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  Clopek said:
Second, have you ever actually compared a vagina to a butthole? Its like someone saying "Would you rather rub your wang all over this silk-cashmere, or have it jammed into a burlap sack?"



lube helps as well.......

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everytime i think about edward norton playing the hulk, i cant help but laugh. i know its gonna be better than the first hulk, but still THIS MUTHAFUCKER IS PLAYING THE HULK.

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coming home from school, happy because I just did well on a test. I'm in the third lane, people are merging into the fourth. Some fucker cuts in front of me, kinda close and it's wet, even with the brakes I think i'd have hit him. So, I just go to the left lane 'cause last I looked no one was there, sooooo wronnnnnng....there's a fucking semi :( I clipped his tire and spun all the way around into the barrier to the left (so i was facing the opposite direction). Bumper's detached, passenger window shattered and flew at me, taillight is gone, car won't start.

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  DÃœM said:
coming home from school, happy because I just did well on a test. I'm in the third lane, people are merging into the fourth. Some fucker cuts in front of me, kinda close and it's wet, even with the brakes I think i'd have hit him. So, I just go to the left lane 'cause last I looked no one was there, sooooo wronnnnnng....there's a fucking semi :( I clipped his tire and spun all the way around into the barrier to the left (so i was facing the opposite direction). Bumper's detached, passenger window shattered and flew at me, taillight is gone, car won't start.

shit mang. scary stuff. at least you're alright. cops came and all that business? never been in an accident myself, so i dunno what the procedure is... good to know you're alright though. sid would cry if anything happened to his dum.

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Destructo, I'm in the same boat as you. I leave for NY on the 20th, and all I have is a $500 credit card. I'm not too worried about paying off a debt either, but I'm gonna be pissed if I can't get something I really want. How can I get another credit card by Thursday?

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Just call your CC company and ask for a margin increase...

I can smell Still's perfume on the jacket I got from him, hot or not: you be the judge.

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  Brad Pitt said:
i commited some debaucherous acts with some girl last night at a bar bathroom...it was great.

then i had some really good chili cheese fries afterwards.

next time reverse this order...chilli cheese fries, then sex in the bathroom.


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  Fuuma said:
Just call your CC company and ask for a margin increase...

I can smell Still's perfume on the jacket I got from him, hot or not: you be the judge.

A dyptique perfume right?

i remember him mentioning he wore a perfume by them when i sparked a conversation about the brand in the fragrance thread

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  Egpt said:
A dyptique perfume right?

i remember him mentioning he wore a perfume by them when i sparked a conversation about the brand in the fragrance thread

I am now also beasting about what still wears. you guys are so infectuously homo!

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^average @ best

  Brad Pitt said:
hmm, it can be done. i gotz strawng azn stomach.

i just remembered when i put down the seat i still took my sweet time laying out the tissue on it lulz. luckily she didn't think i was crazy and just laughed. but...godammit, i couldn't finish because my body was so numb from all the alcohol.:(

more like azn penis couldnt maintain that firmness am I right?

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  Fuuma said:
Just call your CC company and ask for a margin increase...

I can smell Still's perfume on the jacket I got from him, hot or not: you be the judge.

  sleazie ninja number 47 said:
what is his scent? its intoxicating.
  Egpt said:
A dyptique perfume right?

i remember him mentioning he wore a perfume by them when i sparked a conversation about the brand in the fragrance thread

  Raskol said:
that happened to me too. i kinda want to ask him what perfume it was...
  diamonds said:
one of my fav things from buying stuff off of still is the odor
  Fookums said:
I'm jealous. Didn't smell any perfume off the portable amp + headphones I got from him =[
  masuerte said:
I am now also beasting about what still wears. you guys are so infectuously homo!
  chemi said:
does still even post here anymore? saw his last fits were posted on sz but not here :o

So what perfume do you wear?

pm if prefered...

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  Cotton Duck said:
So what perfume do you wear?

pm if prefered...

dyptique has a candle that kinda corresponds to each perfume they have, and i have bought the "baies" candle which is based on rose, and from what i remember the perfume that still mentioned having was the one that matched the candle i got, i just can't remember the name.

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