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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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dude, it looks like you just enlisted in the military or something....thats a recruit haircut!

not trying to diss, just that coming from somewhere like singapore where there's mandatory national service, you see all the dudes have that haircut once in their lives (at least) , and thats right after they enter the army.

well you can actually have a haircut like that for whatever reason :rolleyes:

I've had the one you mentioned though, when its mandatory it pisses you off. but its just hair.

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hey I just thought of something..."Tokyo Hans" hahahaha ..uh

HA. TokyuHans is like the Bermuda Triangle. Once you're in you're lost forever.

Artificialsky - the Malkovich comparison is uncanny...

D6 - fuck the west.


supreme | DH 21 | vsvm | hp day pack

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