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I just witnessed a hooker squat and make pee pee in the corner right next to the building I work at, and I am now eagerly awaiting the return of my neighboring co-worker and his dog (just to see if the dog will walk over and perhaps stick his nose in the hooker urine)

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I don't mean to start an argument.

Regarding the other driver being uninsured--if she were insured, then it is likely that she would be paying for the damage to my car and the fencing, given the witnesses and the police report. Also, I would have a rental car. But because she didn't have insurance, I have to have my insurance take care of it, pay the deductibles out of pocket (unless I want to pursue this middling matter in court), and have this on my insurance record. That's all I'm saying.

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i don't remember much today. the procedure hardly hurt. i'm at home now resting and i can't remember when my sister stopped to get pineapple bun, chocolate madeleines or venti tea from starbucks..i only remember pieces of it like wanting a lemon loaf instead but they didn't have any so i got the cookies. i think the tea was orignally hers with two tea bags but i prefer one cos its too strong but now that i look at the cup there is only one.. next to the cookies and bun.

i'm not suppose to have anything crunchy but i cheated and had a bit of calbee veggie stick chips that i got yesterday when i was suppose to be at home resting. i snuck out cos i can't stand to be inside the house for more then a day and i suppose thats why i wore what i wore yesterday. so no one notices you.. with the hood on of course as insurance. i also shopped a bit and saw hellboy because i've already seen every other movie out, some twice cos different set of friends.

gotta love alprazolam.......... general anesthesia and now hydrocodone acetaminophen

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Guest Phrost

good god woman, xanax and vicks? I gotta say you're one of the best dressed pill poppers i've seen thus far. Seriously, dental work sucks. I was under local anaesthesia getting 3 wisom teeth pulled. I felt every crack, chip, and pull. Crappy analgesics too.

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wasn't really dental work

mebbe it was i dunnoz. i just had this really huge mass on my cheek that was full of something..forget what the doc says. i saw like three of them before one of them finally was able to figure out a way to get rid of it (drain that shit out) which is why i went in today. he also fixed a cavity while he was at it (found x-rayin' my entire set)

i have to say, most dentists i've been to won't put me under or heavily sedate me. those mofos. even though i have excellent insurance (for now, expires when i'm 25) and the whole shabang cost $10 outta pocket, the rest they cover.

you have to find a better dentist cos the previous ones also gave me some sort of local ansthesia but i felt every damn drill and scoop. if you're in the bay area i'll give you his name. i think i'm over my fear of dentists.

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Guest Phrost

nyet im in new york. i also have really good insurance, my cavity and wisdom teeth operations cost me nothing. i was seriously considering getting put under but my sister got a really bad reaction to the gen. anaesthesia so i opted out of it. The worst part was that i didn't know what i was getting myself into. the week before i went to get my wisdom teeth pulled i had my first ever visit to the dentist. Ever. it was a minor cleaning and 15 min cavity filling.

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kfc is whack status

i go to a chicken place not only for the chicken but for the experience.

zaxby's doesn't have enough minorities

kfc doesn't have enough real chicken

popeyes has the exact combination. that "hey we're diverse i don't feel bad about only having white friends now" atmosphere combined with tasty delicious 3 piece menus and buckets of saucy flavor

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Guest Phrost

idk what you ppl say, popeyes is king for all around consistently good fried chicken. anyone ever tried korean fried chicken? i've heard good things about it...

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Guest Phrost

CBM get her a boyfriend so you won't have to burden yourself with such decisions. Keeping her for yourself is just plain selfish.

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