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^ Eggs n Things - it's depressing, but I enjoy seeing the faces of guys stuck there with their girlfriends in the lineup

I went to that one popcorn place in Nakame when it first opened cause someone I knew worked there asked me to, then just gave the popcorn away to some random person afterwards.

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Chicago style popcorn? LAAAAAL. 

Isn't it like 20 bux for a small bucket? I thought we all established western (well, american) snacks are inferior to j-land snax...

I hope some1 brings brick toast to japan. That'd be pretty hilarious. 


when i tell j pipo that mcd is food for peasants and homeless pipo in america, they get surprised. also, starbux. 

(i guess one could argue that people, in general, aren't as particular about drinks and food as we are). 

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I think that popcorn place in Harajuku is the only one killing it.  Theres like 3 in Roppongi Hills where they're practically giving away cups to ppl and they're dead.  Robuchon panya in Roppongi Hills is pretty fucking ill.

Edited by DaBestSpoona
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Alexander Wang X HM is the most depressing piece of shit ever.


I hate everything the god damn campaign stands for.


Especially WWD Japan doing "articles" on conspicous consumption.




Shame on you WWD Japan.


Its such a fucking joke.

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  On 11/6/2014 at 3:22 PM, DaBestSpoona said:

I think that popcorn place in Harajuku is the only one killing it.  Theres like 3 in Roppongi Hills where they're practically giving away cups to ppl and they're dead.  Robuchon panya in Roppongi Hills is pretty fucking ill.


Eggs n things in Roppongi hills just celebrated its 1st anniversary.


I guess they are doing something right...

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funniest part of the popcorn shop by Harajuku station was coming back from my last trip I connected through Chicago via ANA, and they have the same brand shop in the international terminal.  The only people in line were some of the Japanese that were on the flight.

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that wwd headline is hilarious. 2 pipo spending 53-man? i mean, you could cup multiple mainline pieces for 5 grand. 

plus, all the past H&M collabos looked way more stupid than uniqlo designer collabos, which were actually wearable

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  On 11/6/2014 at 3:29 PM, djrajio said:

Alexander Wang X HM is the most depressing piece of shit ever.


I hate everything the god damn campaign stands for.


Especially WWD Japan doing "articles" on conspicous consumption.




Shame on you WWD Japan.


Its such a fucking joke.


Their photo of the event seems super appropriate tho, KAG's front and centre, accompanied by their rich azn bois 

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  On 11/6/2014 at 5:10 PM, herpsky said:

that wwd headline is hilarious. 2 pipo spending 53-man? i mean, you could cup multiple mainline pieces for 5 grand. 

plus, all the past H&M collabos looked way more stupid than uniqlo designer collabos, which were actually wearable


HM spent a lot of money hyping the right blogger girls and fashionistas to whore themselves on instagram and basically brain wash a ton of young kids to buy this crap.


Do you really want to wear a sweatshirt or beanie that just says "WANG" on it?


I'm ok with collabs but this latest collab for whatever reason feels so shallow and throw-away.


I dont know why...

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  On 11/14/2014 at 4:51 AM, raddy said:

Maruyama coffee is truth. Fuglen has 2nd best spros in city imo. Most the other places constantly dropped are B-Tier at best.

ive been to the one in oyamadai because my dentist is around the corner

i dunno about paying 850 yen for a semi complex coffee. 

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  On 11/22/2014 at 11:45 PM, realnetw0rthless said:

got reservation to noma popup at mandarin oriental in jan >=]

u paid like 3 grand for the reservation. pls stop ballin

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  On 12/1/2014 at 9:36 PM, furien said:

Ok this is going to sounds a bit random but where do I find good spa / massage place in Japan. No dodgy shit just shit that is centrally located and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.


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  On 12/1/2014 at 9:36 PM, furien said:

Ok this is going to sounds a bit random but where do I find good spa / massage place in Japan. No dodgy shit just shit that is centrally located and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.


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Good articles:


Asahi-Shinbun Series on "Fashionista's favorite"

It's a series of brief interviews by the "IT" creators of Japan. Articles include interviews with Masamichi Katayama, Kaie Murakami, Taito Manabe



Murakami Kaie of Simone (Jil Sander and etc – his style is v dope): http://www.asahi.com/and_w/fashion/SDI2014092460861.html


Manabe Taito (the guy who produces the stage effect for Perfume. he is a streetwear enthusiast e.g. preme and taps): http://www.asahi.com/and_w/fashion/TKY201402190112.html


Katayama Masamichi: http://www.asahi.com/and_w/fashion/SDI2014062695091.html?iref=andw_kijilist


The best of Fashionista no Ippin: http://www.asahi.com/and_w/fashion/SDI2014081430381.html?iref=andw_kijilist






Houyhnhnm: The mastermind behind the "new" New Balance


An article about Tetsuya Seino (I think that's how it reads), a New Balance Japan employee of 18 years, who has brought the most heated collabos and retros some of the most iconic premium new balances today.


His work includes 4 select shop-wide 996 collabos, Mita x Hectic series, MT & MRL retros, J. Crew 1400s, and most importantly, bringing back the critically acclaimed M1300, shoes loved by famous fashionistas like Ralph Lauren, to the market. 




Well, I guess the epicenter of the whole NB craze has always been Japan. It's just that foreigners hopped on the band wagon. I'm not really familiar with the scene in the UK – I feel like even when it wasn't very popular, there had been a group of enthusiasts and steady collabos between Hanon, Size, Footpatrol, and etc.

Edited by herpsky
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Very interesting.

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