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just had a breakdown, told my mom about my overage boyfriend and all the pills and drugs i've done. It was for the good. She knows I've been taking her xanax and now I'm going to get my own prescription tonight. She admitted to me that she used to be addicted to coke and all this shit. I feel a lot better now, time to get my shit back on track.

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just had a breakdown, told my mom about my overage boyfriend and all the pills and drugs i've done. It was for the good. She knows I've been taking her xanax and now I'm going to get my own prescription tonight. She admitted to me that she used to be addicted to coke and all this shit. I feel a lot better now, time to get my shit back on track.





I don't care that much

and I'm sure the internet doesn't either but

you're like

really lookin for someone to see you and be like "hey I sympathize with that chick"


you won't

find it here


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Birthdays are shit days to be broke :(

word. my birthday's in a week and my mom's is the day before and i can't afford what i really want to get her because of school and bills :(

also, jeep:

you're right. that is what therapy is for.


but it's true

and therapy rules

(for me at least)

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nah, I don't need or want sympathy, it's superconfessional I just needed to get that shit off my chest.

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i'm black, grew up in the hood, and have never smoked weed....go figure

Same, I also don't care for drinking. But i moved around back and forth never really lived a horribly bad part of the hood though.

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nah, I don't need or want sympathy, it's superconfessional I just needed to get that shit off my chest.




that's not some greater revelation about yourself if you're still getting that prescription.

Clean your act up, I was in the same place and I kicked it by going cold turkey, not that hard.

and dating someone older than yourself isn't a taboo, in the least.

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It is to my parents when he's three years older and it's illegal. I'm not getting it to abuse it, I'm getting it cause I'm fucked up in the brain and have maad anxiety.

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It is to my parents when he's three years older and it's illegal. I'm not getting it to abuse it, I'm getting it cause I'm fucked up in the brain and have maad anxiety.

It's called therapy. Go get tests to see if you actually have a chemical imbalance or you're just acting out like most adolescents.

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ive only dated someone younger than me once

but also

acceptance is the first step to getting over any disorder

and by the way,

smoking cigarettes + yoga works better than any amount of xanax EVER did


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I've had every test you can fucking imagine, I go to two shrinks and a drug counciler. If I was acting out I would have been long gone by now.

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sixteen and eighteen is straight. when you're 18 you're allowed to date up to two years younger, with him it's three.

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if your therapists arent helping you

its not working

ive been examined by many psychiatrists over the past seven years

and im still out of balance and heavily medicated

i just dont depend on my medication to feel better all the time

because if you look at it that way,

its not going to work as well and you will become addicted

P.S. iralex, it's COUNSELOR

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i had an ex girlfriend adopted from korea when she was first born, where as her brother was adopted at like 8 months or so. She was very well behaved, (IB, wake forest, etc) but her brother was badly behaved almost resentful of his parents. They thought this was because of the later adoption age and that he never really felt truly connected to his adopted parents (i believe they also knew a little bit about his birth mom, and not my ex gfs birth mom)

just broke 1000

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mr waffles,

word. my parents said i was well behaved as a child

and still, i rarely get into significant trouble


my brother who is now 24 was only 3 days old when he was shipped to ny

from texas and when he was a kid, he ran away several times looking for his "real mom" and still suffers from manic depression now

it's pretty sad when i think about but he does love our mom a lot

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