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Denim you despise?


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  On 4/27/2012 at 2:46 AM, DFreshLeish said:

I'm most likely in the minority here, but I'm not a big fan of Flat Head jeans. I definitely respect the hell 'outta them, and do find their denim characteristics interesting, but from everything i've seen if you've seen one faded pair you've seen them all. I don't despise them in the least, and I love my FH wabash, but i'm over seeing the jeans in the evo thread...

I feel this way about APC. Virtually every pair with a year or two of wear looks similar.

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  On 4/28/2012 at 2:09 AM, trenchant said:

I feel this way about APC. Virtually every pair with a year or two of wear looks similar.

QFT. APC's cuts look good, but I never did like their denim and it does seem to do the light gray thing a lot.

Iron Heart is biker style, but it's actually quite a bit different than what most Japanese consider biker style. I wouldn't be surprised if they were much more popular overseas than Japan, I don't tend to see a whole lot about them in the Japanese magazines. IH is more of a neutral/classic biker look whereas the predominant Japanese biker thing is more dramatic and stylized (and often, kind of over-the-top and silly.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The guys claiming that iron heart denim looks too uniform, or lacks character, should pop into the HWDC thread, and take a look at some of the iron heart denim on show there. I would particularly recommend looking at those worn by Kybosh, and Beatle.

Like any denim, it is the wearer who gives the jeans their character, and while iron heart denim may not fade as quickly, or with as much contrast as flat head or samurai, it is not meant to. Iron heart denim prides itself on being stubborn, it doesn't release its indigo easily.

If you want hight contrast fades, go for flat head or samurai, if you want your jeans to retain their colour for longer, go for iron heart. Simple.

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Actually I think IH denim looks great and I've seen some very nice faded pairs, some with more contrast than I'd expect - I'm talking strictly about the design details and brand image. A lot of people probably think some of the stuff (not really jeans) made by repro companies like Flat Head looks cheesy, they'd probably like IH more.

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When I brought up Iron Heart I didn't want to start something were people feel the need to get defensive about their favorite brand. I'm in no way critical of Iron Heart's quality or construction. And I know it can wear in nicely. But like I stated in my original post, the uniformity of the denim, and sheen when new, turns me off. and I don't care for the way the heavy denim drapes. I've never understood taking cotton, which throughout it's history has generally been used for lighter, summer garments, and twisting it into a weight generally reserved for a wool, winter, hunting clothes.

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I don't think my post was in the least bit defensive to be fair, I have just as much love for samurai as I do iron heart. I just wanted to make the point that the denim does have character, just not the same character as other brands. If its not your thing, then fair play to you, but is this thread not titled "denim you despise"?

As for the heavyweight or 21oz, 23oz "borefest", well some guys like mopeds, some guys like sports bikes, some guys like Harley's, others just like to travel. If it doesn't interest you, then just spend your time looking at things that do interest you, otherwise who's time are you really wasting?

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  On 4/25/2012 at 12:54 PM, setterman said:

I don't like Iron Heart. I don't despise them, but I made myself stop looking at the IH thread because one day I came to the realization I just don't like anything I'm seeing. I think it's mostly their sheen when new, and the flat uniformity over the denim, all of which I believe that comes form the sanforization process. But, it just turns me off.

  On 5/9/2012 at 1:10 PM, Megatron1505 said:

I just wanted to make the point that the denim does have character, just not the same character as other brands. If its not your thing, then fair play to you, but is this thread not titled "denim you despise"?

I see merit in what setterman is saying. Iron hearts do start out without too much slub--which i know he likes because he's a warehouse guy :)--, and because of the sanforized they do look a lot less old-timey denim like than other brands. some people like apples, other like oranges. he never said that he despised it, but that he didn't like iron heart. this seems like it would be the most appropriate place for that. i've seen a pair of construction worker owned iron hearts on this forum that are great, and perfect for iron heart, but everyday wear on them could seem a little drab.

but whatever. this is just my--the kid who always wants to buy stuff but never has any money and wastes the time of innumerable people-- two cents.

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  On 5/9/2012 at 1:41 PM, Maynard Friedman said:

Thanks for the advice. Fortunately my common sense gene kicked in and enabled me to work this out all by myself!

Awesome, hope it was worth the wait ;-)

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im not really turned off by any brand, with the exception of the Rock & Republic/ True Religion garbage. Im more turned off by the exxxxtreme fades that many people tend to like. Im talking the almost bleached honeycombs and stack marks, with the rest of the jean relatively fade free. Anything that gets too contrasty just starts to look foolish after a certain point, and I feel too many people cross that point. Just my opinion though, to each their own.

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  On 4/25/2012 at 1:47 PM, Maynard Friedman said:

Not strictly a denim brand but I'm sick to death of all the chumps in SuperDry clothing and their signature (hmmm.. You too North Face) shoulder logo on jackets.

I was recently in line at Super America with some dufus in his Superdry tux. He noticed my jeans and asked what they were. "Ooe-Yofukuten" I told him.

"Oh...oh yeah," he says, "Those are nice too."

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I don't really like Iron Hearts much either. I dislike most of their tops. Some of the fits look good on people, and sometimes they produce good fades, but all in all, whats the point in super heavy denim if you blow out the crotch in 6 months? (thats more so on the person wearing them than IH) But I still am not a huge fan of the brand.

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Seriously, can we just change the name of the thread to "Denim you're not really into?"

I'm not really into Mister Freedom. Do I despise it? No. Do I think it looks good on other people? Yes. Do I have any reason to dislike it other than "it's just not my thing?"No. Has it been worth me mentioning it in this thread? No.

Get back to discussing those assholes in Superdry, definitely worthy of contempt.

Edited by Megatron1505
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Clearly heavyweight denim is something I like (see the HWDC thread), but equally I can appreciate that it isn't for everyone. I believe that there is a thread called something like "sell me on heavyweight denim" somewhere, and surely this is a more appropriate thread for discussing the merits and drawbacks of hw denim?

By posting in the "denim you despise" thread, you (amazingly) give the impression that you despise hw denim, or any particular brand. If you don't, if it's just not your thing, then go to the appropriate thread surely. Don't give out negativity then bitch when you get negativity back at you.

If you despise it, this is the place, if it's just not your thing, then....

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Also, some of the reasons for the negativity are just lame, and generic to all types of denim and brands. I love quality discussion, I have a low tolerance for lazy, half hearted snipes and opinions, if this me being a baby then pass me a dummy.

Rant over.

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