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the repeater: I wear perfume first because it is a jj-approved scent, and then I find out if it doesn't smell like sewage to everyone surrounding me.

i once met a girl that wore Opium and that shit gave me a headache for 3 days straight. don't want that :(

if I wore perfume only for the guyz I would make like kunk and dab some eau de Vaj behind my ears and on my wrists.

For all I know it smells pretty word em up

I dated a girl that had like cucumber lotion or something... best smell ever, I've never smelled it since and she is really grossly overweight now.

That's it for smells for me...

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Sometimes when I engage in self-gratification, I like to be choked. But often I do not have the privelege of an extra set of hands. I came up with a solution.

Finally the end product.The wire acts as a noose which means hands free asphyxiation.


yo, its like, this is some fucked up shit

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i don't think it's solely the choking that gets him off, but the fact that it's the sb dunks that are aiding in the choking that's doing it for him.

getting choked by your sb dunks is the new sb dunks.

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i sent this to jane just so i could admit this in confessional...maybe i will get rep, maybe not...maybe she will take it seriously, maybe she will ignore me...

"would you like to share a cup of tea one day? we can take a stroll through the park, enjoy the weather and talk about nothing in particular...just be young and cute together with nothing better to do, you know?


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Guest Phrost

fixed! 123

would you like it if i worship your feet one day? we can take a stroll through the park, enjoy the weather and talk about nothing but your incredibly sexy toes...just be young and cute together with nothing better to do than rummage through your amazing wardrobe, you know?


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would you like it if i licked your feet one day? we can take a stroll through the park, enjoy the weather and suck on nothing but your incredibly sexy toes...just be young and cute together with nothing better to do than rummage through your amazing underwear collection, you know?


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my parents have some sort of special medical care package that gives them access to house call doctors, a pretty nice perk of my visits back to home in las vegas. dr mujica came by today to prescribe me some meds for the shitty sinus infection that has fucked with my head for far too long now. being that his visit would go down in the confines of my own home, i thought i'd take the opportunity to put myself in the most relaxing of attire usually only suitable for tweakers and low-lifes in a doctor's office or any public setting for that matter. mind you, some of us male dudes practice our most comforting (albeit inapprorpriate) uses of our hands when dressed in a basketball jersey and sweatpants almost by instinct without regard to social settings. as dr mujica was running through some of the common procedure for sinus problems, my left leg involuntarily began to rise up so that my foot would come to a rest on the chair next to me (im keeping solid eye contact this entire time, nodding every once in awhile as a gesture of retainment). also, simultaneously and without prior thought, my right hand moves directly on top of my crotch bits. i proceed to fondle them gently in a massaging motion, as so many of us would do while keeping solid eye contact with a television screen in the confines of our own homes. he looked a little perturbed for a second and i wondered why, silently. i must have looked like i was trying to seduce the dude.

sorry docta m. it comes with the territory. i must get me some pussay tonight.

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Sometimes when I engage in self-gratification, I like to be choked. But often I do not have the privelege of an extra set of hands. I came up with a solution.

Do you know those wires used to keep jackets and other expensive items at department stores from being taken away from a rack.

I took one from somewhere I used to work at to use as a belt once.

One end looks like this and at the other end is a loop for it to go through so secure a jacket.


What I did was stick it under the shelf I use to hold my sb dunks.


It is secure under there because I have a lot of shoes. It reaches all the way to my bed.


Finally the end product.The wire acts as a noose which means hands free asphyxiation.


Gizmo, I want to stress that if your mom comes home to find you dead, with your eyes bulging out, a cord around your neck, and your cock in your hand, superfuture had NOTHING to do with this.

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i was supposed to go to work yesterday from 10-2. i didn't go... or call-in.

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checking their ice teas to make sure they didn't have honey in them (apparently they think the treatment bees undergo to make honey is cruel)

This one is brand new to me... and I thought I had heard it all. (I'm guessing it's the smoke, right?)

Do they have vegan dogs too?

I'm impressed you kept a lid on it. I would have started ranting/cutting them to ribbons when this one dropped. And then ordered some a milkshake, and a bacon cheeseburger with fries and mayonaise (or some veal dish is always inflammatory as well)

I have had two near-gf's who have declared they were going vegan. I called them both stupid. Neither were aware of possible deficiencies if they didn't pay attention to their diet.

One has stacks of leather... and had been drooling over a shearling coat that day. I goaded the shit out of her til she gave up the idea entirely.

The other made the mistake of saying I should too. I laughed in her face, and got the aforementioned bacon chzburg. Didn't need to get the 1lb burger... but wasting half of the meat I'd ordered made me laugh a little inside.

Neither relationship lasted much past that

Random Q:

What's the vegan stance on wool?

How about riding horses?

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