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Wearing SuFu denim to High School.

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1). You will get laid more often...Midewestern chicks love dudes who have their own style (not the douchebag-abercrombiecargoshortswearing-gel-daddycat style most others rock).

2). They are insecure about acne, [not] getting laid, and finding their own style...these comments are an expression of their insecurity.

3). In 4 years they will all own tight, raw denim (around the time they are making fun of the next sweet thing you have discovered before them).

4). Find peace of mind in the fact that you know you're right and they're wrong...feel sorry for them.

P.S. the earlier comment about revealing how long it's been since your last wash may give you some creditibility.

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I love the pretend-concern questions about how my nuts are doing?

I just give a serious look and tell them they're fine and ask why they want to know, or if im feeling nice i just ask how their nuts are doing today.

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im from the most liberal of liberal bay area california, just outside of sf

my experience with criticism of my tight fitting jeans never really exceded a confused inquiry

in high school kids would just be like "i don't get it man, where do your nuts go?"

the best defense to these bullies is honestly "chicks dig it"

you can't really argue it, it answers the question of your sexuality, and its the goddamn truth

either that or take karate lessons

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maybe you should post a pic of the fit so we can rate it's gayness, oops i mean manliness, on a scale of 1 to 10.

1 is some 21oz ironhearts sized up 3 sizes. a 10 is some stretch tight -low rise women's flares sized down 4.

21 oz. Iron Hearts are the epitome of manliness. Sized up 3, or not.

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the key is confidence. I was in Kansas at my cousin's graduation over the weekend and i didn't really get any comments. When i do get comments, they are from friends if anyone at home, and i think the reason is because i'm obviously not insecure about what i'm wearing. Just rock it with confidence and people won't question it (unless it looks bad)

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i live in the inner city, and im black, which means that if your jeans arent falling off, youre "gay", but i dont let peoples bullshit bother me. ive walked past high-school kids, and heard them say gay-shit under their breath because either i have on a brand they are aloof to, or i dont wear nikes. what they also dont know is that im twice their age( im 29 and i look 18) and my hands are OFFICIAL. but the ill part is, all the dudes around my way who talk shit behind me, or who ask me if im gay ,none of them get as much pussy/head as me, nor are they fucking the girls they want to fuck, why, because they are too busy fucking me!!!Ha! and why preytell....(quote from chicks"youre not like the other dudes around here) so, young cadet, the lesson for today is:"for every insecure backed up pseudo-masculo cat who antagonizes you, 2 chicks will notice and/or appreciate your steez. dont be suprized if its his girl/sister/cousin. people seek to destroy what they dont understand. and dont be suprised if these same dudes are biting you in the near future. study well.

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in my bro infested town, i used to get comments all the time at school. people would ask about me wearing "my sister's jeans"... but i'm so happy to be done with highschool and away from these brodude rednecks.. next step is leaving florida.

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hate to break up the mass skinny jean ego stroking party....but....just thought i would play the devil's advocate for a bit and throw in a different opinion. you know, to break up the monotonous stream of groupthink posts. i mean, how many 'fuck em, do what you like' posts in a row do we need here? i swear i've never seen a thread attract so many lurkers/newbies/red reppees.

the truth is that people dress for themselves to an extent, yes, but also for others. for example, one could dress a particular style to fit into a certain group, or to impress someone you want to meet--a date, or a job interviewer.

like it or not, there are social norms wherever you go, and it is different in different places. you can enjoy crossdressing, or going out in the nude, or whatever floats your boat, but i wouldn't recommend it because you'll become an outcast. you can say fuck em, if they're your friends they won't care what you dress like. however, i value my friends' opinions, and if they tell me i look 'gay' i would take that into serious consideration. in reality, unless you're the next salvador dali or britney spears, it is going to matter what you look like in the real world. better get used to it quick.

so the question is, why are you getting ridicule?

it is not because people are jealous / insecure / behind the curve of your super stylish trendsetting self, as some posters have suggested. it's simply because you dress outside the social norms for your area. people posting saying that they don't get called gay for wearing skinny jeans doesn't help the OP, because it all depends on where you are living. unless you go to this guy's high school your own experience isn't really relevant. in this conservative, midwest environment, odds are that girls aren't going to find your jeans attractive if the overall community finds it 'gay.'

there's another possibility, that you're getting ridicule because you frankly look bad. actually, super skinny jeans don't look good on most people unless you're rail thin. you think your critics are just narrow minded, but i think it's equally possible that your look doesn't work. some pictures of your fit might help judge the situation better.

so, what can you do about it?

most of the idiotic posters have said, get more girls or get laid more, or steal the girlfriend of the ones who make fun of you. or just wait a few years until everyone hops on the skinny jeans bandwagon and you'll be a hero. such bullshit fantasy answers. skinny jeans aren't going to help you get laid any more than any other kind of jeans. and skinny jeans are a trend that will probably wane in a couple years, not grow. just like acid washed jeans or bootcut jeans, or any other trend. plus it's highly unlikely your midwest society will suddenly transform into haight ashbury before you graduate, even if skinny jeans are here to stay.

there's really two options. adopt clothes closer to the local societal norms, or be true to yourself and get used to the namecalling and the hit to your social status. however, should you choose to go the former route, there are far more choices out there than just super skinny jeans or crappy gap jeans. there are many high quality jeans that are slim but not tight and would definitely not be called 'gay' by anyone's standards.

a final word. ask yourself whether it's really your own fashion style you're following, or a trend that you've seen on sufu or somewhere else. ask yourself: did you sport skinny jeans prior to two years ago? if not, you're probably a trendfollower. based on your join date i'd say the latter is likely the case. so it's a bit disingenuous to pretend you're being 'true to yourself' when you're actually just trying to fit into a different (perhaps online) group.

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That's bullshit datasupa. Maybe you're not used to having real friends, but mine didn't really care when I started wearing real tight jeans. I get the occasional comment about it, but no more than the usual joke-cracking that goes on between pals. I don't know where you got this notion that you have to take a hit in your social status just because you sized down on some APC's.

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hate to break up the mass skinny jean ego stroking party....but....just thought i would play the devil's advocate for a bit and throw in a different opinion. you know, to break up the monotonous stream of groupthink posts. i mean, how many 'fuck em, do what you like' posts in a row do we need here? i swear i've never seen a thread attract so many lurkers/newbies/red reppees.

the truth is that people dress for themselves to an extent, yes, but also for others. for example, one could dress a particular style to fit into a certain group, or to impress someone you want to meet--a date, or a job interviewer.

like it or not, there are social norms wherever you go, and it is different in different places. you can enjoy crossdressing, or going out in the nude, or whatever floats your boat, but i wouldn't recommend it because you'll become an outcast. you can say fuck em, if they're your friends they won't care what you dress like. however, i value my friends' opinions, and if they tell me i look 'gay' i would take that into serious consideration. in reality, unless you're the next salvador dali or britney spears, it is going to matter what you look like in the real world. better get used to it quick.

so the question is, why are you getting ridicule?

it is not because people are jealous / insecure / behind the curve of your super stylish trendsetting self, as some posters have suggested. it's simply because you dress outside the social norms for your area. people posting saying that they don't get called gay for wearing skinny jeans doesn't help the OP, because it all depends on where you are living. unless you go to this guy's high school your own experience isn't really relevant. in this conservative, midwest environment, odds are that girls aren't going to find your jeans attractive if the overall community finds it 'gay.'

there's another possibility, that you're getting ridicule because you frankly look bad. actually, super skinny jeans don't look good on most people unless you're rail thin. you think your critics are just narrow minded, but i think it's equally possible that your look doesn't work. some pictures of your fit might help judge the situation better.

so, what can you do about it?

most of the idiotic posters have said, get more girls or get laid more, or steal the girlfriend of the ones who make fun of you. or just wait a few years until everyone hops on the skinny jeans bandwagon and you'll be a hero. such bullshit fantasy answers. skinny jeans aren't going to help you get laid any more than any other kind of jeans. and skinny jeans are a trend that will probably wane in a couple years, not grow. just like acid washed jeans or bootcut jeans, or any other trend. plus it's highly unlikely your midwest society will suddenly transform into haight ashbury before you graduate, even if skinny jeans are here to stay.

there's really two options. adopt clothes closer to the local societal norms, or be true to yourself and get used to the namecalling and the hit to your social status. however, should you choose to go the former route, there are far more choices out there than just super skinny jeans or crappy gap jeans. there are many high quality jeans that are slim but not tight and would definitely not be called 'gay' by anyone's standards.

a final word. ask yourself whether it's really your own fashion style you're following, or a trend that you've seen on sufu or somewhere else. ask yourself: did you sport skinny jeans prior to two years ago? if not, you're probably a trendfollower. based on your join date i'd say the latter is likely the case. so it's a bit disingenuous to pretend you're being 'true to yourself' when you're actually just trying to fit into a different (perhaps online) group.

Just because I get a few looks, a few raised eyebrows, or a few negative comments does not mean I am going to change my entire wardrobe to RL Polo, Lacoste, and Express. Sorry, I may be self conscious at times, but I'm not that insecure.

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I completely agree with datasupa, including the trend-following aspect if for no other reason that the fact that you're in high-school. Few, if anyone, really knows who they are in high-school, and the vast majority are following whatever trend is out there, consciously or not (generally not).

If you're genuinely more comfortable wearing skinny jeans, go for it, but you have to keep in mind that not everyone (most people) can't pull off that look. They end up looking like a block on top of toothpicks, which isn't flattering. Find the right shape for your body, and they'll look really good, negative comments go down, self-esteem goes up, chicks come. People need to realize that it's not necessarily because of wearing skinny jeans that girls like it. If you look good (dress appropriate to your body type and comfort level) and are confident, that's usually what works.

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you cant surround yourself with chicks, tat makes you actually gay. you must fuck them!

and for the datasupa post, its not that we are putting ourselves on a pedestal. its they call us out first and then we attack. u gay??? and tats balls shit is what makes me say my rebuttals. I dont say skinny pants are the shit!! to everyone and put myself up.

its the "I dont attack unless provoked" tactic.

and the probably the reason for most lurkers/reppees/newbsand wahtever is because we're all teenagers that dont really have input that we can relate to in any other thread. haha.

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you cant surround yourself with chicks, tat makes you actually gay. you must fuck them!

and for the datasupa post, its not that we are putting ourselves on a pedestal. its they call us out first and then we attack. u gay??? and tats balls shit is what makes me say my rebuttals. I dont say skinny pants are the shit!! to everyone and put myself up.

its the "I dont attack unless provoked" tactic.

and the probably the reason for most lurkers/reppees/newbsand wahtever is because we're all teenagers that dont really have input that we can relate to in any other thread. haha.

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Don't listen to that person below you, European jeans are the shit and you'll get laid 200% more now, especially by hot European bitches who don't shave and smell like B.O. I like gay European jeans and wear my jeans I bought in Paris to get laid four times a night.
Some girl wrote this on my Facebook wall.

My brother and his friends are constantly give me shit about my Nudies being too tight, then I tell them how much I love their denim pants that they purchased from Anchor Blue.

When I was out at the bars last weekend wearing my Skulls I asked some girls, "So, are these jeans too tight or not tight enough?" One girl laughed and responded, "Well at least they're not emo tight and you're not wearing all black."

I think many people automatically associate slimmer fitting jeans with whiny faggoty emo kids. My sister just said that they make me look more "European." :D

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I think beginning to dress nicely in a way you enjoy is really part of growing up, or seems to be for me. As this happens you'll be more confident in yourself and yes you'll probably start talking to a lot more girls. Be confident and wait to see how opinions change.

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When I first got introduced to "SuFu denim" I was pretty much the only one in school with that style, but I was already pretty popular so no one ever said anything about it (except the chicks, who digged it). Now there are probably a dozen guys in my school with Nudies or Cheap Mondays. lol I always make sure they know I was the one who started it.

Although now that I think about it, I do remember last year some kid (a year older than me who was coming back to our HS to visit, because he already graduated) and he was like "WTF you wearing those gay ass jeans for man?? What happened to you?" and and then a chick I was walking with told him they were sexy lol. Dude looked extremely confused haha

Oh and also, one of the biggest 'gangsters' in my school who I'm buddies with was one of the first people to say my jeans are dope. So yeah, just don't take shit from anyone and keep doing you and you're gold..

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I have two pairs of acne max raws (acnes tightest jean) which I wear 3 or 4 days out of the week.

One person- in the six months i've been wearing them, had something "negative" to say- "your sister called; she wants her pants back", I said "sweet" and spat on his shoes... I suggest you do the same.

I am still in high school by the way.

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