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2つのすごいバンドが U.K.から来日し、チームDJセットを


(出演バンドはThese New Puritans と Does it Offend You


その他 narc&cashと2BOYのDJセットもお楽しみに。

場所は le baron青山。


TEL: 0334083665 22:30 open.



***身分証明書 持って来てね!



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  naturaljax said:
I know son I know I know!

I been on the healing track and I'm all good again.

I'm fuckin' feenin' for some Tokyo though. This thread helps feed that fire.

it makes me feel warm inside


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  djrajio said:
Damn, I love my senpai for always pulling in the clutch nomikais.

But two of my douryou are fucking VPs!

We're playing in the B.I.G. L.E.A.G.U.E.S. now!!!!!

Why BITCHES gotta be over 30+ all the fucking time mannnn....

5 bitches and they are all over 30. Everytime they ask the B.A.L.L.A. how old he is, his game is R.U.I.N.E.D. Damn diz bitches!!!!!

I need manly features like Herpsky! Gahhhh............

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30 is too old for you cause you are like still 19 or whatever.

this thread is being teh suck cause none of us is in the jap land at the moment except rajio-chan

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so rajio, can you tell us a little about your job, you're an investment banker, right?

I just heard today about a Japanese friend's friend, he worked for Morgan Stanley for 2 years, 16 hours a day, then he sort of crashed and just took off and travelled for a year or so.

How's your job? What are the hours, how does it affect your social life etc?

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  djrajio said:
Why BITCHES gotta be over 30+ all the fucking time mannnn....

5 bitches and they are all over 30. Everytime they ask the B.A.L.L.A. how old he is, his game is R.U.I.N.E.D. Damn diz bitches!!!!!

I need manly features like Herpsky! Gahhhh............

you don't like aged meat? why not? 30s ladies usually aren't maguro in the sack.

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  naturaljax said:
whadda whadda whaddup yawwwwlllll

back from the dead, with two fully-functional legs

yo, glad you are back and okay. did you get any compensation? buy my mj wranglers!

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