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  salaryman said:
That guy is wicked cheezy.

I bet he gets laid a lot though.

Yeah, that's why he talks in gaijin-japanese man.

I had friend like that, passed 1級能力試験, talked fluent correct Japanese, but would thrown in the heavy Engrish-accent to get dat J-P.U.S.S.Y.

Girl love dat shit.

They be like, 日本語が上手ですね!めちゃちゃカワイイ!

Jap bitches be hella stupid sometimes.

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So I haven't talked to my ex-gf since she pissed the fuck outta me a good month ago, being super disrespectful and generally being a bitch. She just e-mailed me with this weird bullshit...



For one, I don't sleep around.

Two, its obviously a fucking lie.

Three, why is this bitch always trying to get in contact with me even when things fall apart!?

What's a good response?! heheheh....

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  djrajio said:

What's a good response?! heheheh....

wow. thats fucked.

tell her something like....


but, are you trying to maintain a chance of a possible hookup with this girl because then I wouldn't say what I said (in fact, is the last even grammatical...matsu?)...but still, she's basically calling you out....

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  salaryman said:
wow. thats fucked.

tell her something like....


but, are you trying to maintain a chance of a possible hookup with this girl because then I wouldn't say what I said (in fact, is the last even grammatical...matsu?)...but still, she's basically calling you out....

Hahaha. Yeah that's nice. Yeah, why she calling me out? Cuz I didnt call her back? Women are crazy.

Edit: Actually, I dont wanna deal with this woman anymore. So yeah, this response is good.

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  djrajio said:
Hahaha. Yeah that's nice. Yeah, why she calling me out? Cuz I didnt call her back? Women are crazy.

Edit: Actually, I dont wanna deal with this woman anymore. So yeah, this response is good.

woops. just realized I fucked up the last part、should read....汚れがない子としかやらない

and yes, women are crazy, especially japanese bitches.

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  salaryman said:
woops. just realized I fucked up the last part、should read....汚れがない子としかやらない

and yes, women are crazy, especially japanese bitches.

Yeah I noticed that but I could infer what you were saying. no biggie.

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BTW: I just had a one-hour interview with the executive director of portfolio trading at Morgan Stanley in HK. I got my ass raped. HARD. She wants me to interview again with one more guy for an hour on java programming shit. WTF. I dunno why she asked another guy to kill me. Ugh.

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  MartianinTokyo said:
Have to agree with just about everything but I miss NY 24 hour subway and NY just feels more metropolitan. Lately I’m just skipping the Subway and using Taxis all the time but with the Sub Prime shit they be cutting back at work and wont let us charge it back.

I wonder if cabs in NY are more expensive then Tokyo, I never really bothered to look before.

setagaya to roppongi is like a 50 dollar cab ride

West Village to Queens is like a 20 dollar cab ride

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  djrajio said:
BTW: I just had a one-hour interview with the executive director of portfolio trading at Morgan Stanley in HK. I got my ass raped. HARD. She wants me to interview again with one more guy for an hour on java programming shit. WTF. I dunno why she asked another guy to kill me. Ugh.

why would you have to be java programming in your field djrajio? i'm a moron. is it because of the algorithms?

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  poly800rock said:
why would you have to be java programming in your field djrajio? i'm a moron. is it because of the algorithms?

Yeah, it's an algorithmic trading role. Equities is all algorithmic statistical arbitrage nowadays. No one does cash equities manually. You'll get taken to the cleaners if you did.

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  djrajio said:
Yeah, it's an algorithmic trading role. Equities is all algorithmic statistical arbitrage nowadays. No one does cash equities manually. You'll get taken to the cleaners if you did.

that's interesting. i'll have to ask my buddy who trades if he's doing the same thing...

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  poly800rock said:
that's interesting. i'll have to ask my buddy who trades if he's doing the same thing...

They most likely have some trading platform that is able to trade equities efficiently in the market. Look up on the internetz dark liquidity pools as well...

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  djrajio said:
So I haven't talked to my ex-gf since she pissed the fuck outta me a good month ago, being super disrespectful and generally being a bitch. She just e-mailed me with this weird bullshit...



For one, I don't sleep around.

Two, its obviously a fucking lie.

Three, why is this bitch always trying to get in contact with me even when things fall apart!?

What's a good response?! heheheh....

haha good job for dating a psycho.

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  MartianinTokyo said:
NY just feels more metropolitan.

This is what I'm gonna miss. When I was in Tokyo a couple years ago, there were places where it felt downright provincial, like getting off the train in the far reaches of some NY borough. It can be so quiet and orderly in Tokyo. I guess I'll miss checking out the multi-racial booty in NY too.

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  djrajio said:
BTW: I just had a one-hour interview with the executive director of portfolio trading at Morgan Stanley in HK. I got my ass raped. HARD. She wants me to interview again with one more guy for an hour on java programming shit. WTF. I dunno why she asked another guy to kill me. Ugh.

Theres a opening for a portfolio trader with quantitative experience at my place, not sure if you want to go to ny.

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  djrajio said:
So I haven't talked to my ex-gf since she pissed the fuck outta me a good month ago, being super disrespectful and generally being a bitch. She just e-mailed me with this weird bullshit...



For one, I don't sleep around.

Two, its obviously a fucking lie.

Three, why is this bitch always trying to get in contact with me even when things fall apart!?

What's a good response?! heheheh....

is this translation right?

After last month [raji] having sex, the sexual organs being itchy, it became the sickness.Now however you corrected, you think that it is something where [raji] was moved from the other person but it isHow? It was not itchy?

shes accusing u of vd?

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  salaryman said:
wow. thats fucked.

tell her something like....


but, are you trying to maintain a chance of a possible hookup with this girl because then I wouldn't say what I said (in fact, is the last even grammatical...matsu?)...but still, she's basically calling you out....

Well well.The other person and the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is the empty you have not become itchy? You probably play? It makes we consequence.We is not popular the child which is not the soiling different from you.

internetz is awsumzzzzz

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Guest jmatsu


good luck with the ballbusting interview. and yeah, your x girl seems like real headache.

i know u are good at hollering at the bitches, no doubt, but i don't know how you handle the long term shit or how you deal with a bitch that likes to keep yapping. you know? the real stress amplifier kinda bitches.

i think alot of playas have similar probs after getting with a bitch. it's the same as training a puppy dog. you gotta train that shit young. maybe you were just too nice (cause you are a nice guy)? i dunno. was wondering if jap bitches really hold you personally to the stereotype of gentle gaijin gentleman. you gotta reanimate your jap coldblood. i'm talking some bushido-jidai style shit.

i don't like it when girls walk behind me though. i rather them walk in front. like when crossing the street and shit. in a 3rd world country they walk in front too. walk in front to check for landmines.

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  sircheesecake said:
Whats the teen/twenty fashion like in jland currently? Ima be living there for around a year and need to fit in at least fashion wise(big, tall, white gaijin can only fit in so much) Ill proabably be buying most of my shit there but need a headstart.

short shorts and purple stockings.

and rajiv, is that the crazy girl that lived close to your place or another crazy?

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  DaBestSpoona said:
you cant blame him for not wanting to look like every other northface/patagonia/ems/salomon sneaker wearing white dude in jp

Hahaha, god damn.

So true.

I just met this white guy last week at a BBQ.

He's some 40 year old guy, never married, doing a PhD in Japanese literature at my alum.

Creepy as fuck. Kept asking me to introduce him to some jap girls that were invited.

Mutha fucka was wearing socks + teva sandals plus a northface pullover.

What. The. Fuck.

It's like a disease.

Did I mention he was creepy?

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