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I've been pretty unproductive and generally unmotivated lately, and I haven't felt like such shit in a long time.

I confess I was under the impression that a conversation I was in was about me. Turns out I wasn't paying attention at all. I need a cigarette so I can FOCUS

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The only reason i'm taking the path in life I am now is because of my parents.

I feel like it's warranted, despite having to raise 3 kids (i'm the oldest) with the odds being against their side, and emigrating to this country from Soviet Russia, they have done an amazing job.

My dad works 12 hour days doing some bullshit work killing himself just to sustain us, with one day off off a week. Never complains.

I graduated HS early last month strictly for the purpose of going to college early, getting it all done as quick as possible and then making their quality of life better. It's a 2.5 year RN program, and i'll be honest when I say that 90% of me doest want to do it, my passions lie elsewhere.

Last thing I want to do is shlep myself to a community college for 3 years to become a nurse, get a job, etc.

I'd love to go away to some school, have the basic college experience etc. I feel like i'm missing out on so much shit, but at the same time I feel like it's the right thing to do.

And it's not like they realize i'm doing it for them, I don't state it blatantly, they think this is what I wanna do.

I know it's the right to do, and I owe it to them. But I often wonder how much of myself am I giving up, and will this path ever lead to internal happiness? I absolutely will feel fulfilled and happy when I can begin to help out my parents, but like I said, at the same time how much of myself am I giving up?

To sum it all up, fuck kids like Haploid where everything is perfect for them and they create their own problems. Asking his parents why they put him on this planet hahaha.

i'm ethnically indian, coming from a pretty educated background. basically the one and only option was for me to go to med school. When i was 18 and applying to college, i got accepted to some east coast universities with an undeclared major, and when i found out about that i was like fuck it i'm going to the US to fuck around for 4 years. I also did some interviews for medical schools to make the parents happy. Parents put their foot down and sent me to medical school in europe for 5 yrs. Bottom line at that point i didnt even know what i wanted to do with my life.

Anyways, fastforward 5 yrs and i'm about 4 months away from becoming a doctor. I gotta say i love aspects of my career and enjoy the job. but then i feel theres aspects of my personal life i'll never get back. especially at the crucial late-teens, early-20's time of my life.

I shouldn't even bitch about this, my parents didnt get caught up in any of this bullshit of getting wasted and laid when they were in college. they were too poor to think about that. Part of my dilemma comes from being raised with western ideals but with ethnically indian parents. As i grow older i've come to realise this.

This experience has made me realise not to take shit for granted. there are plenty of fuckers out there whose daddies will pay for them to go to fashion/music/film school despite them not having any talent, but just cos they were a fan of requiem for a dream. These are the type of people who go looking for problems where there really arent any.

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Dude, you have every right to say shit like that. Seriously. Like I said, I feel guilty about being depressed and wallowing in self pity from time to time when there are people like you who are man enough to bite the bullet and get shit done while still maintaining a relatively optomistic mindset. (0)

To be honest with the whole music thing you've got going on you remind me a lot of me when I was your age... excuse me while I take a moment to have a quarter-life crisis.

However, you can take and odd kind of solace in the fact that at some point fucked up shit will eventually happen in your life, and in an odd kind of way it'll be the best thing that'll happen to you. If the last few months of my life were a script it'd be rejected by a D-grade soap opera for being too preposterous, but sometimes it takes some real shit to give you some perspective on things and assess what's important in life.

I think some people call it 'transition into adulthood'... happens to some at 14, took me a wee bit longer, will probably take you a wee bit longer too.

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i cant really care about anything in life because ive started to think of things in too big of a scale

like nothing really matters because im just gonna die anyway, and theres no point in making my life stressful and boring

but i realize i cant live without getting a job and having money, which is kind of shit

im not necessarily depressed, but im definitely unhappy having to go to school and everything

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Why don't you make 400k/yr and love your job?

There is this misconception that you cannot possibly be rich and happy. I believe this was created by people who are not rich are are unhappy to content themselves. People can't have everything right? Wrong. You can be rich and happy.

I feel like i need to state that I am a poor student as to not sound pretentious.

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whenever i read what people have to say about schooling and intelligence, i find my myself thinking about the people i admire and i don't believe a single one of them learnt how to do the things that i admire them for in school.

as jim carroll said

...it ain't no contribution

To rely on an institution

To validate your chosen art

And to sanction your boredom

And let you play out your part

but then what do i know, i studied acting because i enjoy it, knowing full well that it was unlikely to make me a lot of money.

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I'm pretty fuckin pissed...

I put a shit ton of effort seeing my lady everyday, finding friends/mutual friends to give her rides back and forth, at random ass times, ride my ass over fast (FIXIIIIEEEEE) so I can get to her on her lunch break, and it's pissing me off.

Not that I hate doing it, but I'm honestly not seeing much effort put out, by her to do it herself.

She's been asking me to ask X person for a ride, when she should be doing it herself. Why am I asking someone for a ride, that I'm not getting? Cept for a mustache ride, ZIIING.

It's so fuckin high school, asking people for rides and shit, but not everyone has a goddamn license...



Seems selfish and juvenile , but whatever...

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Lots of Chinese Americans understand this really well. I think we might be the last lame major Asians. I think my Korean American and Japanese American have more leeway in choosing the direction of their lives. I can't tell you how many of my Chinese friends study something for 3 or 4 years just to realize that they hate their lives and change their majors, making them take 5 to 6 years to finish university instead of 3 like me, because I know what I wanted to do and did it.

Look, your parents work hard for you and your siblings to have a better life, and for you to be happy. You understand this really well, and it's damn great. I think the goal of life is to try to be happy. Do what you need to do, and if you're lucky, you will be happy while doing it, and succeed. Unless you were born into a shitty family and in poverty and have no way out of it, you should try not to be too bitchy. Depression does exist, and is a true bitch though; it's just a roll of the dice.

If you do your RN program, I don't see you lasting more than 5 years in it. And if you do, you will just end up depressed, and 'change your major'. Do what you need to do, and I hope your parents will understand. You are not betraying them. You seem like a good guy.

I appreciate the kind words, and you speak the truth. My goal is to make a bit of money then get out of the nursing field and open up my own business. Im not trying to stay there.

In general thanks for the kind words from everyone, and i'm happy a good discussion came of this.

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I took 1.25 out of my nephew's piggy bank to pay for some high way tolls because I didn't have cash and didn't feel like going to the ATM.

felt guilty the whole way there, and then when I handed the money to the attendant it was like she knew.

sorry man, I'll buy you booze or savings bond someday when you can appreciate it, promise.


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Back in the day, McDonalds treats of the week were awesome. Real toys that wouldn't fall apart, not the cardboard shit they give out these days

Well it was back to school time, and when my dad took me to get a McMuffin, they gave me a pencilcase, complete with a ruler, pencil, and eraser.

When I got home I proceeded to see how far down my throat I could fit the ruler without loosing my grip ( stupid kid concept). I got it stuck in my throat, my parents drove me to the hospital after trying to remove it for like half an hour.

I got a badly shredded throat and a bottle of banana flavored antibiotics for my troubles

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