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Eternal Jeans


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yeah, wearing the 811s i feel like i'm really starting to understand why that holy grail guy went with these. (it seems like he always spends a long time contemplating on which pair to wear, and he sure has a lot to choose from.) these are one of teh finest denim around.

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Man I love the patch so much on these jeans.. so nice and golden and shiny haha

too bad they dont come in smaller sizes cause Id get a pair... pretty cheap too (relatively)

I guess I could wear them at my hips at 28 inches, I wonder how that would look

TIP -can you post a pic of the jeans worn at the hips like you said?

Also, from what I can deduce, raw pairs come as tagged size, one wash come 2 inches too small?

Finally, whats the diff of 811s compared to the bears x eternals? fit look similar to me?

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Aw, I guess that means I have no chance of wearing them without superdiaperass... I got excited when I read that a size 28 actually measured 26 after a soak (my waist is around 26.5)... so I guess it would only be recommended to do so if I was actually a 28? to get the 28, shrink it to 26 and then restretch it to around 27.5-28?]

watchman - nice wallet, has it changed at all since you got it in terms of color? Im waiting for a workin mans wallet currently in the mail from LGC

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  watchman said:
yeah the color has changed quite a bit, but there has been a shitload of indigo staining that i have no idea what to do about.

yes, this thing is a monster. my hand towel has changed its color because i keep washing then wiping my indigo-stained hands on them. my couch is turning blue. my shirts. my wallet, belt. everything. my hands and nails are constantly blue when i'm wearing them.

the only items hanging tough and not changing into blue are my alden indys.

  tweedlesinpink said:
to reiterate an earlier question...do eternals ever stop staining, or do they have this secret stash of endless indigo dye?

i'm asking myself the same question. it's got to stop at some point. i just don't know when yet.

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  Chicken said:
yes, this thing is a monster. my hand towel has changed its color because i keep washing then wiping my indigo-stained hands on them. my couch is turning blue. my shirts. my wallet, belt. everything. my hands and nails are constantly blue when i'm wearing them.

Same for me. I came home drunk one night and my girlfriend looked at my blue hands, had a look of concern on her face, and asked if I needed to go to the hospital. These things are a never-ending well of indigo.

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  Chicken said:
yes, this thing is a monster. my hand towel has changed its color because i keep washing then wiping my indigo-stained hands on them. my couch is turning blue. my shirts. my wallet, belt. everything. my hands and nails are constantly blue when i'm wearing them.

wow, eternals are nice, but that sort of inconvenience will probably stop me from ever getting a pair

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Wow, whole new meaning to the term 'secret handshake' :D And Khaltire, I share your pain cos I'm a 27 - 28. You should check out The Flathead 3008's that start at size W25 and also Skulls that start at W26 and are true to tag. Here's a tip I intend to take heed of when I buy pairs to suit my new smaller waist - wear a belt with them immediately after shrinkage to limit stretch.

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that seems like it wouldn't produce anything interesting. I haven't noticed nearly as much indigo loss onto my hands and stuff as you guys, maybe a little blue on a towel and stuff or in the rain, but not just smurfing up everything i touch

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  PG2G said:
Yeah, but Ryu does monthly. This guy does like every other day, hehe.

yeah...i think as far as washing processes go, the japanese denimheads have covered every base. long break between washes, monthly washes, daily washes, different types of washing solutions, etc.

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