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Heavyweight Denim Championships 2013 - 2015 - Official Thread


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I am going to South Carolina in a couple of days, I suppose it will be a good spot for the 4 month benchmark

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Just bought some SG1105ex of rakuten. Kind of disappointing knowing that they will be getting next to no wear for the next year and a half. Still it's always good to have a pair of fresh raws to wear when the beat to shit ones are not appropriate. Also internet is up and running in the new house going to try and get some detail pics up for you guys in the next week or so.

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It has been a bit since I posted...from a trip to Philadelphia, PA


Fireburner (HC-SF-123) at the art museum steps...she never saw Rocky so we rented it when we got back...


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are the pierres france's the smiths? :D


really nice. sounds like an offcut from the troy tate tapes with more beef. (allusion to meat is murder intended.)

Thanks oomslokop! Thanks Mega! Thanks anyone that listened. It's much appreciated.

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Trip to Charleston, my friend from my previous challenge decided to do a beach wash and I am going to get my challenge done! Awesome week all around, I found some of the Samurai Elemental jeans from a couple years back too. Sizing up to be a winning month

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Contest 2 and HC-SF-76 checking in

Flathead 2015, 20 oz

I went on a 3 hour kayaking trip with my friends. Got plenty of blank looks while wearing my jeans while doing so.









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$5 Hat




Whites BH



Really nice looking jacket.


Also, great call on contest 2!  Those of us in mountain states are going to have fun with it!

Edited by cander49
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Thanks Cander, I'm looking forward to some of the more......."out there" challenges that we have planned, ha ha ha ha ha ha. You have all been broken in easy thus far, by the end of this I expect people sending me threatening PM's.

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