -

1. Learn to live with your critics, including yourself.

2. If you feel like you're on some kind of edge, then you're not there, yet.

3. Don't give your best piece of advice, because they ain't gonna follow it.

4. Creativity comes and goes when it feels like it. Don't fight or look for it.

5. The best way to win an argument is walking away.

6. Speaking of arguments, two people you should never argue with, because you can't win - fools and jews.

7. People will never be able to see and accept all sides - if you do, good, keep it to yourself. People are afraid of the foreign and unknown.

8. There's nothing I like better than uncertainty. In it lies the possibility of absolute loss, or absolute victory - not knowing the outcome is half the fun.

9. Nothing is more dangerous or idiotic than somebody claiming certainty or knowledge in anything, because they don't exist.

10. Go with your gut, always. And go all the way.

11. I don't think people should look anywhere but themselves for direction. If you can't develop an intuitive compass for yourself, you'll be lost forever.

12. If you got confidence, you can pull off anything.

13. If I knew how to get there, I'd be there already.

14. Nothing is more disposable than words. The fact people place so much currency on them only sets them up for disappointment and frustration.

15. Failure doesn't exist. The only possible outcomes are success and redo.

16. I'm young, but what scares me is the speed at which people even younger are developing and acquiring. If you have it all so early on, what's there to look forward to?

17. One of the best things I ever read/heard - Go to parties.

18. Don't place too much reliance on doctors - if they could cure you of everything, they'd be out of business, and so would med schools.

19. Behind every great man, there is something greater beyond their or anybody's control. There might also be a woman of some sort, but that said...

20. Women can either do you a lot of good, or they can fuck you for good.

21. I don't believe in religion, but I always pray for good luck. In moments of desperation, I'll just tell myself to "leave it to god."

22. Fine dining is fast becoming an oxymoron, when it comes to dining out. Surround yourself with someone who knows how to cook at home - the best ingredients can only be purchased raw, unless you own a restaurant, which is way too much fuss.

23. I feel naked without my watch and two packs of cigarettes on me.

24. I've always been an outsider growing up, still am. It was tough to deal with then, it's tough now. Sometimes you just gotta come to terms with the way things are, and make the most out of who you are.

25. The best is yet to come. Always.

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1. i shoplift fairly frequently (twice this week) i started when i was 13. ive been caught twice with no consequence

2. i go to the arcades and anime conventions and do generally nerdy shit

3. i have a fetish for girls with glasses

4. i am extremely lazy and unmotivated.

5. i have stayed in my room for weeks at a time watching tv shows

6. i am vegetarian

7. i love mexican food

8. i was straight edge until last year

9. i can eat snacks all day instead of having proper meals

10. i usually watch tv or a movie while im the computer

11. i wish i lived in a colder climate

12. i have jacked off in a public place. but no one saw me. more than once

13. i love alliterations and funny pictures of animals (see sig)

14. i have not worked in 1.5 years and ive made all my money through selling/reselling

15. i generally hate driving and would rather take other forms of transportation

16. i acted out a scene from this book (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_Sheep_Chase)with a group for an english project and consider this my proudest academic moment

17. i am generally angry like lab

18. i used to be really good at basketball (cuz im tall) but i gave it up because i wanted to play playstation and hated playing post all the time

19. i rarely answer my phone at home. i answer most of the time if im out

20. i have credit card debt of like 1k

21. i have cried at movies/japanese dramas

22. i blacked out drunk and woke up with no idea of what happened during the whole night

23. some of these are reposts

24. i used to be responsible but now i dont care about a lot of things

25. like dum im not really depressed even some of these might make me seem like it

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16. I have always wanted to be able to raise one eyebrow but I've never been able to. I can, however, flare my nostrils.

i wanted to do this so i basically taught myself

i think i worked out my eyebrow muscles until i was able to do it

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1. I have bad tinnitus.

2. I am short. (5'7")

3. I can pop most of the bones in my body and do so at every available opportunity.

4. I never worked at GOODS.

5. I did use to work for Blackbird.

6. As a youth I flew stunt kites competitively.

7. I am an insomniac.

8. I have obsessive-compulsive tendancies.

9. Right now I am obsessed with Street Fighter IV.

11. I like plastic-y scents.

12. I love Diet Dr. Pepper.

13. ???

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1.) i like the smell of gasoline

2.) when i was really young, i thought the pencil sharpener was an electric nail clipper so i stuck my pinky inside. later i felt my pinky was wet and wiped it on my purple sweatpants and found that it was bleeding.

3.) i like to cut my hair on days when it's cloudy but the sun is still shining a bit.

4.) when driving and passing a yellow light, i tap the roof of my car. all the time, even if i'm on the phone, i'll put the phone down to tap the roof.

5.) i've gotten my hair cut two days in a row this week, on wednesday & thursday

6.) the only way to get me to stop biting my nails is to get a manicure or have nail polish on them

7.) i love to write but sometimes hate to read

8.) i've been reading a lot of news/random facts lately

9.) i fractured my foot a couple years ago being my clumsy ass self

10.) i'm broke as fuck right now but i keep charging everything on mommy daddy's credit card

11.) my birthday is the same as hitler's and and luther vandross.. and the columbine high school massacre

12.) there are still some episodes of Are You Afraid of the Dark i still refuse to watch till this day.

13.) i still have my childhood stuffed animal -- it's a duck and i named him willie

14.) my mother almost died of blood loss while giving birth to me

15.) my favorite cigarettes are marlboro smooths

16.) when i go on trips, i like to collect random things like receipts, napkins, fliers, movie stubs

17.) i've had a bidet in my house for years but i've never once used it

18.) when i was younger, i got referrals for various things like giving a kid a black eye

19.) when i have time i like to scour second hand shops for random records that i've never heard of that have nice covers and give the to friends

20.) my favorite flavor ice cream is french vanilla (or hazelnut gelato if that counts)

21.) i wish i'd learn to play the piano as a kid

22.) my favorite style of dance that i learned was tap

23.) i'm really into candles lately

24.) i've never stolen anything before in my life

25.) i'm a zombie leading a war on zombies

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1 i was born in amsterdam

2 everybody always thinks i'm high even though i'm usually not

3 i have never lived anywhere for longer than 5 years

4 most places less than 2 years actually

5 i'm actually not a professor

6 or very tuff

7 my sleeping rhythm is constantly messed up because my body thinks a day has 25 hours

8 i hate doctors and never go unless it's an emergency, even though i should probably be checked for insomnia

9 i don't play video games anymore but i still read reviews and could probably make a hardcore gamer believe that i'm one too

10 i've had alcohol every single night for the past 2 weeks, getting drunk most nights

11 i often eat nothing all day

12 other days i eat about 3 times as much as i should

13 i never buy chips or candy at stores because i always end up eating the whole bag within an hour no matter how much it is

14 the snack machine in my dorms is the end of me and i've probably spent 2-300 euros on snacks from it since coming here

15 i tell people i listen to house/electro/indie/whatever will get me laid but actually listen to really bad rap most of the time

16 i bought both soulja boy albums and they're the only actual cds ive bought in ages (do have some records though)

17 i'm probably going to miss one of my exams this year to fly to austria and go to a music festival where i live in a tent for 3 days and drink beer all day long

18 i cheat all the time. i got caught in 7th grade and tell people that it made me stop forever, but i've cheated on pretty much every test and exam ever since

19 i don't even have to cheat, i would get good grades without it, it's just become habit and it's kind of fun

20 i write fairly extensive diaries, probably 10 moleskine pages a day, but i never read them and i always throw the notebook away when it's full

21 i've never broken a bone and never been arrested but if life was fair at all both would have happened to me often already

22 i've done coke once and salvia once (didnt break through though) but no other drugs. i kind of want to but the only druggie friend i had is straight edge now

23 if vienna had a good university i'd want to live there. i might move back when i have my degree. it's the best city.

24 all of my friends make fun of me and call me a dumb baby because i can't cook anything, can't iron, and until going to university had never done laundry or washed dishes

25 i'm also a dumb baby in other ways sometimes, for example once i spilled champagne on my phone and was going to dry it on the radiator but figured it would dry faster if i put it in the microwave


26 i'm not really attracted to western european/american white girls at all 99% of the time. i like black, asian, indian, arabic, eastern european, etc. girls much more

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