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i don't think she's retarded. But she looks hella dumb.

I'd do her though.


the loveless semi-private holy-shit-we'll-liquidate-all-the-shit-from-the-past-few-seasons sale was today (dec 1)

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dude NO I got kicked out of a sorority today 'cause they're not allowed to have guys there past 2 or some shit.

BUT I was gettin my swerve on with some HOT Russian chick so it was all good.

She's never been to Capitol Hill before so we have a date tomorrow to go check it out.

according to trash prince, from a far, capital hill looks like a boob with erect nipple... that is a good omen.

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hi guys,

i'm gonna be going to school in tokyo next semester from jan-may and i hear it's pretty cold... and i'm from socal so i probably get cold easily by the rest of the world standards... i'm planning on just buying most of my clothes there but i'm gonna need about a weeks worth of clothes when i first get there. what kind of stuff should i bring, how many layers, etc.?

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i thought the entire world knew that you are "kinda" japanese

true, but why you gotta be like..... "snitttched" and shit? kinda condescending, no?

anyway everyone one who was allowed to know knows. nobody joining in 2007 is supposed 2.

i won't beat you up, don't worry. but you gonna get me bitches and buy me food.

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let's talk about international school. for the japanese cats on here, are you gonna make your kids go to international school or at least have them go to weekend japanese school?

my parents were too cheap to put me in japanese school on the weekends, but we spoke japanese in the house. as a result, i speak japanese without an accent, but my vocabulary is equivalent to a 12 year old boy. when i go to japan and talk to someone who doesn't know my situation, they don't think i'm a foreigner, but they think i'm severely retarded. which is never sexy.

i have a lot of friends who went to international school and they have the best of both worlds. they speak japanese and english perfectly. while i was riding my bike on their weekends, they were cramming in the kanji.

any thoughts on this?

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Do it. At my firm, all the top guys in Tokyo went to Saint Mary's, etc. The alumni connections are very strong. I'm always envious of the guys who can speak fluent Japanese and English, they know they are the shit and nothing can hold them back.

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let's talk about international school. for the japanese cats on here, are you gonna make your kids go to international school or at least have them go to weekend japanese school?

my parents were too cheap to put me in japanese school on the weekends, but we spoke japanese in the house. as a result, i speak japanese without an accent, but my vocabulary is equivalent to a 12 year old boy. when i go to japan and talk to someone who doesn't know my situation, they don't think i'm a foreigner, but they think i'm severely retarded. which is never sexy.

i have a lot of friends who went to international school and they have the best of both worlds. they speak japanese and english perfectly. while i was riding my bike on their weekends, they were cramming in the kanji.

any thoughts on this?

i don't wanna go into 2 much details and snitch on myself, but we had special rules. when i was livin in jp my dad didn't let me speak jap in the house. as soon as i got in the door, even before i got my shoes off i had 2 speak english "i'm home! ge me a snack!" even if my mom spoke to me in jap i had to reply in english (in the house).

if i have kids i gonna make them go to intl skoo if i be in jp. if i b in gaijin-land i gonna make them go to japanese skoo. who are we kidding? we probably gotta make our kids go to chinese school..

i am going back to jp very soon. somebody teach me kau moji! thax

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another option is just throwing your kids into regular public school.

i have a 100% white friend who went to public japanese grade school and high school out in the countryside. so, he was the only white dude in the whole school. needless to say, his japanese is perfect. his english is perfect too because he spoke it at home. although, he does tend to use 1960s american slang.

i also have a bunch of other american friends with various level of japaneseness, that did alright going through the public japanese school system.

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depends on how gaijin-esque my kid looks (if for some reason i hook up with gaijin or the gaijin dna shows up)... if i had kid who looked really gaijin i wouldn't put him in a pub school.

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have you ever noticed that when you run into an american who's been living like 10 years in japan, that they still use slang from the MC Hammer era? and when you use current slang, they don't understand what you're saying? just kinda funny to me.

for example?

what were you guys in the club? and your friend b dancing and was like "can't touch this!!!" hooked up with some random girl, got drunk, unprotected sex, nut inside and was like "we got to pray...we gotta pray just to make it today..."

i don't really have to many ancient gaijin friend in japan anymore. they all moved away.

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i'm talking about old-school hip hop cats from the hood that moved to japan and stayed there for over a decade.

old hip hop cat: "yo, gee, word-up, that shit was cold-jiggy!!!!"

me: "umm, tru, that's whatsup."

old hip hop cat (perplexed): "what's up?"

me: "that's whatsup."

old hip hop cat: "huh?"

me: "i mean, yeeeeeeeaaaah, boyeeeee!!!!!" (*gets in b-boy stance*)

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If you live in Japan and your gaijin kid looks like Vanilla Ice, do him a favor and don't send him to regular Japanese school. I've seen those kids getting eaten alive by savage hakujin haters.

Still, if you want a kid to really know Japanese, it seems logical to send them through the Japanese system (or do the weekend thing) because its definitely a lot harder to pick up Kanji later on in life than some SAT words you didn't get at Gaijin Valley High School.

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