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Fuck.  I love my gf, but every one of those things has happened.


A few weeks ago I was trying to figure out one of her friends I could set one of my friends up with.

"Naw I don't think she's cute enough"

"Well who then?"

"Maybe xxx"

"Oh so you think xxx is cute? Why don't you go date her"


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*shopping with gf*

gf: "lets get this cheese, it was Mitch's and my favorite cheese!"

"who's Mitch?"

"my ex boyfriend"



"I feel like I can't trust you"

*rifles through my text messages when I'm in the shower then lies about it*


*I go on vacation with family for the weekend*

*Text girlfriend once, don't hear back for 9 hours, text again when I go to bed*

"Oh sorry I missed your text"

*Continues to describe in detail minute by minute what she did that day/night, trying to cover her ass*

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*occasionally chats with girl about totally platonic topics*

"who was that whore, what did she want? I don't want you talking to her"

"you talk to XXX all the time, you get drinks with him often, is he somebody? I don't hassle you about that."

"he's just some guy I used to sleep with, it's not a big deal, why are you questioning me?"

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"it really took having a gym in my apartment to finally start going. " 

two weeks later back on couch watching every show possible off her Tivo


"wish I had a violin, I would totally play it. I wish I never quit it when i was young. I regret it" 

get her a beginners violin for her birthday.... collects dust. ask her what she did after work. Tivo.

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(in the morning)

Babe I'm going to go for a run, do you want to come with? It's like a 15-20 min like power walk/ light jog...

"No, I'm like starving..."

Babe that's the point so you can burn fat on a empty stomach...

"NO that's like extreme just go..."

Well can you help prep some ingredients so that we can make omelets when I come back?

Don't you want..

"No I'm just going to  have Trader Joe's Os" 

oh... ok....



Goes for run, comes back she's eating Joe's Os. Prep diced peppers, baby bella mushrooms, beat 4 eggs, makes the omelet...

"Oh is that all for you?"

Yup gotta get my intake in!


Finishes, sits down to eat... she goes to make 2 sunny side up eggs herself after I'm done. 


But i thought you said..

"I change my mind, I wanted eggs.."



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my girlfriend and i scope babes out all the time together, its great. i did lul at your $17 drink remark as that seems to happen with every single girl in existence (sup generalising).


"he doesn't want to fuck me, he's just a nice guy!"


yuh, this 36yr old creep dude is friends with your 21yr old dumb ass because he really enjoys your intellectual and stimulating conversation.


edit: calling your girlfriend 'babe' or 'honey' (if you're under 50yrs old) makes me want to gag.

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ex: "You never point out girls that look good in front of me, why are you afraid of doing it!?"


*days later at the movie theater, the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trailer plays*


me: "Wow, she looks pretty cool in this movie."


ex: *glares, punches my arm, holds that comment against me forever*

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Me- "are you sure you want me to go meet up with them?"

Her - " yeah jxxxx and Kxxxx are meeting me at the other bar."

Me- "ok, text me when you want to meet back up."

*proceeds to text me and talk trash about her friends the whole time they're hanging out while I'm off drinking and having fun with my friends*

Her- "guess you just don't like me hanging around with your friends. Do they hate me? Why couldn't I hang out with you guys instead of you ditching me with Jxxxx and Kxxxx (her two best friends)"

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her: "Am I getting fat?"

me: "What? No, of course not! Are you serious?"

"It's ok, you can tell me."

"I'm serious, you're not. If you're so worried about it, why don't you come running/hiking/swimming w/ me next time I go? Or we could start eating healthier. Or we could try for the channel swim next year or something?"

"Nah *generic excuse*"

Proceeds to keep eating shit, coke and juice all the time instead of water or whatever. You're not getting fat, but when your metabolism starts slowing down in a few years...

could almost x-post into haterism.

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this 1 girl insist that when sexy times i finish in her mouth cause she wanna c how much spunk i shoot out.  if it's not 2 much she accuse me of cheatin on her. regardless if i sleepround, she think im lyin even when i say i recently just fapped (and actually did)

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lmao, my friends ex used to smell his dick or something like that before she blew him because she somehow thought she could tell if he cheated

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  On 5/22/2013 at 6:21 PM, OkayOkay said:

Lets add some racism and fashionably tilted Supreme® Camp Caps to make this thread Fumma approved.

If it gets boring again we can just reminisce about how much cooler Sufu used to be.

I could be encouraging people to molest children and it would have no incidence on how lame this thread is: my possible lameness and this thread's possible lameness are unrelated.


Maybe it's start for you to begin all your posts with: "Don't you hate it when...." or "Take my wife, please!!"

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I was hoping this thread would be about the good kind of insanity, not the annoying kind... Cause I can appreciate some good crazy...


"My boyfriend gave me this knife for my birthday. I want you to hold it to my throat while you fuck me."

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i thought it was a thread about "insanity workout."  the one you see infomercials about at night.  and you post before/after pics of girls or something.  i don't know.




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