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there's this particular lecturer in school who's getting on everyone's nerves during this crazy period of time before our graduation in a month's time and i'm seriously thinking of doing something bad to him. like fucking poisoning his drink or something on the last day of school.

ps: i'm typing all this while sketching, modelling and rendering out my product for tmr's submission. fuck stress.

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THANK YOU! that's what I'm saying..

there are personal trainers & orientation classes but she's on a pretty tight schedule w/two jobs and school so we'll see if the timing works if not then I guess we'll have to just start with the treadmills..

Yoo hoo whit. Just a suggestion. Figure out what your and your gf's fitness goals are first, and get advice from some trainers. Like you don't need to lose weight, so you don't have to go hard on cardio (for example). Good luck!

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i already have a valentine's but decided to be another girl's as well because i fell bad for her. i mean how can you have a vagina and not have a valentine?

Another fucking valentines day alone. Why does the world hate me so much.
bring some flowers and just ask some random ugly chick on the street.
Contrary to popular belief, there are women who are not at the whim of mens' annual corny-ass-gift-to-get-laid valentine's bullshit.

I'm sure she'll appreciate your pity.

she said she wanted a valentine and was pretty bummed before having one.
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i mean how can you have a vagina and not have a valentine?

Contrary to popular belief, there are women who are not at the whim of mens' annual corny-ass-gift-to-get-laid valentine's bullshit.

I'm sure she'll appreciate your pity.

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Also, kind of funny how your life can be edited down to two suitcases and two carry-ons!

Edit: When I went to drag stuff to my car to take to FedEx, my parents' dog, Mr. Furley, ran outside and pissed and dumped all over their neighbor's yard while a bunch of neighborhood kids looked on.

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I only want to bang my gf when i'm furious at her, otherwise i'd rather just fight with her as usual

Find yourself a Korean girl, seriously. Preferably one who likes 'the black music' and you'd have ultimate relationship symbiosis going, guaranteed.

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On that note, I'd like to make a side commentary on the fad of 'English names' amongst Korean people. Up here, it's pretty much like Hong Kong now, everyone has selected themselves an 'English name' by elementary school nowadays, though the naming steez are odd.


-Originally, the purpose of the 'English name' was to make it easy for white people to deal with Koreans at school, in business, to circumvent all the embarassing situations that arise from having a difficult to pronounce name, etc, or to just be cool and give them some international flair, which is understandable, when there's 2 of each Kim Min Jung, Kim Jung Min, Kim Min Jun, etc, etc in a room. Yoo Suk Bum and Bum Suk Yoo begin to all swirl together. Sometimes it's easier if whitey says, 'hey, from now on, you're Mike, and you're John.'

- It has been awhile since then, and now everybody just picks a theme name, like it's Spanish class or something. Often times the English names are bestowed upon them by tutors/English teachers, etc. You can imagine what happens when a disgruntled drunk English teacher has to give English names to Korean kindergarten kids.

-'English name' is synonymous with 'white name' or lately, sometimes a name with a Latin flair. Black names are not acceptable. Therefore, I made it a point to name every Korean kid with a black name, whenever possible. There are quite a few Jamal Kim's walking around Seoul now.

-I have 'reserved' English names for people I actually like, who would ask me for a name. Naomi, for example...

-Korean people change their English name periodically sometimes, but will keep their previous email address. Oh, your name is Ashley Kim? But your email says 'Jenny'... this can be infuriating and/or sadly funny. When some Korean comes up to you to shake your hand and introduce themselves in accented, broken English, and they add 'oh, you kehn jussteuh kol me Tupac' and they expect you to take them 100% seriously.

-I generally think 99% of the English naming business is stupid as hell, but occasionally I meet the occasional girls who have chosen some unique, pretty name that conjures up visions of fresh Aryan or Nordic beauty in a meadow, collecting daisies, wearing cotton gingham with lots of white pearloid buttons, and so on. Today, I have to go see a Korean Ingrid, and I am more than mildly excited to see what she looks like.

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just saw a guy in lanvin his, dior 19cm and a moncler k2. like we went into hibernation 2 years ago and just left the house

So, they probably see your outfits and think you came back from the future.

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lulz. probably.

If that's the case, when I head out tonight people will think the Time Machine just dropped me off from 1992

re: dismal - English names can be a dealbreaker. Perfect everything + fucked up name = red light. Jesus how hard is it to just go with "Lisa" or "Christina"

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