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just got done watching the hills 'finale'

i think normal tv writers could shove everything that happened this season into one or two episodes. 'reality' is boring but i cant stop watching. i really like that the hills is made by a 30 yr old white guy

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when you quit you quit with revenge, like cuz wen you quit you already lost to her, so when you quit fuck up her car or something. sidewall all of her tires come up from behind her and put a brick to her face. show the bitch whats up

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I have a small room but it seems to have its own climate. The sun shines through my window 95% of the time that the sun is out. Even right now it's relatively warm because of the sun. My brother says my room smells like Asia. And his girlfriend says my room smells like Korea (she is Korean). My mum says it smells funny, like musky (she is from Asia). So I try to light a candle but it hasn't been very effective as it's only masking the smell. Once my friend who lived less than ten houses away told me of how his room also smelled bad. The model of his house is completely identical to mine. His mum said his room smelled like piss or something. According to my friend, apparently it was from balled up tissue of man. I am hoping that my loneliness from my waste basket is not what the sun is radiating.

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havent slept in three days. am sick. have test today. two test tomorrow. probably wont sleep tonight either. starting to see things. scared im going to crash while driving. need sleep. school almost over. japan. leather jacket. soon. sleeeeeeeeeeeep.

4 days now. sleeps going to be soooooooooooo good tonight.

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I have a small room but it seems to have its own climate. The sun shines through my window 95% of the time that the sun is out. Even right now it's relatively warm because of the sun. My brother says my room smells like Asia. And his girlfriend says my room smells like Korea (she is Korean). My mum says it smells funny, like musky (she is from Asia). So I try to light a candle but it hasn't been very effective as it's only masking the smell. Once my friend who lived less than ten houses away told me of how his room also smelled bad. The model of his house is completely identical to mine. His mum said his room smelled like piss or something. According to my friend, apparently it was from balled up tissue of man. I am hoping that my loneliness from my waste basket is not what the sun is radiating.


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4 days now. sleeps going to be soooooooooooo good tonight.

I know this is better but I can never wait until that night after sleep deprivation. when I can I just pass out.

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guys... I don't know how many superconfessional posts I've made about quitting smoking, maybe 2, but... I actually did it. It's getting close to two weeks since I had my last cigarette. I'm proud of myself.

yay.. i gave up a couple of months ago when i came back to nz... now i look down on smokers on the street (9)

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I prayed to God to bail me out of looking ridiculous on a final i was about to take. Right afterwards the instructor left to take back an audioplayer used for the test.

12 minutes and 2 and a half pages worth of solid answers later I had an actual shot of passing the final which means i'd pass the class.

God helped me use ninja test taking skills to not miserably flunk my final today.

plus rep

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should i consider myself a smoker if it takes me like two to three weeks to finish a pack? i dont think so.

i have like one cigarette every two to three days really.

you ain't smoker.

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yeah, last cigarette i had was last friday (nov 30 i think). i usually never have them cause i don't buy, and thats how i don't chain smoke. its nice to have one, but i never have the physical craving for a cigarette. i buy my younger friends cigs now, and i did before, but since im 18, the rest feel the need to ask now. whatever, i occasionally bum one from someone, but i do not consider myself much of a smoker of cigarettes.

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Today at work I thought I saw a dead penguin on the side of the road. After work (now dark) I pulled up to the corner, threw the dead penguin into the trunk of my car, (newspaper lined) and drove home. Turns out it wasn't a penguin, but a cormorant, which is now somewhere in the ditch across the street from my house.....

Am I strange for picking up/taking home a dead animal?

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