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Is homi hittin' dat white toronto gurl ass? I hope so. DO IT, BOY!

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dismal dolly i've never made breakfast for a girl. only person i've made breakfast for was my mother

8 AM open my eyes

Yeah kick my bitch tell her open the blinds

And I'm, over the stove at 9

Yeah I'm cookin breakfast for the block then I let her cook mine (weezy immaculate conception)

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I am imagining you serving that right now, on fancy white plates that are square with the lemon all artistically drizzled around the salad, except you are in a shitty, tiny dorm room and the girl is sitting on the edge of your bed. TRU ROMANCE



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attempting to "study" on your bed is a really, really bad idea.

studying anywhere where you can get on superfuture is a bad idea.. reminds me, i should study for my french test :o it was supposed to be today, i hadn't touched the chapter at all once. thank god my professor postponed it.

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