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Evolution of Leather Goods: Before and After Pictures

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there it is. Poly, now can you see how awesome yours is? I might try cleaning it, I have to buy some of the obenaufs cleaner. I really don t see any point it is just going to get dirty again. It got really bad when I was carrying luggage around in hawaii over xmas.

That other redmoon posted was sweet, but I think that mine is already darker than that.

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Did you have it suntanned before use?

Also, too much oiling isn't good for your wallet. According to RM web site they say,

"you don't need to oil your wallet so often if you use it everyday. Your hands give your wallet a kind of natural moisture anyway"

So in my case, I've only oiled once my Silverman just after the first sun-tanning session. The sunlight would take moisture of the leather away so I needed to do it.

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This definitely does not fit in with the norm of this thread (mostly wallets), but I just picked up this leather bracelet at a street fair, and I think it's raw, untreated leather. I'm hoping someone could confirm if this is true from the pics

And if it is, will just wearing it on my wrist constantly cause it to wear nicely? Do I need to oil it or anything?

top is treated brown, bottom is the one I believe is untreated:



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Doesn't look unstained.. but just wear it itll soften up over time and change color... too bad it wasnt tan though, cause it would become a beautiful golden brown over time from being exposed to light and UV rays etc.. hopefully its real leahter

after wearing it for a day, I dont think it's real leather... or at least really nice leather. When trying to tie it, one end of the tie broke, haha. Still like it for $1.50 though!

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To those who use wallet braids:

Do you have a problem with the braid stretching, unraveling or breaking at the point where the metal clasp is attached to the braid? I don't have a camera available to show you mine, but the pic below shows the part I'm talking about; you can see that the clasp is woven into the braid and on my braid the piece of leather being passed through the loop on the clasp is getting stretched to the point that I'm worried about it breaking. Experience? Thoughts? Suggestions?


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Hows the quality of the SDA wallets from BIG?

sorry if this was asked before...

They're great I have one... built like a tank.

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Hows the quality of the SDA wallets from BIG?

sorry if this was asked before...

Were you thinking of ordering one from the webstore? I think, last time I checked, they were out. But, a long time ago, I was actually at BiG and I thought the navy one was pretty nice. Softer than my saddle leather one, and the leather itself wasn't as thick, if I remember correctly, I guess you'd say it was pre-broken-in. Tangerine used to have the clasp button as his avatar. You could see the stitching. They sold fast, from what I remember miz saying. But, yeah, I think they're out. Inform us if I'm mistaked

Not a Seinfeld fan I guess.

Did his jacket shrink? I don't remember.

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They're great I have one... built like a tank.

Dude, show us all your wallets here. I wanna see how the Peacemaker's doing as well as this.

Is my assesment of the SDA correct?

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Alright, so I think I've fallen in love with that untanned long Red Moon wallet. From what I gather, this thing sells for a shade under $300, correct? Is my only option going to be going through 2000db, or can I buy this stateside?


I thought that RM wallets were tanned and minimally dyed, but free from conditioners or oils.

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Alright, so I think I've fallen in love with that untanned long Red Moon wallet. From what I gather, this thing sells for a shade under $300, correct? Is my only option going to be going through 2000db, or can I buy this stateside?


There are actually rakuten shops willing to ship outside Japan. But I think you'd have to open an account. The long wallets are more expensive than the short wallets (which are the ones that fall just under $300). Naoto's comes closer to $500 because it's got silver parts, for example. I don't think there's a place to get 'em in the US. Every now and then one of the sf folks will sell theirs in supermarket. Ott just sold his short wallet there.

I thought that RM wallets were tanned and minimally dyed, but free from conditioners or oils.

This is something from the raw leather thread:

The biggest misconception about leather is what "tanned" really means. like the dude said, if it isn't tanned it isn't leather. With belts, what people most commonly refer to as "untanned" is really just "unstained". All leather used for belts, bags, etc. is tanned.

I've recieved a lot of questions about the natural, raw-looking belts we make....these are in fact tanned, but we don't apply any dyes to them so that they retain that natural look. We do, however, apply a wax to both sides and all edges of the belt, enabling it to age with time and wear, but not pick up a lot of indigo and grease and grime. The result over time is a natural colored belt that will darken and turn a more "golden" color in areas of heavy distressing.

Now, there are two sides to the belt - the unfinished inside and the finished outside. After the wax is applied, we polish the edges and inside to smooth the rough texture a bit, and give the belt a better 'hand' to it. The great thing about the wax is that you can still use leather dye and treat the belt if you wish - there's countless colors to choose from if a natural look is not what you're after. I personally prefer the natural color because the variation over time is more pronounced.

hope this helps to clarify some....

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Dude, show us all your wallets here. I wanna see how the Peacemaker's doing as well as this.

Is my assesment of the SDA correct?

when I get a chance I will be sure to snap some pics... I've been rocking my SDA alot more then my peacemaker.

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I just purchased this belt:


And this wallet: (lt. brown stain. I asked if they could make it without the stain...crossing my fingers.)


The best part about this is that I had put away ~$300 for a really nice wallet and now I opened up some money in my expendable budget. This means I'm buying more crap. Woohoo!

Where's that consumer whore comic when I need it?

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i got the tanner belt....will post pics in a bit, quality is fucking awesome for this belt and to all those worried about the buckle, its solid

From leathergoodsconnection? They kind of harp on the quality of the buckle on the site. I've been looking for a natural belt of that quality for a while. I'm stoked.

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ive got that wallet. ive had it for a few months..its really big. about 4 inches wide..well mine is. if i could do it over id tell them to make it a little slimmer. i dropped it in boiling water and it shrank hahah.. really i did...ill post pics when i can

I'm patiently awaiting. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Poly- screw you. You got me all excited to see some evo on the belt. ><

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