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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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Basecontrol Beanie

Supreme x NBHD tee

Visvim Record Jacket

Visvim Cordu22

Silas Belt

Dior 19cm Japans

Visvim FBTs

holyyy shit rirawin... im fucking digging that fit a BOATLOAD... great jobbbbbbbbb

(no homo)

o yeah ... westSidE i tried to post something colorful a few weeks back.. u know a little NT color coordination for you.. i hope u have seen it.... anyways i think i met get ur cassete playa tee and give it to my little sister(JAY KAY)

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As a recovering uninformed idiot, I think that these "heap of hate" things can be good. Sometimes, it does not hurt for somebody to have overwhelming evidence of their errors thrown at them at once so they can work on some introspection. I thought that I may have liked 7 jeans, and even bought a pair. I wish that I had been yelled at before I wore and payed for the things, because I did not realize what I was projecting about myself. I had poor fits and expensive, very shallowly selected clothes that did not jive well together. After a few months on SuFu, I feel like I have honed a signigifcantly better aesthetic. I also realized that thrift stores often have some of my favorite clothes for literally $2, and that they fit rather well. Hopefully, I can use the money that I have saved to purchase some great clothes that I will really love. Maybe fashionwhore is not able to see how he presents himself in an honest way. He has an incredibly shallow style, and seems to have fallen into the mass-produced, "parade my Dolce's" attitude. I think that if he sticks around for a few months, he will be annoyed with how he is now.

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yea defenitely..thanks a lot man..appreciate it..

im very open minded..guess it just got to me because im new and they came at me real hard..

i have no problems with critique because thats how u learn to develop better wardrobes..or anything in general

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Really good attitude about the whole thing, man. Way to take some sharp and pointed critisism. We only do it because we care. I don't know how kosher this is, but here is another post on the other SF where I posted a few of my favorite fits from prominent members. Notice how they are all very reserved and understated, while remaining very stylish. Color, fit and proper attitude all come together to create style with ease.


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Justin, the things you said are completely relevant and have no problem with it.. As i said, i was simply just defending myself because i felt vunerable with so many people sending hate from every possible direction..

opinions are great to hear because my attire improves as time passes..with that being said, i posted up a pic of my self in the sufu trash WAYWT so ill post it here also..


The sleeves and the shoulders of that shirt are giant on you. Buy things that fit you.

Also, I can't see because of your hand, but is that vest a crew-neck? I personally hate the look of crew-neck+collar. Maybe it's because it looks like the shirt+vest are completely choking your neck, or maybe it's because every poorly dressed gay man goes with this look. Just my opinion.

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yeah that would be a better translation...this thing we do, in japanese its katagana...what do we call it?

katakana would be it.

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First waywtd post.. scared? yes

i had to do my AA application pictures today so here are two from one set, constructive criticism? the cutoffs are kinda terrible but it was way too hot to go for jeans

sweat=not pretty=no job61207.jpg

the rest of the fullbody ones were pretty bad so i guess here's just a dumb one that shows the whole thing612072.jpg



575 cut offs

zig zags

it's not that great but gotta start somewhere

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that outfit makes you look stumpy. the shorts look way off, too. also, if it's too hot, why wear a cardigan?

btw, you need to take pictures of yourself to apply for AA?

eh i'm not really the tallest/skinniest guy so i can't avoid that, yeah i regret wearing the shorts and the cardigan isn't that thick or anything, just trying to wear as AA as i could

yeah you have to send in 3 pictures along with like an essay + resume and stuff

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eh i'm not really the tallest/skinniest guy so i can't avoid that, yeah i regret wearing the shorts and the cardigan isn't that thick or anything, just trying to wear as AA as i could

yeah you have to send in 3 pictures along with like an essay + resume and stuff

small fucking world, im pretty sure i know you.

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