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People wearing sandals where it's not the beach and the weather isn't even nice. probably the 10th time I say that here. but seriously to me this is a huge disrespect, I won't talk to you if you come to me wearing sandals in town when it's 15C outside.

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does cross posting across all threads make u feel better

fuck "friends:" that try to get closer to girls by telling her YOUR secrets.

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so my dad and I are working on fixing the fences around our house which connects to four different houses (two side neighbors, two back neighbors) and we just sent out the bill to our neighbors today. fucking one of them doesn't want to pay the actual cost of the labor and materials because he thinks its too much and didn't expect it to be that much even though we gave him the estimates and the total cost didn't even exceed the estimate. and then one of our back neighbors came and gave us the money that he agreed upon since we worked on his fence, but all of a sudden, after he leaves, his daughter and wife come and say, "oh why did he pay that much. he overpayed you and didn't give you change," when we weren't even done with the fucking fence yet. the bitch looked at the work that we've done so far and when we tried explaining to her that her dad had given us money for the future work that we were going to complete, she went off disrespecting my dad and trying to jip us out of the fucking money that was owed. so now we're down x amount of money out of pocket for the stupid pressure treatment that we were going to do, but not going to do anymore. and she tried to fucking slam my own door on my face. fucking grabbed the door and shut her down using my accounting knowledge. it was her parents (the back neighbor) that we dealt with not her and she's trying to talk her way out of the shit when she had no part in the equation. fucking annoying.


dumbass fucking neighbor know it alls that have no business in the business you're conducting.

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Power button on iPhone just got stuck down. Awesome

Looks like a trip to the apple store is in order

"there's nothing we can do to fix that"

new phone under warranty but when I restored my backup I'm missing some apps, wtf?!?

first world problems

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