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shit you hate


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Asians are worse. I lied. You're right. At first I gave them the benefit of the doubt... and that lasted about 5 minutes. Whoever said Jews were cheap never met an asian woman before. "This is on sale right?" "this is 5.99 right? Oh it's 7.90? then no thanks." Always payin' in cash money too.

pretty much. patience is rewarding though. sometimes they'd drop upwards of 1-2k easily. with the exception of this one suburbia sahw who does drop 1k+ on one bag, most of my bread winners are asians and mexicans. mexicans and japanese are the best because they always have to have the matching stuff. or something besides that one bag.

there are cheap cheap asians too but i figure i can't get lucky every single time.

pretentious people who can't handle another person's pretentiousness, funny.


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I thought you are a super grown ass man? with almost a family of your own. now you back @ the crib (literally)?

sorry 2 here that

30 years old man, went back to education at 25 and I've been graduated for about a year now so yeah, back at the parents house. And yes, it sucks majorly.

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it's difficult because every single little thing makes me feel like I'm a teenager again, I've even gotten into arguments with my brother over a games console!

I think the difficult thing right now is that I'm trying to make a career as an illustrator so I only have a part time job. I could go get a full time job and move out but that means at least temporarily abandoning the illustration.

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it wasnt my choice! of all the cities to immigrate to my grandparents chose dallas... how can a city so large be so culturally decrepit and crappy?

...i hate dallas

lol teh suck that is texas....

unless ur on drugs...

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it's difficult because every single little thing makes me feel like I'm a teenager again, I've even gotten into arguments with my brother over a games console!

I think the difficult thing right now is that I'm trying to make a career as an illustrator so I only have a part time job. I could go get a full time job and move out but that means at least temporarily abandoning the illustration.

im going through the same thing!

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when people who used to eat shitty all of a sudden needs to eat more clean cos of medical issues tell you "oh you shouldn't eat that! do you know what it will do to your arteries?" like they're the freaking expert. i know it makes them feel better like they're the bigger person but stilllllllllllllll.

when people call to tell you something dramatic like "i feel like i'm going to die" "i could pass out any minute" and then when you are trying to figure out how to help they interrupt you and say "you don't understand, i don't NEED you to tell me that or do that. i just want to tell you i could pass out any minute"

ummmmmmmmm okay.

i also hate inconsiderate selffucks that whine and bitch and whine and bitch about how hard life is for them to people who're trying to work..worst part is i can hear the television in the background.

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^Co-sign. I work with a few of them. Bunch o'tools.

I fucking hate my PhD right now. It feels like cancer... End-stage. I have way more to accomplish in a shorter space of time than is humanly possible. I am slowly losing my mind and I feel like I'm going to go crazy or fucking die of a brainsplosion.

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sleep on the train ride over, use mobile alarm clock to wake yourself up.

i tried but i had to change trains twice so i only managed to nodd off once. when i got there ifelt ok but on the way home i had a huge fucking headache and i thought my head gonna explode

I fucking hate my PhD right now. It feels like cancer... End-stage. I have way more to accomplish in a shorter space of time than is humanly possible. I am slowly losing my mind and I feel like I'm going to go crazy or fucking die of a brainsplosion.

ok the way i see it you are 25 and are already working on your phd... wow that's quite a career

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I dislike trendy people who think they're fashionable

But surely there's really little difference between a trend and a fashion? I hate trendy people who think they have style though.

A good example of this was some of the girls on my course, they were refered to by everyone as either the "pretty girls" or the "fashion girls". They all basically wore Top Shop style, whatever boho kinda crap the magazines were pushing that month but of course they all thought they had their own individual style that was all their own.

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