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otaku otaku?


from tokyo mango: "If you're in Tokyo later this month — or if you want an excuse to go there — you might check out what promises to be a huge otaku event held not in Akihabara but in trendy Roppongi. Special guests include girls from premium maid cafe @Home as well as LiveDoor founder Horiemon."

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Alife is a pretty domestic club.

Looks like the economy is so bad they have to do event like this.

Charleston Cafe right across the street closed down after 20 years!

Real shame.

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good bye



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iphone works but people usually get with ginormous roaming fees. it's better to rent a phone.

i doubt that there are bound + print book that lists cool-guy stores in English.

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Thanks Herpsky, been tryin to figure the iphone roaming thing out for a min. I havent had mine very long so I'm not sure if I can use a japanese sim card, if it has to be jailbroken, etc, etc...

iphone works but people usually get with ginormous roaming fees. it's better to rent a phone.

i doubt that there are bound + print book that lists cool-guy stores in English.

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i suppose that if you jailbreak your phone and use the SIM card you pull out of a rental one, i guess you can use your iphone.

what's the point of that though? you just need phone / email, right?

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Damn I think the only Japanese retail company that is doing well right now is Uniqlo. Versace just exited Japan last week.

But to be frank Y-3 is a more commercially viable/accessible label.

So it make sense that Adidas stepped in.

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im headed n the 24 to tokyo where can i catch some paid for girls for sex? i mean teen girls not the types with tatoos

the girls who stand around the freegea building in shinjuku.

you will get an STD though

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Lulz @ goth ninjas

フランス・パリのセレクトショップ「l'eclaireur(レクレルール)」が、日本におけるショップ運営から撤退する見通しだ。  1980年にパリに誕生した「l'eclaireur」は、2006年に東京・南青山へ進出。オーナー兼バイヤーのアルモン・アディダ氏のプロ デュースにより、msインターナショナル運営のもと、「l'eclaireur Tokyo(レクレルール東京)」をオープンした。2fには、ギャラリースペースの「espace 218」を運営している。

 このたび明らかになった「l'eclaireur Tokyo」の閉店、及び日本における事業撤退の詳細については、10月後半の発表を予定している。

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