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Heavyweight Denim Championships 2013 - 2015 - Official Thread


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........Just 4 hours left until my little contest question will be updated here to win the $200 as a little donation from the Jeansmusuem of heaviest fadings for the 1 year anniversary of the HWDCR2......

Edited by swiss-jeansfreak
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Has it been another year already? I´m baffled… One year ago to this day I posted the first pictures of my pair of IH 634s. They have been worn on a daily basis and not washed but only soaked once. I plan to wash them in june so that I can wear clean jeans to my wedding…  :)


Enjoy the pictures!

















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The  question to win the 200 $:

From what or why  do my cuffs have a fading line going around somewhere in the middle?


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Ski boots ?

I will keep it to one answer, and my original.

Edited by FLDenim211
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I'd say the hem is correct as people above have stated but you still have to have something rubbing on the outside to crate that kind of wear imo.


Someone said ski boots, but I can't for the life of me see anyone wearing cuffed jeans like that under ski boots, especially because you don't see crinkling in the cuff like I'd expect to see if it was getting jammed and then shut into a ski boot.


I'd say they are being stuck/stuffed in something, like wader boots or something to that effect

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I'd say the hem is correct as people above have stated but you still have to have something rubbing on the outside to crate that kind of wear imo.


Someone said ski boots, but I can't for the life of me see anyone wearing cuffed jeans like that under ski boots, especially because you don't see crinkling in the cuff like I'd expect to see if it was getting jammed and then shut into a ski boot.


I'd say they are being stuck/stuffed in something, like wader boots or something to that effect

Check his instagram, took them sking 20 times he has said.

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Thanks guys for all your guesses.

The right answer is: It's the end of the original hem just ending halfway inside the double cuffs, which pressed against the outside layer of the pants and created this fading line during the regular daily wear of those pants. It's true that I also had worn those jeans several times on long ski touring trips with the cuffs very tight pulled over my ski boots during the last few months. But the fading lines where already there very strong before I started the ski season as I checked back on older pics. When I noticed this fading lines half a year ago I decided that this will be my contest question here.


The first person who answered this correctly was given by Flo (Max Power) on Sufu just 5 minutes after I had posted this question at the same time on IH and Sufu Forum. What is still strange is that Sufus time is 9 minutes ahead of the correct time. But still then Flo was before van Olzen.


Congrats to the winner and after I have received the confirmation of Mega that Flo is still in ( I guess so ha ha) and the Paypal infos from Flo (PM me or you can also mail me at [email protected]), the 200 bucks will flow in to the winners direction.


And here an additional little surprise price for the answer I had to laugh out loud: I know that people will get shorter when getting older and I'm already going to be 55 years old. But the answer from Chris (on the IH Forum) that I used to be taller 1 year ago beats it all. I hope even in my age that I'm not shrinking that fast yet ha ha .

For this answer I'll send you Chris a special fun price of $50 if you PM me or mail me your Paypal account.


Thanks again for all your answers and keep go rocking your contest stuff the hard way for another long time
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Ha ha seems that Flo is a lucky guy here around or he was waiting in front of the computer to be ready in a second.

And thanks Mega for confirming his membership of this awesome challenge.

The price will be sent out now


I wish all you hard core heavy weight denim champs a great time with your current and future raw denim projects.

I can't wait tio see the final results in a year!!!

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Ha ha, I'm glad that you liked this and I wish you all the best with this little prize!

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Thanks a lot for your kind words FlDenim211

I liked it as well

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Random thought: My contest jeans are currently exactly as I like them best, I love the fit I love the wear, the fades, the texture, the comfort and I am now at that point where I begin to worry about what another year of hard regular wear will do to them. I remember this exact point from HWDC1, for a long time I didn't really like my Samurai 21oz jeans until one magical day it all seemed to click together for them and I absolutely fell in love......today is that day for my MBB's.


Will post pics at the weekend, weather permitting.

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