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how is a stray dog at the mercy of others' actions? its just a dog in the wild, like animals should be. whatever happened to survival instincts?

a stray dog isn't exactly "in the wild" and they are at mercy of retarded people who hurt and kill them for nothing instead of nature's own food chain "in the wild" whose brutality serves a purpose of feeding creatures

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a stray dog isn't exactly "in the wild" and they are at mercy of retarded people who hurt and kill them for nothing instead of nature's own food chain "in the wild" whose brutality serves a purpose of feeding creatures

youre exaggerating. nobody goes around the city beating up or hunting stray dogs.

I just got off of the phone with an Indian doctor. I was trying to help her with her home PC. Indian women have such sexy voices. This particular one was so cute and somewhat high pitched. I want to fuck one very badly. Very badly... Indeed!

word. i am down with the brown as well. some of them are thick as hell too.

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I just got off of the phone with an Indian doctor. I was trying to help her with her home PC. Indian women have such sexy voices. This particular one was so cute and somewhat high pitched. I want to fuck one very badly. Very badly... Indeed!

Indian women are excellent in bed. Very giving.

Kinda hit or miss on looks though.

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hot brazilian girl with the two origami books that you said you bought for children at the church you work at in your sexy accent on the train leaving penn station that i talked to until you left for newark.

i love you.

you work at a church w/ kids and your hot.

you're a unicorn.

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no she isnt.

she works at a church.

she exists.

hot nice girls that are over 22 that havent been corrupted into evil maniplutive cunts exist. she is proof.

she had TWO oragami books.


strippers do not practice oragami.

and she talked about her grandma. strippers dont have grandmas.

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i'm moving into a lab that looks like it was built in 1850. not so much a chemistry lab as the alchemical class at hogwarts. there is enough dust to build frosty the snowmans evil twin. after moving 4.5 metric tonnes of waste/garbage/glass/chemical spills i'm hot and sweaty and angry. i just want to go home, have a cold, cold, cold beer and a smooth sun-cone. unfortunately, the sun will most likely have set by the time i leave work, thus forcing me to light my cone with the traditional butane lighter.


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The Astro Boy game on the Game Boy Advance was one of my favorite things ever. I literally spent weeks playing, replaying that shit.

I spent an entire summer vacation on Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. 400+ hours deep in that game. It's the only RPG that I've ever completed, and certainly the only game where I've gone hundreds of hours beyond completion.

I tried getting into the real Final Fantasy Tactics but wasnt really feelin it for some reason. Probably better that way cause I dont have that kinda time these days.

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man, tactics advance was sick. i had all my dudes equipped with the boots that give you tons of extra walking range, had dual wielding dudes with blades that each did maximum damage, casters that could pretty much shut down half the opposing team before they even got a turn, and so much agility that i always got the first couple of turns and often got to take several turns at once with some characters. Add to that a constant reportoire of R# Antilaws and I had a pretty good setup. Never checked gamefaqs either.

oh, and like everyone, i had money out the ass in no time. that was really the only flaw, there was next to nothing to do with money.

nonetheless there were some stupidly hard enemies once you got close to 100% completion

man i was nerding it out back then

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It's my birthday in 3 days... I'm not really looking forward to it. I think it's because I'm broke and unemployed, I sort of feel like I dont deserve to celebrate.

I'm sick of sitting on the couch...

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I never talk to supergays on IM/Aim/MSN/etc, I also have no supergay face book friends.

Am I missing out on anything?

i will be your supergay friend

we can exchange funny animal pictures

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