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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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A friend of mine gave me this cardigan and it's reeeally thin and soft and flimsy. I'm having a hard time figuring out what I can wear it with that won't look completely femme.


-need a haircut

-two week stubble

-filippa k/aa/ap77/opening ceremony

click for a bonus pic of me wearing it as a scarf. I need to find something better to do with my day off.

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-Self Edge

-Iron Heart 634s

-Dubble Works

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Leather shirt : Carpe Diem

White tee : Uniqlo

Pants: Carol Christian Poell (there’s a weird bulge, not usually there but hey clothes move)

Boots: Carpe Diem

Jewellery: Ugo Cacciatori, Surface2Air

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This is what I wore last night and early this morning. I just loaded them up on my computer, so it'll have to do --- a day late.

I was originally supposed to be Marc Bolan, but I lost my jacket, and then I pulled an emergency Betty Boop, but no one recognized me because I didn't have the exactly right dress, and horror ensued.



Also my eye lines kept rubbing off.

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